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  1. M

    ~*~We're In This Together~*~ (June-Sept)

    Hello ladies :) My w/o yesterday was a 40min walk outside + 20min of this kickbox vid from the Jessica Smith youtube channel: Kickboxing, Free Workout Video: Kickboxing for Weight Loss - Full 15-Minute Fat Burning Workout - YouTube. It was really fun! I got my chin-up tower! Hopefully this...
  2. M

    Push It

    Hello ladies :) My w/o yesterday was a 3 mile indoor walk + D1 of Nia Shank's beginner program from BBA. Very simplistic format: 5x6R Deadlifts, 5x6R chin-ups super-set w/5X6R barbell military press, 3X planks (as long as possible). Nia say's that I have to get out of the "fatigue" mindset --...
  3. M

    ~*~We're In This Together~*~ (June-Sept)

    Hello ladies :) My w/o yesterday was a 3 mile indoor walk + D1 of Nia Shank's beginner program from BBA. Very simplistic format: 5x6R Deadlifts, 5x6R chin-ups super-set w/5X6R barbell military press, 3X planks (as long as possible). Nia say's that I have to get out of the "fatigue" mindset --...
  4. M

    Forgetting YouTube workout names

    Here you go: fitness fx Workout Videos - YouTube Enjoy!
  5. M

    ~*~We're In This Together~*~ (June-Sept)

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend :cool: My w/o yesterday was KCM LIFT (Olympic lifts). I'm getting more comfortable with exercises (clean & jerk, overhead press into split stance, ect). I'm amazed at how my whole body get's such an incredible w/o in such a short amount of time! Not only...
  6. M

    Push It

    Hello ladies! My w/o on Thurs was a Jessica Smith 40min walk/jog intervals (it's pretty tough!) + a visit to Bella's school and back (45min total there/back). I did the same walk on Wed, which was my rest day (no other w/o besides the walk). I want to get her accustomed to the route we will...
  7. M

    Video: Pull up tips by Shawna K

    For anyone who is interested in performing unassisted pull ups or increasing their pull up count, I found this video by the Pull Up Queen Shawna K. She holds the record for the most consecutive pull ups (20!). pull up tips shawna k - YouTube I just bought the band featured in the video...
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    I recently bought a tub of Marked Protein (Mark Wahlberg's new line of supplements). I got it at Walmart, but I'm pretty sure it is sold at GNC too. Anyway, WOW is the chocolate ever tasty :p. The best tasting protein I have ever tried!
  9. M

    Push It

    Jennifer & Heartymax... HAVE A GREAT RT!!!!!!
  10. M

    ~*~We're In This Together~*~ (June-Sept)

    Hello everyone :) My w/o today was a Jessica Smith 40min walk/jog intervals (it's pretty tough!) + a visit to Bella's school and back (45min total there/back). I did the same walk yesterday, which was my rest day (no other w/o besides the walk). I want to get her accustomed to the route we will...
  11. M

    Push It

    Heya ladies :cool: I've decided that next week I will start Nia's Beginner Program from her training package called Beautiful Bad A$$ (3 total body w/o's focusing on the big compound lifts and body weight exercises like push-ups and chin-ups). Here is a link if anyone is curious:Beautiful...
  12. M

    ~*~We're In This Together~*~ (June-Sept)

    I've decided that next week I will start Nia's program (3 total body w/o's focusing on the big compound lifts and body weight exercises like push-ups and chin-ups). I will be adding KCM LIFT/Burn & Build (rotating each week), plus 1 hiit workout/week. This will put me on a 5 days/week exercise...
  13. M

    Push It

    Hello fab ladies :) I've been feeling a little "off" lately with regards to my exercise program :(. I really want to work on my overall strength, and I think I'm going about the wrong way :confused:. I still want to do my KCM Olympic Lifts and Paul K's Burn & Build...but not sure if I want to...
  14. M

    ~*~We're In This Together~*~ (June-Sept)

    Hello fab ladies :) I've been feeling a little "off" lately with regards to my exercise program :(. I really want to work on my overall strength, and I think I'm going about the wrong way :confused:.. I still want to do my KCM Olympic Lifts and Paul K's Burn & Build...but not sure if I want...
  15. M

    ~*~We're In This Together~*~ (June-Sept)

    Heya ladies! My w/o yesterday was a 3 mile walk plus KCM Split Session UB + STS TB compound back add-on + chest/tri's/shoulder's add-on (total time 50min). As far as the KCM w/o, again not as difficult as Cathe's, but still VERY challenging! Kelly uses 15lbs for tricep kickbacks for heaven's...
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    Introducing “Triple Tracks Audio” ™

    Cathe always goes above and beyond! This new option is very cool :cool:. Is this option avail for downloads?
  17. M

    ~*~We're In This Together~*~ (June-Sept)

    Nancy I know you don't have PF, but perhaps some of this info could be helpful anyway! How to Fix Plantar Fasciitis - YouTube (warning: he swears. But he's hot so it's all good ;)) HTH! BBL everyone :)
  18. M

    Push It

    Heya ladies! My w/o yesterday was a 3 mile walk plus KCM Split Session UB + STS TB compound back add-on + chest/tri's/shoulder's add-on (total time 50min). As far as the KCM w/o, again not as difficult as Cathe's, but still VERY challenging! Kelly uses 15lbs for tricep kickbacks for heaven's...
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    Here is a blog article that might offer some food for thought: Blog | Sean Flanagan Health & Nutrition Love Sean Flanagan! I "liked" him on FB and he has some excellent posts. Good luck :)
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    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CATHE! All the best :), Natasha