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  1. C

    Those of you who have a heart rate monitor

    I am thinking about investing in one, and lately I have seen these things called a Heart Rate Watch, they are about $50, and do NOT use the chest strap to continually monitor you. Rather, there is a little button on the watch that you have to press with your finger, and with 3 beats it tells you...
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    Best fast food choices

    You might check out "Dottie's Weight Loss Zone" it is one woman's Weight Water page, but she has an entire section (we are talking enormous) on the "points" for all resteraunt meals, that are a chain. I am pretty sure she includes calories, etc. If she doesn't you can assume...
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    Just another rant!

    I have never heard of a mom's group doing this.
  4. C

    Need Help Shopping For 3 Boys

  5. C

    So, I went to the reunion - Whoop Whoop

    My experience is that 20th on up, people are much more mature and normal. Cliques TOTALLY mixed. I didn't go to the 10th but from what I hear the only that had changed at that point was updated haircuts. Jen
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    itrain promo codes...anyone

    The last one worked, THANKS Jen
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    I am pretty sure a long time ago I read a study where they had two was a group of 2 year olds, and the other was a group of professional athletes, I am pretty sure it was football. Anyway, the deal was the football players had to imitate the two year olds for a period of time, I...
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    Suffering with ADULT ACNE any suggestions for me????????

    Make sure you are getting essential fatty acids. Flax seed oil (swallowing it, not topically) has done wonders for my skin. I really think cystic acne is related to something internal, so external products don't help all that much. They are reactionary and who wants to deal with those painful...
  9. C

    September 11 - Remembered! What were you doing?

    My oldest son's first day of preschool. We are on the west coast so were asleep when it happened...then my friend called to see if we were still going to preschool because of the planes being flown into the WTC, we thought she was crazy. Tried to keep the TV off so my 3 yo wouldn't be scared...
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    Ebay/yahoo email hijacking of your out!

    Thanks Dave those are really good ideas!!
  11. C

    Ebay/yahoo email hijacking of your out!

    Wanted to mention this here b/c I know a lot of you may use Ebay for things. Last night my husband and I got an email to our home email account stating that our yahoo email password had been changed. We knew it hadn't been us. We tried to sign in to our yahoo email and were unable to. The...
  12. C

    Peony in Love by Lisa See

    LOVED Peony in Love, read it on vacation at my parents' house and had to RUSH through the last 1/4 of it b/c we were leaving the next day. Very VERY good, but please note I have not read any other of her books, I can't wait to do so based on P in L. Very satisfying read. Jen
  13. C

    Children with developmental delays

    Really great postings. Just wanted to add: start communicating with the school via letter, it doesn't matter if it is not perfectly written. You need to have a paper trail because they obviously don't get it and you are going to have to keep going up the food chain til your son gets the...
  14. C

    Opinions on Venus Swimwear -

    I stopped VS a long time ago b/c of their outrageous shipping. Ridiculous, esp for something so tiny like a swimsuit and when fit is so important. Lands End at least you can return to a local Sears store.
  15. C

    Do Some Peop;e REALLY Eat This Way

    I think the "worst" eating is done in resteraunts...have you ever seen the calorie and fat count for seemingly innocuous things like salads in some of the mainstream, chain, sit down resteraunts? An entire day's worth of calories. I thought they were going to pass a law that the RR have to...
  16. C


    Well, Locke and the guy with the eye patch ESPECIALLY just will not die! That makes me think...there is something special about Locke, eye patch man, and the guy/others dude with the dark hair that recruited Juliette. Did you notice in the flashback with Ben as a child, that the dark haired...
  17. C

    Weight Training Alone... Can it keep wieght off?

    From what I've read they do more weights, and not as much cardio as you might think. 3x a week, 30 minutes intense, it seems like I've read, can't remember where. BUT their eating is VERY strict. Clean, lean protein, fibrous veggies, oatmeal, egg whites, and THAT IS IT. Jen
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    OMG! It was awesome!! Who do you think was in the casket??? Jen
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    25 ways to spot nutritional quacks....

    Because it points out how biased Barrett's site is.
  20. C

    25 ways to spot nutritional quacks.... I found this website very informative when trying to evaluate quackwatch's motives and ideas. Jen