Search results

  1. Lean Lori

    I SO want a dog!

    I'll be the voice of dissent here. If your DH doesn't want a dog you shouldn't get one. Living with an animal in your house is something everyone living there should agree about. I am not an animal person either, and if my husband to me to "get used to it" I'd tell him to take a hike! Lori
  2. Lean Lori

    Biggest Loser

    Is this show two hours every week? I think I could DVR it and watch it in 30 minutes. Last night was the first time I ever watched a whole show and it was way too long for me. Lori
  3. Lean Lori

    Are the colored puzzle mats same as the black?

    The mats I have are colored on one side and black on the other I got them at Sam's Club). The colored side has a "greasy" residue on it and I felt myself (and my step) sliding around on it, and my shoes were slick on the bottom after working out on it. I flipped them over to the black side and...
  4. Lean Lori

    Angelina Jolie

    Yesterday Britney was "too fat", today Angelina is "too thin"... Lori
  5. Lean Lori

    Elliptical under $1000

    You might try this site for reviews in all price ranges:;jsessionid=0a0004471f43ff7f3c9336224e0f935384bb039c472d.e3iKaNePch4Re34Pa38Ta38Oahv0 I've tried the Sole E 25 at Dick's and I was impressed. I think it was...
  6. Lean Lori

    For those of you who don't yet look buff...

    Thanks for the article Kathryn! I loved this quote: "dieting down to 10-12% bodyfat is much, much less exciting than you would think. You do not feel sexy and attractive. You feel hungry. All you can think about is how crappy you feel, how hard it is to concentrate on anything, and how you...
  7. Lean Lori

    Intrlocking mats ??

    I got my mats at Sam's Club. They are bright colors on one side and black on the other. At first I had them color side up and I slid all over the place! They were almost slimy! I turned them over (now they are black side up) and they are just fine, no more sliding. Lori ETA: I have...
  8. Lean Lori

    News I want to share!

    Congrats, Nana! Lori
  9. Lean Lori

    Where did you get your Body Bar?

    I've seen them at Scheel's and Dick's Sporting Goods, do you have either of those stores? Lori
  10. Lean Lori

    Potato chips for breakfast?

    Yuck! I love chips, but never for breakfast. We are total cereal lovers at my house. I think dry cheerios would be a better and less messy option. I like to give other moms the benefit of the doubt that this was a fluke! Lori
  11. Lean Lori

    Fried Cookie Dough at the State Fair!!!

    Pumpkin funnelcake? That sounds sooooooo yummy! That way it counts as a vegetable too, right? Lori
  12. Lean Lori

    Please Vote For Me

    Done. Good luck! Lori
  13. Lean Lori

    Is there a certain word you can't pronounce?

    Our president and the word nuclear just popped into my mind. Lori
  14. Lean Lori

    Fried Cookie Dough at the State Fair!!!

    The fried cookie dough doesn't sound too good to me, but show me a funnelcake and I am there!!!! Lori
  15. Lean Lori

    "Morning After Pill"

    RE: I am not name calling. I think having different "rules" for men v. women is sexist. That is my opinion, sorry if you feel I'm not being civil just because I disagree with you. Lori
  16. Lean Lori

    "Morning After Pill"

    RE: >>I don't view this pill and viagra as being the same at all.<< So women's sexual/reproductive choices should be at the mercy of a pharmacist's religious beliefs, but a man's should not? I think that is extremely sexist. My belief is that if they won't fill the prescriptions from a...
  17. Lean Lori

    First Day of School...Let's share pics

    My DD(4) is in pre-K this year and I didn't even remember to take a picture on the first day, nor did I take one the first day of preschool last year. <-----------Bad mom. Lori
  18. Lean Lori

    hand lotion?

    I use Curel, but I would LOVE to find a good hand lotion with SPF! Lori
  19. Lean Lori

    Anyone Planning to Preorder the Amy Bento's?

    I've never ordered anything from her before, but I am going to order the Slo-Mo strength workout. It's only $14.95 and free shipping for forum members (I joined the forum just for that!). As for her cardio, most of Cathe's is too complex for me so I think Amy's would be as well. Lori
  20. Lean Lori

    Curious???How much weight do all of you use?

    This is what I used for my heaviest when I did PUB the other day: Chest: 20 lbs Back: 30 lbs Shoulders: 10 lbs (I have a "sensitive" shoulder so I am very careful about increasing weight on shoulder work) Triceps: 25 lbs (overhead press) 12 lbs (kickbacks) Biceps: 20 lbs...