Search results

  1. dixiedog6

    I'm starting the 8 hour diet, so far a success! (lost 7 lbs and counting)

    Congratulations on your plan and your plan to renew your vows :)
  2. dixiedog6

    August 2015 Rotation

    Thank you!! :)
  3. dixiedog6

    Greatest hits #2

    The Greatest Hits DVD is so much fun!!!
  4. dixiedog6

    Another strength rotation

    I love your rotations!!!!!
  5. dixiedog6

    Greatest hit #2

    I would love another greatest hits! The first one was awesome!
  6. dixiedog6

    XTrain Do-Able! 97-day rotation

    Thanks! What a great rotation!
  7. dixiedog6

    July 2015 rotation

    Thanks so much! :)
  8. dixiedog6


    This is so wonderful!!!!!
  9. dixiedog6

    Pre-Order Cathe's New Ice Series?

    Has anyone heard what the price will be after July 3rd? I wasn't quite ready to order. I'll still get them though ;)
  10. dixiedog6

    Current ICE Pre-Sale Prices End July 3rd

    What will the price be after July 3rd?
  11. dixiedog6

    Question re ICY Core bonus workouts

    I love standing ab work!!
  12. dixiedog6

    Pre-Order Cathe's New Ice Series

    This is perfect!!!!!
  13. dixiedog6

    Equipment used in ICE

    I am so excited for an intermediate series!!!!!
  14. dixiedog6

    Pre-Order Cathe's New Ice Series?

    I am getting the DVDS only :)
  15. dixiedog6

    June 2015 Rotation

  16. dixiedog6

    2010 Get Ready for Summer Rotation

    I'm on week two, loving this rotation!!! Thanks!
  17. dixiedog6

    May 2015 Rotation

    Love it! Thanks!!!!
  18. dixiedog6

    Low impact series #2 PLEASE!

    Another vote for a low impact series. Lo Impact Ripped with Hiit would be awesome. and another vote for longer stretches or a strectch workout. As I get older, I have to focus more and more on flexibility.
  19. dixiedog6

    Found another great Premix in RWH series

    I love this premix too I feel like Im doing a brand new workout :)