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  1. baylian

    STS/Shock Cardio Ticker

    Will there be a ticker for the new rotation??? Thanks, Dawn
  2. baylian

    STS Strength and STS Shock Cardio Rotation…(three month rotation)

    BUMPING this question for Cathe BUMPING - I was also wondering about rest week in between. If so than this would be a 3 1/2 month rotation? Thanks, Dawn
  3. baylian

    STS Strength and STS Shock Cardio Rotation…(three month rotation)

    This needs to be a sticky please! Thank you
  4. baylian

    STS rotation!!

    It's posted! Check in the rotations forum.
  5. baylian

    STS/Cardio Rotation Posted!

    Three month rotation is posted in the rotation forum.
  6. baylian

    STS/Shock Cardio Rotation is posted!!!

    Three month rotation posted in the rotation section!!
  7. baylian

    Stop teaching kids to write in cursive?

    Yet again - the dumbing down of our children. Glad I was able to send my child to a parochial private school for 8 years and now attends a conservative high school. This crap is laughed at.
  8. baylian

    Oh c'mon, somebody's GOTTA mention Tiger!

    In a word - PUTZ! I hope she takes him for 300 mil . . . . And I now am buying Powerade for my son - not Gatorade. His request. You can protest through your wallet!
  9. baylian

    Rev Abs - Beachbody

    bumping my own post
  10. baylian

    Merry CHRISTmas . . ! WARNING: some might be offended by this.

    Thanks Tami ~ and everyone else that posted on WHY I posted the video.
  11. baylian

    Stefanie Spielman-Breast Cancer Champion Passes

    This women's story and what she has done to raise breast cancer awareness is inspiring to say the least. She lost her battle on Thursday and leaves behind her husband and four children. Her husband left his position in the NFL to care for her. What a guy...
  12. baylian

    Talks of Mammogram Screenings AFTER 50

    NO - my point is - cancer of the reproductive organs can happen way before 21! My theory is as soon as they are sexually active or at 18. But what do I know - I have a son!~
  13. baylian

    Please help me with eye shadow application

    One more thing Really good make up brushes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. baylian

    Talks of Mammogram Screenings AFTER 50

    and now Pap Smears after 21. I know girls that had reproductive cancer at ages 8 and 15. Just wait . . .it's only going to get worse. This is so wrong!
  15. baylian

    Merry CHRISTmas . . ! WARNING: some might be offended by this.

    My District Rep posted this on his facebook. Thought I would pass it on.
  16. baylian

    Please help me with eye shadow application

    Practice practice practice 1) BOOKS - I recommend anything by Bobbi Brown or Carmindy. Bobbi Brown has one out called Living Beauty (for those 40+) and her new one is Make Up Manual. I would check these out at Barnes/Noble and then decide which one you want and order used from Amazon. I love...
  17. baylian

    Rev Abs - Beachbody

    Has anyone seen this, done this? Thanks, Dawn
  18. baylian

    Any Black Friday Shoppers out there?

    Hell to the NO
  19. baylian

    What are you all thankful for?

    Thankful for . . God who watches over us. My DH - a all and all out good guy who keeps God and family first. That we can still at this time keep a roof over our head. That we are blessed with a son who has brains, athleticism, sense of commitment and who knows his God. Our Beagle...
  20. baylian

    What are you all thankful for?

    Beavs - I have been off the boards for quite some time. I am so sorry to hear about your loss! Keep the faith that you will see her again. Take time to rest and collect . . . Dawn Baylian