Clean eating


What exactly is "clean eating?" Are there particular foods that should not be eaten? Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
I read on another post that it is similar to the Core plan from Weight Watchers--or Phase 2 of South Beach--no "whites"--white sugar, white flour, white pasta. Good carbs only and no processed foods. I am trying hard, but can't give up my white potatoes!!:9
Clean eating is trying to eat foods in their natural state and un-processed such as fresh fruits, veggies whole grains and wheat flour (not "enriched" wheat flour). Try to stay away from the processed foods and simple carbohydrates, such as sugars, white flour and white rice. I hope this helps.

This will be hard for me too. I really like the "white foods!" I love sweets and have a hard time avoiding them, even though I notice a big difference for the better in my mood and general feeling of well-being when I don't eat them.

DO you think that potatoes really are included? They have lots of nutritional value, especially the skins, are not processed, and are low-fat when you skip the butter, etc. I think that you could eat a small serving:9 !
Just so you know, if you are doing Core (which I am) you don't need to stay away from white potatoes. You just limit them to one serving per day. You can have the other white stuff every once in a while, but you have to "count" them in your weekly points allotment or activity points. . .

For those of you who think you cannot do without white potatos, try a little FF cooking spray on some wedged yams or sweet potatos. Sprinkle with a little garlic and garlic salt and then roast in a pan on 450 for about a half hour, turning ocassionally.

Mmmmmm, sweet fries !
I prefer yams or sweet potatoes to white potatoes. You have so many options for preparing them, give them a try!
Did you ever read Thr Pleasure Trap by Doug Lisle? It is a wonderful book about the physiological reasons you are addicted to sweets and oils. It is a fabulous book. You should read it. I have it if you want to I can send it to you. Im a vegan but did always have a sweet tooth. If you eliminate something from the diet, the cravings go away. Remember when people switch from whole to skim milk? At first when you switch, the skim tastes watery. But after you adjust to it, whole milk tastes too think oily and creamy. This is the same concept. I hope this helps you. Let me know if you want me to send the book. :)
Hi Elizd! I think you already have your answers but I'll just add this:

As far as clean eating, this is simply eating foods in their most natural state. For example, an apple is a food in its natural state but after some processing it can be made into applesauce (sugar has been added and other processing has occured which now has caused the apple to lose some of its nutritional value), or it can be broken down even further and provide even less nutritional value in the form of apple pie. So basically eating foods in their original or closest to original state will be a much healthier choice.
Cathe, I have a follow up question, are fat-free or low fat diary foods considered clean eating? What about high fiber cereals, granola bars, and protein bars? There's a big discussion re fruits, are there some fruits considered not clean, and finally, what exactly is the glycemic index and how does it relate to weight loss, clean eating, muscle building and toning?.

Thanks for all your help.


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