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  1. M

    Cathe--which is better for building glutes?

    I can't seem to build any size on my rear end no matter what I do.....right now my leg workout consists of heavy squats & lunges on the smith machine, heavy leg presses, extensions & curls. Last night someone was hogging the leg press so I tried the glute builder (aka the butt blaster)--you...
  2. M

    To Cathe Re: Plyomax

    OMG I love the idea of a Plyomax! Cathe is the only one who could do it too--I don't know of any other instructor who could take us to the next level........;-)
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    How to get my son to stop cussing

    I hear Dial soap works pretty well.........although there's a rumor it may cause blindness.....or is that Lifebouy? :P
  4. M

    Body Max

    Haydee, does that come after dinner? :D
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    Abdominal Fat - Can you really get rid of it?

    Holy moly, you have made some major progress! Here I thought you'd been working out without progress at all, & you're actually more than halfway to your goal--way to go! ETA: I'm not sure I agree with that "your body gets used to doing the same thing." I've heard that before too but I just...
  6. M

    Body Max

    Haydee! How are you chicky? Definitely get cardio hits--I just got it b/c I broke my VHS versions of Power Max & Step Fit. It has 3 of my favorite step workouts on it, I really love it.
  7. M

    Abdominal Fat - Can you really get rid of it?

    Are you doing cardio just 3 times a week? To lose weight you should be doing some kind of aerobic/anaerobic exercise 4-5 times a week. That's what I do just to maintain my current weight.
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    The "not smoking free" healthclub

    RE: The That really is bizarre. NJ also bans smoking in public buildings. I guess I never realized other states hadn't done the same. Can't believe people would smoke at a gym.
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    Proper Workout Attire for Gym

    What's so ugly about them is they leave absolutely nothing to the imagination. I do not need to know what a strange man has going on between his legs.
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    Proper Workout Attire for Gym

    Uhm, you're supposed to wear regular gym clothes to spin class. It's not like you're riding the Tour de France.
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    ab lounge

    I don't know Jes, I have a really hard time with something that uses the words "ab" and "lounge" in the same sentence............;-)
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    My Office is going NUTS!

    LOL Christine, go check the Ask Cathe board & see how she spends her Halloween. I think she's just about the luckiest woman in the world. You're pretty lucky too--nothing going on around here except a couple of boring meetings & a loud mouthed jerk sitting outside my office door. x(
  13. M

    Cathe, have you ever seen this exercise?

    LOL! Delphine, I'd love to take a pic of myself but my arms aren't long enough........I'll see if I can find an example but I've been going to a gym for almost 17 years & this was the first time I'd seen it........... Lynn, here's the thread where Cathe gave me some rear delt options...
  14. M

    Random Poll: fave candle scent

    Jeez Angie that kind of sucks.......I least you don't have to resist the aroma of french fries when you drive by Wendy's, but on the other hand, I'm guessing you can't wear perfume b/c you don't know what smells good & what doesn't. A double edged sword LOL.
  15. M

    Anyone tried this ab exercise I saw in Oxygen?

    Yeah, this one has been around for a while. You have to be careful with it--if you're prone to being large waisted like me you'll want to decrease the weight & up the reps. I stopped doing them entirely b/c my waist was getting way too big & I couldn't find pants that fit right.
  16. M

    Cathe, have you ever seen this exercise?

    Well, let me tell you I tried this yesterday & 8 lbs is WAY too much LOL. My gym doesn't have ankle weights so I just used a 5 lb dumbell. DEFINITELY felt it in the hip flexors the most, also lower abs, some in the obliques. I think I might not have been twisting enough & will definitely...
  17. M

    Random Poll: fave candle scent

    There's a woman locally who makes them, they're really powerful, my favorite of hers is without a doubt baby powder. It makes the whole house smell fresh & clean! Well, maybe fresh, clean & doggy. I like holiday candles too--right now I have Yankee Candle pumpkin spice in my LR, & through...
  18. M

    Proper Workout Attire for Gym

    Oh yeah, Shelbygirl, you're right. The one thing I do notice is when people wear either not enough clothes or clothes that fit too tightly. Like a voluptuous woman (I'm so tactful, aren't I? }( ) wearing just a bra top & bike shorts. Yuck. Or a man wearing those stupid cyclist shorts in a...
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    Proper Workout Attire for Gym

    Nah, nobody cares. Most people at the gym are concentrating on themselves & don't much care what other people are wearing or doing.
  20. M

    Weights Can Only Change Shape

    I think it depends on exactly what you mean by "changing shape." If this magazine is trying to say cardio won't help you lose weight, well then that's just complete BS. But if it's trying to say it won't change your body shape--i.e if you consider yourself a pear, or an hourglass, or...