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  1. aproudfit

    College Football is back!!!

    I can't wait either!! Go Oregon Ducks!!!!!!!!! :) I'll be missing the first day of college football... I'll be on a bus to Seattle to watch my two boys play in Qwest Seahawk Stadium for their first High School game! Worth the trade off.... :)
  2. aproudfit

    PreOrder Done!

    I wish I could use the 20% on something... but I already have everything... lol... I just got DVD's only...
  3. aproudfit

    PreOrder Done!

    I was going to wait this time... but just couldn't... Ordered right at 9am PST... LOL
  4. aproudfit

    STS Who´s the cutest guy? Robert, Stuart or Greg?

    Stuart is my favorite.... But Greg friended me on Facebook - so that gave him and edge... :)
  5. aproudfit

    Happy Birthday Cathe!!!!

    Happy Birthday Cathe! I hope you have a wonderful day! Thanks for all you do!!!
  6. aproudfit

    Turbo Fire...what weight training

    I'm also going to do a TF / STS rotation. My base rotation will be: STS Upper Body / TF HiiT TF Cardio (45-60) min STS Upper Body / TF HiiT TF Cardio (45-60min) STS Legs TF Cardio & TF HiiT (a longer HiiT like the 25-30 min) I am thinking about doing an undulating rotation with Meso...
  7. aproudfit

    New Friend Request!!!

    Ummmm... I might have hit accept within the first 5 min of getting the request... LOL... I posted on his wall and he wrote back already too... hehe... It's the small things sometimes... :)
  8. aproudfit

    New Friend Request!!!

    Sure!! The more Cathe' peeps the better... Anne Martin Proudfit he seems to post a lot of inspiration messages ~ very cool! :)
  9. aproudfit

    New Friend Request!!!

    Greg from STS just friend requested me on FB!!!!! Gee..... should I??? LOL.... he's nummers!!!! :) Just had to share with people that A.) know who I'm talking about and B.) would even care.... LOL...
  10. aproudfit

    WTH Danielle Staub!?!

    I read this thread - then just happened to pop over to US Magazine and here it is... well not the last part that was mentioned about sitting on the lap... but her singing... I cant stand that woman...
  11. aproudfit

    ADHD in children

    As soon as my youngest son started kindergarten I started getting calls from the school about his behavior. It wasnt anything really bad - just not being able to stay on task, bugging other kids. But between that and some issues starting to happen at daycare - that I started looking into the...
  12. aproudfit

    Download Shock Cardio Workouts Starting April 16th

    Hmmmm WOW - I thought we only got 1 free download - not ALL of them - that is GREAT is that is the case!!!
  13. aproudfit

    Shock Cardio Thoughts

    Excellent post and mirrors what I think and get out of Cathe workouts. It is about the love of a good workout - and the thought that goes into them. Thank you for putting it in words!
  14. aproudfit

    Step Moves....

    I really love this one too! It is SO much fun and the time FLIES!!! Lovin' Shock Cardio!
  15. aproudfit lets hear about some results!!

    I did just the cardio the first week of January and have just completed my 2nd week of Meso 1 and I am down 8.5lbs so far. I really tighened up on my eating after have a gorge-fest in December - so I know that has helped too. I just love SC!! I love the shorter workouts and the fact that they...
  16. aproudfit

    Typo in Hiit Pyramid

    Unless you are a Cathe supporter. Man that forum is U G L Y sometimes when it comes to Cathe. It is always interesting to see the positive people over here be totally negative over there. I try to get multiple opinions on things - but man - Cathe seems to be quite a polarizing figure over...
  17. aproudfit

    Personal Debt of Gratitude to Cathe 12/31/09

    Annette - I am truely sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time. Thank you for your eloquent post as it brought tears to my eyes as well.
  18. aproudfit

    Where is Jae?

    Cathe meantioned that Jai had scheduling conflicts and just couldnt be available for this series and they she hoped she would be part future projects.
  19. aproudfit


    I got my calendar yesterday and it is once again great! I do like that the pics are not continuing on the date page like last year. I cant wait to start filling it up with workouts... I still have my previous 3 years of calendars all together too
  20. aproudfit

    Happy Birthday to ME! (Shock Cardio just arrived)

    Happy Birthday! I hope you feel better soon!