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  1. C


    Dear Cathites, I have a question, I have read in the forums and other fitness sites that oatmeal is the food choice for body builders and those that are trying to lose weight. Unfortunately, I CAN'T STAND OATMEAL (note the capital letters). What other choices for breakfast, in turns of hot...
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    thanks Kathryn, I will do that. Yvonne
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    Dear Cathe, I was pleased to read in your update that your leg injury is improving. That is indeed great news! I have a question, I have read in the forums and other fitness sites that oatmeal is the food choice for body builders and those that are trying to lose weight. Unfortunately, I...
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    Thanks to Sharon, we have all rotations from 2003 to present, but I was wondering if there are any rotations as far back as 2002? and if so, where are they located? thanks
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    BodyBlast Rotation or July 03 Fat Loss & Definition?

    Wow!!! Congratulations on the baby and the weight loss!!! Could you provide a sample of what you eat on a daily basis? Thanks Yvonne
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    Update 5/9/06

    Dear Cathe, That is extremely good news!!! Love, Yvonne
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    Clean eating

    Cathe, I have a follow up question, are fat-free or low fat diary foods considered clean eating? What about high fiber cereals, granola bars, and protein bars? There's a big discussion re fruits, are there some fruits considered not clean, and finally, what exactly is the glycemic index and...
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    High Intensity Workouts

    It's me again, I forgot to ask, how many times per week should you do these type of workouts? thnks, Coakie
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    High Intensity Workouts

    Dear Cathe and Educated Crowd, Are the IMAX workouts considered HIIT(high intensity interval training)? If so, what are the benefits of such training? Thnks Coakie
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    The Comeback Kid Update 4/21/06

    Dear Cathe, This is indeed GREAT NEWS!!!! I am glad you and your doctors were able to pinpoint your injury and fix the problem. Love, Yvonne
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    Frustration with Choreography

    Thanks X, I'm on my way to find a similar heart rate monitor. This way I'll have a better idea of how much harder I need to work!! Coakieanos
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    Frustration with Choreography

    Dear X, I saw you reply to SweetK, how do you know that you are burning close to 700 calories with Lowmax? Do you use a heartrate monitor or something? I have often wondered how many calories I am burning while doing the Imax's. Any input, suggestions, or device would be greatly...
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    April 06 Lower Body Bonanza

    Thanks Cathe for answering my post re your legs. This rotation looks awesome!!! Hope your doctor's visit went well. Yvonne
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    fit tv on cable

    I feel your pain. I live in Central Jersey and my cable system, Comcast of Planfield, only offers Fittv on "on demand" which sucks because they rarely show any of Cathe's tapes. I have called our Cable system many times to no avail. Yvonne
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    Your legs in the Intensity Series

    Thanks Lovetorun, I will check out Sept 05 rotation. Yvonne
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    Arm definition

    How much cardio do you do? and do you do the same type of cario? or a variety?
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    Clean Eating

    Thanks Sunnyside, I have printed the twelve 12 rotation. Between the Core Plan from Weight watchers and the 12 twelve rotation, I am better prepared. I love Cathe's forums. Thank you both for taking the time to respond. LOL and blessings. Yvonne
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    Clean Eating

    Thank you Thoughrun for responding.
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    Clean Eating

    Is there a website the explains what clean eating is? I have heard so many different things. Fruits, no fruits, starchy carbs, green carbs, no diary, no cereal, no breads. I am lost and confused. I was doing Weight Watchers, but realized, they follow a lower calorie plan but not...
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    Your legs in the Intensity Series

    Thank you,Cathe, for taking the time to answer my question. If, possible, could you create a leaner leg rotation using running, cross training and circuit workouts for April 2006, pretty please... or give me an idea how to incorporate all three, again, pretty please... Take Care, and take...