Search results

  1. cataddict

    ICE 2...Who's In?

    I'm in! I always did ICE with the blizzard blasts and this option was great to turn the workout from intermediate to advanced. I actually need more cardio, as I have a ton of weight work choices. I build muscle very easily so I don't need as much work, and I am susceptible to shoulder...
  2. cataddict

    Forums Closing at 9pm EST - Tonight

    Wow! Looks different but I think I like it!:) I guess maybe we're all "new" members, at least temporarily?
  3. cataddict

    Anyone Still Here From Early 2000's?

    I joined pre-1999, rarely post but still occasionally lurk.
  4. cataddict

    Change of Address??

    Cathe mentioned in one of her posts that you can't change the preorder address online---that only will work for future orders so make sure you call so they don't get lost!
  5. cataddict

    XTrain Shipping Update - 12-28-12

    Received mine today in eastern Virginia.
  6. cataddict

    What do you use to deodorize your cat's litter box?

    Arm & Hammer makes a baking soda based cat litter deodorizer that I think adds a bit more "oomph" to baking soda alone but not by adding a heavy perfumey scent. We have 4 cats and 3 litter boxes and unless someone has JUST used it (much like humans :eek:) we've been told there's no animal odor...
  7. cataddict

    Need New High Impact Aerobic Shoes!

    I like the Ryka Transpires rather than the Transitions. I have both, and the Transpires have much much more cushioning than the Transitions. I think there has been some confusion between these two shoes---the Transpires are the ones that Cathe wears in one of her latest (I can't recall offhand...
  8. cataddict

    It has been years

    Welcome back, Bobbi! I don't post a lot anymore (I was mostly a lurker to begin with!) but I do remember you from the "old days." I'm sorry to hear what you've been going through, but glad that you are back.
  9. cataddict

    Are all the workouts in Xtrain going to be new or are you reusing material for some?

    Oh my, what a statement! There are plenty of members here who also are members there (some of whom are participating in this thread) and they aren't "venomous" about Cathe or any other instructors for that matter. Don't see the need for your negativity, since it doesn't add to the discussion and...
  10. cataddict

    Lost- the loss of one you love

    Kitterfly, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I can't imagine how devastated you must be! I'm so sorry for your loss.
  11. cataddict

    Wen update and vanilla mint review

    Agree about the crazy Amazon price for WVM! I bought it because I have a $20 gift card and it made the price more "reasonable." It came yesterday, and I used it last night and ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! I like it better than the Ginger Pumpkin (which I also like) and for whatever reason the scent...
  12. cataddict

    No Thanksgiving here1

    DH and I are vegetarians, so no traditional US Thanksgiving with turkey etc. for us! DH is of making a non-meat moussaka in honor of his Greek heritage. Thanksgiving for me has never been about the food, it is about family, no matter how large or small or whether related by blood or not, and...
  13. cataddict

    Wen update and vanilla mint review

    Thanks for posting the link. It seems that like everything else, some like it and some don't!
  14. cataddict

    Your age/your workout pace??

    ITA with this. I'm 55 and haven't needed to make any changes in my workouts, but the outside pressures of long distance care for ailing parents (now just my mother since I lost my dad last year), working full time, etc etc really saps my energy. I always feel better after I've worked out and...
  15. cataddict

    Wen hair care

    I ordered through QVC and they have different kinds too.
  16. cataddict

    Wen hair care

    That's amazing, Denise! My DH fortunately doesn't have that problem yet, but my ex DH definitely does and since we are on friendly terms I will pass this along to him.
  17. cataddict

    Wen hair care

    I'm late to this party but after thinking about it since this thread first started I finally decided to order the pumpkin from QVC! I can't wait to try it, my hair really needs HELP! :D
  18. cataddict

    Help! Fashion advice!

    I agree with Joan that if you dress it up with bright accessories you'll be fine. It would be worse to wear white.
  19. cataddict

    Holy Bananas! Did you know this?

    All radiation isn't "toxic." I would think that most everything emits some slight radiation, I would love to see a good scientific study that expands on this topic and tests a variety of foods, particularly those we consider to be healthy and nutritious.
  20. cataddict

    Earthquake across the east coast

    Hi Cathe! I work on the 11th floor of an office building in downtown Norfolk VA. The building shook, my desk drawers and credenza doors opened, I grabbed my purse, phone and ran down the stairs to get outside. We had no idea what it was for awhile but everywhere we looked people were pouring...