Search results

  1. C

    can you do something else for this exercise?

    Try running in place as fast as you can. When Cathe reaches the end where she reaches to grab a weight, do the same (having a weight is optional). You still won't get the full effect as part of the exercise is the control to stop forward movement and then quickly change direction. April
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    TO FINISH IS TO WIN. Nuff said. Congrats! April
  3. C

    If one is worried about CC information being compromised, look into any temporary credit card number programs your credit card company might offer. Like single use cards. Or get a prepaid Visa card to use only for online. I use ShopSafe from Bank of America (they got it when they bought...
  4. C

    OT - music on internet??

    I've been playing around with lately. April
  5. C

    Cathe Workout music on CDs.........

    Is the mp3 just one long mp3 or is it broken up into individual tracks? Thanks, April
  6. C

    Workout Blender

    YES! I bought an iPod for this. :) April
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    Got my resting metabolic rate tested...

    I had mine checked at my local YMCA. April
  8. C

    Got my resting metabolic rate tested...

    Congratulations. That's a very high BMR. I had my calorie expenditure checked this summer and found that my BMR was about what I expected it to be, but that my calories burned while exercising was higher than I thought. Also I was burning more fat at higher heart rate levels than most of the...
  9. C

    I think my cat just had a seizure

    My cat has seizures. About once a week now. She's been on anti-seizure meds for most of her life. She had a horrible bout of seizures when she was about 18 months old and almost died. She went on the meds then and she's 6 now. I give her a pill twice a day. She goes everywhere on vacation with...
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    Basenji Dogs

    We found our current dog, Serena, on PetFinder. She's a good dog. Now that I'm learning more about dog behavior, she's an even better dog. And I'm wanting to inflict my new-found skills on another dog. ;) I have had the thought of a Basenji for a long time. I know they're high energy and...
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    Basenji Dogs

    Does anybody here have a Basenji dog? I think I want one. DH doesn't want another dog (we only have the one right now), but I keep thinking I want a Basenji dog in addition to our heeler mix. Just curious if anybody has one and what they think of him/her. April
  12. C

    What are your best fitness purchases of 2008?

    Gear: iPod Nano (3G) Workout: Cardio Coach!!! Apparel: nothing Must say I'm disappointed I am going to return my Cathe vest. Just doesn't fit me. :( April
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    What Animal Would You Want?

    DH wants a giraffe. I mean, nobody else has a giraffe. April
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    Do any of you ever regret NOT having kids?

    I feel like I'm a fairly balanced, good person. There are lots of reasons I don't want kids. Some of them are selfish and some of them aren't. I can tell you I'm a much better aunt without my own kids. I can dote on the nieces and nephews and many of them feel like they're my favorite (only DH...
  15. C

    life expectancy of a sneaker

    For my running shoes, I replace them after 300 miles. For my (horseback) riding shoes, I replace those after 500 miles in the saddle. Aerobics I extrapolate time in the shoe instead of mileage. I replace my aerobics shoes after 150 hours in the shoe. I use my aerobics shoes for weight lifting...
  16. C

    Do any of you ever regret NOT having kids?

    DH and I don't have kids. And we're not planning to have any. My mom used to bug me about having kids, until my brother had one and decided not to take care of it. Now my mom is raising that kid. No more pressure on me to have kids. ;) I have had the experience of kids. I took care of 3...
  17. C

    What are you listening to?

    Dave Ramsey's show live streaming online. Various co-workers discussing various issues. April
  18. C

    Online Grocery Coupons?

    I've used I only use coupons on things I buy anyway or want to try. One caveat on internet coupons, there's so much fraud (trying to run them off in the copier, etc) that some stores won't take them. April
  19. C

    E-Mealz Does anybody use this service? Thoughts? From the site: Thanks, April
  20. C

    Good-bye Larabars!

    I love Larabars. Particularly Lemon and Cherry, but I have many I like. I have it on my list to check out these moji bars, too. There's always room for yummy good-for-me food. :cool: April