Search results

  1. sahara

    Getting-to-know-you confessions

    I'm not a whooper or a clapper. I do however have some of Cathe's "scripting" memorized so I'm saying it as she's saying it. The same way people memorize every word of movies, I've memorized some of my Cathe workouts. -I am not shy. I just find dealing with most people very tedious. I...
  2. sahara

    What's your last workout of 2006?

    I did Power Hour too. :) Tracey "Where there's a will, there's a way."
  3. sahara

    Goals for 2007

    Health & Fitness goals 1. Increase the weight I use for each body part by at least 5 pounds to increase my strength. 2. Lose the last 10-15 pounds of excess fat that I am carrying around by continuing to commit to my eating plan. I am giving myself a whole year to do this but I really...
  4. sahara

    Re: Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000

    I bought two of her DVD's recently, Slim & Lean and Get Ripped. I've previewed them several times and am still on the fence about whether I want to do the workout or not. It's not that the workout looks hard. They actually seem interesting. What bugs me is that this woman is the anti-Cathe...
  5. sahara

    Not sure if I'll ever eat "clean"--is there any hope?

    RE: Not sure if I'll ever eat > so I think I'll >just suggest to you that you pick up the version of Oxygen >magazine called "Clean Eating." Hi Sandra, What is this "Oxygen" magazine? When I hear "Oxygen", I think Oprah or "O" magazine (Oprah owns part of the Oxygen channel and O...
  6. sahara

    what do you think?

    Squats and lunges for me. I really like that Cathe tends to put them at the beginning of her workouts so I can get them over with! I have found squats (especially plie squats) to be very effective for me. My legs were always pretty toned but there was always that giggle factor on the inner...
  7. sahara

    Training Journal ?

    >Hi gang- >I am in final P90X phase and see the value in logging >weights/reps. I want to continue with this when I go back to >Cathe. >I dont need anything super fancy. I found this one on Oxygen >Magazine Site but it doesnt allow you to look insidex( >Does anyone have/use this one...
  8. sahara

    floor cardio..what to choose?

    I like the cardio in Step, Pump, and Jump. There is a little step work but, it's mostly easy to follow floor cardio mixed with strength training. Kick, Punch, & Crunch is a good one too. Tracey "Where there's a will, there's a way."
  9. sahara

    Morality/Legality question...

    Another listing >had the FitTV version(s) of Cathe's workouts. These are >clearly burned DVDs since they're not FS anywhere. Would you >really pay $15 for a DVD-R > Carol, I am not as surprised by the people who burn DVD's and sell them illegaly as I am by the people who buy/bid on them...
  10. sahara

    Morality/Legality question...

    >Not to be contrary, but I have the Core Max and Low Max DVDs >from FitTV and it is the whole workout and contains all >premixes that the DVDs on Cathe's website contain. So, it is >the same DVD that you get from Cathe, but with some FitTV >nonsense in the beginning. > Yes, I can vouch...
  11. sahara


    No. I have thought about it though. But, I am a neat freak and the cluttered layout of the pages just drives me nuts!x( I would be forever trying to organize it so I decided to save myself the trouble. I don't need anything else to obsess about!:D Tracey "Where there's a will, there's a...
  12. sahara

    So...How is everyone's

    I have been doing exceptionally well. We had our Christmas luncheon at work on Wednesday and I did not even touch the dessert table, didn't touch the bad stuff (mac & cheese, potato salad, etc...) and I did not go back for seconds. Everyone has been bringing in cookies and candy and all I've...
  13. sahara

    So...How is everyone's

    > I have no idea why I love that stuff!!! Oh >well..... > >Lea Because it's delicious! I love egg nog too. Tracey "Where there's a will, there's a way."
  14. sahara

    Speaking of PC, can somebody help me understand Kwanza?

    RE: Speaking of PC, can somebody help me understand Kw... > >But Kwanza as I understand it, is a cultural celebration, >which I think is wonderful. But don't those who celebrate >Kwanza also celebrate Christmas - and forgive my ignorance if >I am mistaken? > Just to clarify...not...
  15. sahara

    Movies that made you cry the most...

    > >Six-Message in a Bottle >Starring Kevin Costner and Robin Wright Penn, Message in a >Bottle is the type of movie that has everything in it from >humor, to a little bit of mystery, respect of one’s past love >and fear of one’s future love. In this 1999 movie, Kevin >portrays a man who is...
  16. sahara

    Movies that made you cry the most...

    > >Schindler's List (didn't see it in the theatre, thank >goodness; I had to keep taking "cry breaks" at home when I saw >it) Me too. My husband took me to see it on my birthday and I bawled like a baby from beginning to end. I also cried at the end of Terms of Endearment when the mom was...
  17. sahara

    Things I just don't get...

    Just to name a few because I have sooo many.... -why our culture is so obsessed with celebrities. They're normal people just like the rest of us and I have got way too much going on in my own life to care what is going on in theirs. -why celebrity status somehow makes a person an expert...
  18. sahara

    sports bras

    I got my sports bra on clearance at Victoria's Secret. I just put it on over my regular bra and it works for me. I wear another top over my sports bra so no one sees the bra. I'm a 34C too. Tracey "Where there's a will, there's a way."
  19. sahara

    Old School FItness Videos

    >Hello Friends of the Forum. > >Just out of curiosity, what are your old school fitness videos >in your collection? Please feel free to name instructor, >title, type, and if it did or still does any good to >increase/maintain your fitness levels. Thanks. > > > Most of my oldies are...
  20. sahara

    A different way of looking at fitness...

    Well, I've had my good cry for the year. :-) This is a really heartwarming video. That is true dedication. The Hoyts have a web site Tracey "Where there's a will, there's a way."