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  1. K

    Pregnancy Check-in October 4th ---newbies welcome

    Argh, pregnancy brain over here :o. I am only 23 weeks today not 24, but I will be next week, hehe. I had a very non productive day today, tried to get Heidi to take a nap, so I could take one, but it didn't work and for some reason I had a crying spell, but my little girl was really sweet...
  2. K

    Pregnancy Check-in October 4th ---newbies welcome

    Good morning ladies, Yes, I am still here. Sorry that I am such a bad check in person, but I always read all your posts. 24 weeks today, woohoo! Feeling good and got 5 workouts in last week, still can't believe it! It's rainy here in TX today, so Heidi and I will just chill out at...
  3. K

    Growing Belly Check-in Week of Sept 20th

    Hi ladies, Sorry I have been MIA for so long :o. Heidi and I were in Germany for 3 weeks to visit my parents and we just got back last Thursday. We are getting settled back in now. I just had my 21 week appointment this week, so we had the big sonogram and it's a... ...BOY!!! We...
  4. K

    Pretty Preggos Aug 9-15

    Good morning ladies, How is everyone this morning? I am doing ok, got some good sleep last night so I am hoping for a good workout today. Since last week it seems I am feeling a lot better, well last week of course I had to had a cold, but this week is good, so far I already got 4 workouts...
  5. K

    Prego Support July 27-August 3

    Good morning ladies, I am still here and I always read your posts just not getting to post myself, but I hope it'll get better after this nausea is getting a lot better. I am 13 weeks as of yesterday and was hoping I would wake up and would be full of energy, but not such luck :p. I am...
  6. K

    Preggo belly check in 7/5-7/11

    Hi ladies, Just a quick check in to let you all know that I am still here and I am reading your posts. I am 10 1/2 weeks now, the nausea is a lot better since about a week now, yeah!!! I had a Dr.s appointment yesterday, got to hear the heartbeat and everything looks great. I am going...
  7. K

    Preggo Checkin June 28

    Hi ladies, Sorry I haven't been posting at all, but I am still here and reading all of your posts. I just have been nauseous the whole time and I can't be long on the computer before it starts up or gets worse. I am not throwing up, just nauseous all the time. Ugh!!! :( I am 9 weeks...
  8. K

    Growing Belly's Check in Week of June 7th

    Good morning ladies, Wow, you are all chatty, I cannot keep up with that ;). Well, I am only 6 1/2 weeks but the nausea has hit and I am already tired of it. Speaking of tired, I have such a hard time getting up in the mornings. Ok, enough whining, I have my first Dr.'s appointment...
  9. K

    Pregnancy Check-in Week of May 31st

    Hi ladies, I would like to join you ladies. I just found out on Wednesday that I am pregnant with #2. I got a little girl, who is almost 2 1/2 years old. We were trying for 8 months for number 2. This wasn't supposed to be the month yet to get pregnant, next month would have been fine...
  10. K

    Start over?

    Bummed, I would love to get some more input.
  11. K

    Start over?

    I completed Mesocycle 1 and have done the first week of Mesocycle 2, but when were on vacation for 3 weeks and it has been now 5 weeks since my last Mesocyle 2 workout. What do you think, should I continue on week 2 of Mesocycle 2 or just start over all the way with Mesocycle 1? Thanks...
  12. K

    Commit to get fit and lean for March 13

    Hi ladies, Yes, it's me and I am still alive. I am so sorry I haven't checked in in forever but Heidi and Cathe ;) are keeping me pretty busy. Heidi and I are leaving on Monday to go to Germany to my parents house for 3 weeks. I didn't forget ya'll and I miss checking in with you. I...
  13. K

    Commit to get fit and lean for Feb. 2, 2009

    Amelia - Yes, I am getting excited too when she answers my question, she definitely is a rock star to us, hehe. Just send her a message, it'll be fun. Lori - Ok, I will let you know what I think after doing my first STS today. Oh, that is exciting about STS, you saving a lot of money and...
  14. K

    Commit to get fit and lean for Feb. 2, 2009

    Good morning ladies, I will be starting STS today, I am so excited!!! If I have time, I also will do 30 min. on the TM. Well, I am only going to do Meso 1 because in the middle of March I will be going to Germany and I won't have the ability to continue STS. So when I come back I will...
  15. K

    Commit to get fit and lean for Jan. 30, 2009

    Hi ladies, Just a quick check in. I just did 45 min interval runs on the TM. Got my STS today, yeah!!! Haven't previewed anything yet, but I will tonight. Yes, Heidi has an ear infection in both ears and is on antibiotics now. She seems to be doing better already. Taking a nap...
  16. K

    Commit to get fit and lean for Jan. 29 2009

    Good morning ladies, Sorry, I haven't check in yesterday, I just have been to busy 1RMing ;). Today I will do some more. My Triceps are a little sore, so I might wait until tomorrow to test more of them. Heidi is sick again. We are thinking she got an ear infection so I will take her to...
  17. K

    Introducing the New Workout Manager (beta 2.0)

    I just logged into the new workout manager and it is loading really really slow.
  18. K

    Just checking in with everyone...

    Hi Cathe, Nice to see that you are checking in with us, even though you got your hands full right now with all those STS packages :D. I am going to get mine on Friday and I have to start today and work on my 1 RMs, so I am off to do that. I think I will be starting on Monday, what are...
  19. K

    Commit to get fit and lean for Jan. 27 2009

    Good morning ladies, Ok, so I am finally getting back to normal, stupid cold and did 30 minutes on the TM yesterday, not much but I feel better. Today, I will start on doing my 1 RMs, so that'll be my workout. I printed out the sheets, now just gotta separate them by body parts and off I...
  20. K

    Commit to get fit and lean for Jan. 20, 2009

    Hi ladies, Just a quick check in. I did my workout yesterday, but I know I will pass today. I am so stuffed up and bla, that I decided to take a rest day, so please workout for me ;). Now I am just hoping that Heidi will take nap, so I can rest. Kristine :)