IMAX 3 and me...


Yikes! Did anyone else require oxygen after first doing this workout! Holy cow Cathe kicked my butt from beginning to end! I refused to give up though. I modified the heck out of it, and figured each time will get better. Cathe, NOBODY makes me work - and gets me the results I want - like you. THANKS!!!!
Yikes, no kidding. I did it for the second time today, and actually had to lay down for a while. I did all the jumps in #4, so I call today a success. This is the workout I will be judging my progress.

After doing Imax 3, I just had to talk about it and searched the forums for others.

I did it! What a great feeling! And what a great workout. It moved so fast that it was over before I knew it. Of course this was maybe my fourth or fifth time attempting it, and I made it the whole way without passing out. Woo-hoo!

If you're up for a very fun challenge, you've got to try Imax 3.

I will say though that I did not get it at first and found that doing the premix of the step combos really helped. Once I learned those without the blasts, I had less to think about when trying not to fall over during the blasts. I also noticed Cathe's step height was just 6 inches and mine was 8. When I moved to 6 inches, I found the workout just as intense and much easier on my knees.

I loved the music and the cool down (missed the longer breaks between intervals though), and I loved this workout! Thanks, Cathe!
I really love this workout, but I need to devote more time to learning just the step combos before attempting the whole thing again. It's a good one!
Being a real choreo klutz, I've never tried the mid-range step segments, only the Blast Only premix. Blast #5, with those many million plie jacks interspersed with modified plyo squats, almost laid me out the first time I did it, and it's still hard these 2 years later. However, I always feel an unbeatable sense of accomplishment when I do it, and that one interval is worth the price of the whole DVD.

I love this workout - I've only done it 3 times (I just did it on Tuesday)and I modify it a good deal because I refuse to give in to it -- I figure I will feel really really proud of myself when I actually complete it as is. I hope that day comes -- I'm still trying to conquer Imax 2 too, so I feel way behind. . . . I just love the way Cathe challenges me though. She is the greatest!


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