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  1. SNM Videos

    Cathe Live - July 17?

    Cathe on Vacation Cathe is on vacation this week so there is no broadcast this week. Cathe made an announcement at the end of the class last Thursday, plus we always have on our home page when the next class will be broadcast.
  2. SNM Videos

    Video Not Available on this device?

    UStream Still Working on it I think UStream is still working on it. They have to adjust every video manually and I'm sure it takes time to do.
  3. SNM Videos

    Pre sale question

    Pre-Sale question Pres-sale DVD orders can be cancelled up to 2 weeks from the date DVDs ship.
  4. SNM Videos

    Video Not Available on this device?

    I just tested on my Android phone and this seems to be working now. I only tested the Metabolic Circuit videos though. Let me know if this is now working for you?
  5. SNM Videos

    Video Not Available on this device?

    Ustream Android device problem. The problem with Cathe Live videos not working on Android devices is a Ustream issue. We've been in contact with their engineers and as of yesterday they thought they could fix this problem fairly quickly, but that remains to be seen. We should either see the...
  6. SNM Videos

    HIIT cycle

    Next Cycle DVD I'm sure we will make more cycle DVDs in the future, but not with our next release.
  7. SNM Videos

    Cathe Live Favorites

    Cathe Live Streaming Videos I'm not sure where you read that? Cathe Live videos are only available on our streaming channel. We don't have any plans to release them on DVD.
  8. SNM Videos

    Cathe Live Favorites

    We will have a completely different interface fairly soon for Cathe Live that will allow you to more easily search and find Cathe Live videos. Not planning on favorites with the next release, but it's a good idea that we will have to look at.
  9. SNM Videos

    Current Pre-Sale Prices End Tomorrow

    Just a reminder to everyone that tomorrow ( 7-15-2014) is the last day for our current and lowest Pre-Sale prices for Ripped With HiiT. If you're paying by check you will need to have your envelope post marked no later than 7-15-2014. You can Pre-Order Ripped with HiiT at: Cathe Friedrich's...
  10. SNM Videos

    Bubble in aerobic step

    Step Bubble You just need to get some rubber cement. The bubble in the rubber on a step is just where the rubber no longer adheres properly to the plastic step. You can try injecting the glue with a needle or you can cut the bubble and then glue it back. The needle will be the less obvious. If...
  11. SNM Videos

    New HIIT series question--Heavy Weights?

    I think the person's question you're referring to was about the strength workouts, not the cardio ones, but my answer would still be pretty much the same. With a cardio workout that is based on HiiT you vary the exercises, exercise sequence, intensity, rest, work to rest ratio, duration, etc...
  12. SNM Videos


    Ripped With HiiT Rotations Just like we did with XTrain, we will offer several rotations in our online User's Guide for Ripped With Hiit. This is something that won't be finalized until later on, so I can't answer your question at this time. However, there a re many ways that you can use Ripped...
  13. SNM Videos

    New Series: Workout Times

    Workout times for Ripped With HiiT We wont have Ripped with HiiT workout Times until they're completely filmed and edited.
  14. SNM Videos

    tv with wifi and Cathe Live

    Playing Cathe Live on Your Smart TV If you have a Smart TV it may be able to play Cathe Live without using your laptop or mobile device. It just depends whether your Smart Tv has a web browser that will allow you to access our site. Some Smart TV's have a web broswer that will allow you to...
  15. SNM Videos

    Trouble accessing past life videos

    Did you scroll down to the bottom?
  16. SNM Videos

    Video Clip of Metabolic Circuit Blast class

    This a video clip from Metabolic Circuit Blast class that was broadcast live on July 10, 2014 on Cathe Live. In this class you will do cardio drills mixed with high intensity circuit-type exercises that involve challenging total body, compound exercises (and shorter recovery intervals)...
  17. SNM Videos

    Metabolic Circuit Blast - July 10, 2014

    Both the High Quality and Low quality videos from today's ( July 10, 2014) Metabolic Circuit Blast live broadcast have now been posted at Cathe Live Stream | Cathe Video Streaming for subscribers of Cathe Live and OnDemand.
  18. SNM Videos

    Apple TV Tutorial

    Apple TV offers the best quality for watching Cathe live on your big screen TV. Watch our tutorial on how you can use Apple TV to get your Cathe Live and OnDemand videos from your computer or mobile device on to your Big Screen TV, Just click on the following link to view our Apple TV tutorial...
  19. SNM Videos

    Cathe Live July 10th Class

    Attention Cathe Live Subscribers: Tomorrow's 9:15am EST class (July 10th) will be Metabolic Circuit Blast. We will be doing cardio drills mixed with high intensity circuit-type exercises that involve challenging total body, compound exercises (and shorter recovery intervals). Equipment needed...
  20. SNM Videos

    New HIIT series question--Heavy Weights?

    Ripped with HiiT Strength Training Workouts When it comes to a strength training weight workout there is no such thing as a "new exercise". The human body only moves in certain ways and plains of rotation and every exercise that can be thought of was done so years ago. However, what you can...