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  1. P

    Ab segment on Upper Body Pyramid - are you kidding me??

    RE: Ab segment on Upper Body Pyramid - are you kidding ... Now why didn't I think of that??!!! Great suggestion. Thanks Debbie!! Beth L.
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    Ab segment on Upper Body Pyramid - are you kidding me??

    Hello all! I just completed the UB Pyramid which I hadn't done in a while and thought I was in the clear after that last bicep curl, but no, I forgot about that ab segment. I'm fine for the first couple of minutes, but somebody please tell me that that segment was not filmed immediately after...
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    Cathe, what are the gloves you're wearing in KPC?

    Thanks ladies!! Beth
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    Cathe, what are the gloves you're wearing in KPC?

    Hi Cathe! I don't see any mention of the black gloves in the "equipment needed" section of the DVD. Are these slightly weighted or something to add more resistance to the upper body, or are they simply longer versions of regular weight lifting gloves...? Beth L.
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    Cathe, how is Brenda doing?

    Brenda, you're so amazing that even with you in a cast I'd have trouble keeping up! Anyone who does an Ironman has my utmost respect and admiration. Get well soon. A Cathe DVD without you just wouldn't be the same. Beth
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    lack of flexibility in lower back

    Hi Cathe, I have trouble keeping my form with double arm rows, which I'm quite certain is due to a ridiculous lack of flexibility in my lower back rather than lack of back strength. I just can't hinge from the hip. I have Stretch Max. Are there any stretches in particular I should emphasize...
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    I've heard of plateaus but geez...

    I weigh 123, so I'm thinking I can't blame my weight. I'm just going to try the heavier weight and do what I can, and have the next level down ready just in case. Even if I do just one rep at a higher weight one day, it's a start. The next day I'll push to do two reps at the higher weight... and...
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    I've heard of plateaus but geez...

    Rachel, is Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle the exact name of the book? I'm not finding it on Amazon... Beth L.
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    I've heard of plateaus but geez...

    Thanks again ladies. I have not heard of this book but will look into it immediately. You're right, we're always trying to lose fat but I do need to remember I am more active than other women my age and perhaps I'm not consuming enough of the right calories. I also appreciate the advice to try a...
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    would love to see Imax 4 and Lowmax II

    I, too, would love to see a Lowmax II. I can't imagine anything being harder than IMAX 3, but would like to see another along the lines of IMAX 2. For me, Lowmax (and Cardio and Weights) is a great workout inbetween my heavy lifting days. I think I'm in the minority on this next comment, but I...
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    IMAX 3 and me...

    Yikes! Did anyone else require oxygen after first doing this workout! Holy cow Cathe kicked my butt from beginning to end! I refused to give up though. I modified the heck out of it, and figured each time will get better. Cathe, NOBODY makes me work - and gets me the results I want - like you...
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    Buying 4 Day split / should I buy B&G ?

    You will not be sorry! It's a terrific DVD.... run when you hear the words "fire walkers" Beth L.
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    Anyone have Hardcore Extreme?

    I'm going to go against the flow here and say this is one of my least favorites (which, considering I'm a total Cathe fan means it ranks a 95 instead of the usual 100). I pretty much use just the middle workout. The transitions when weights are involved is not smooth to me at all, and sometimes...
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    I've heard of plateaus but geez...

    Thanks ladies for the support and encouragement. You all have the right attitude. I need to focus on accomplishments and my good health - and recognize that my cheater pushups and 10-pound military presses played a part in that, too!
  15. P

    I've heard of plateaus but geez...

    I have been doing Cathe's workouts for nearly two years and yet I am only lifting maybe three pounds more on military presses (I'm talking maybe 12 pounds with grunts) than when I first started, and forget regular pushups. Everything other muscle group/exercise is progressing nicely, and cardio...