Search results

  1. R

    Gwyneth Paltrow's trainer

    I agree this person is an idiot and Gwyn is naive for listening to her - have you ever really looked at Gwyn's body though? She's got the waif look - no breasts, scrawny arms. A real trainer knows that as a woman ages, she needs weight training not just to look healthy but to BE healthy - to...
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    Updates Sandy Mr T Animal Cruelty Case

    $3000? What the heck was wrong with the kitty? That's awful! How on earth do you afford it? My hubby and I had to refi a car to pay our vet bill off. There's still $600 left on Sandy and Mr. T's. UUG!
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    Updates Sandy Mr T Animal Cruelty Case

    Mary - the original post was "I got someone arrested" and it is long. This guy killed a kitten, broke the back legs of Sandy - an adorable 12 week old blonde tabby. Then punched and kicked his own cat - "Mr. T" until he had a bloody nose, cracked pelvis and a pneumo thorax - which was causing...
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    Updates Sandy Mr T Animal Cruelty Case

    Hello All, Sorry so long without an update. I found out today that the guy that hurt Sandy and Mr. T is still in jail. His 3 felony animal cruelty charges were bound over to the circuit court and he'll go before the grand jury for arraignment some time this fall. I also found out I get to...
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    Another P90X Question...

    Hi! I have the all-clear from my hubby to order P90X so I'm going to do that soon. I have a vain question to ask - of those of you that have finished P90X, how much weight did you lose or clothing sizes did you lose by the end of the rotation? :) Reese
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    Cat People...I need help with High Step marking

    I have had this problem too. When it happened to my step, I put it in the shower and sprayed it with scrubbing bubbles! It worked great! :)
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    Sparrow - how much weight have you lost by using the program?
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    Jess, I've sent you an email through Cathe's forum - not your P90X site. K? Thanks! Reese
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    Hello, Would those who have ordered P90X give me some input? I want to order this workout series, but not sure if I should pay all at once, or in installments. What are your will be Christmas before I can get STS. :( Also, did you follow the food plan? Was it...
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    No, they just don't "get it" huh?

    That's hilarious....they are blissfully ignorant....hahaa!
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    Need you cat lovers, please....

    Tinker's litter Has the cat used the litter box where it's been in the bath? If so, be careful moving it quickly. If the cat is too afraid to come out to hang with you, it will be too scared to seek out the box. Give the cat a few days, then once he has calmed down move the box but be...
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    BedTime for puppies

    That is SOOOO adorable!
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    How sugar hurts your health!

    Here's more:
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    How sugar hurts your health! Very interesting! I already knew #58.....:)
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    Oh my achin back

    Okay...hurt my lower back some how...trying to make it until 3:30 so I can see chiropractor...hurts to lay down, hurts to sit up, hurts to stand, hurts hurts hurts! :( Wish me luck. Someone write me a message. I am hormonal, and I have no mail and that makes me sad. >^..^< I am THE...
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    Need a good business name

    Reflection Perfection
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    EBAY listings

    Hi Everyone! Recently I mentioned I would be selling my wardrobe on ebay. The first few things I managed to get listed this evening are up with THREE DAY auctions. One of the item numbers is 270255531746 - from there you can check "sellers other items" to view the rest. (If you're...
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    Um, no I don't need help, thanks!

    That's TOO funny! He comes from that generation that told women if they exercised too hard they'd not be able to have children - that sort of thing. I went through 4 years in the Army as an MP and did tons of physical training as well as strenuous tasks and my father was appalled that I...
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    i am shocked beyond words-warning personal

    No offense, but I don't think there's anything polite or seductive about coming out to someone and just saying "wanna get it on?" - To me this is really rude. It would be different if he said "hey, want to go to dinner sometime?' because that would show he was truly interested in her as a...
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    Hey Reese

    Well, I think the donations dried up a bit after I had to post the fact that the clinic refused to post any "extra" to our other rescues. We got in about 300-350 - which is a godsend, don't get me wrong. My disappointment is directly with the clinic. They've been acting weird about stuff...