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  1. N

    Lean muscle vs bulky

    Thanks Sarah and Jan! You confirmed what I was thinking. I had been thinking for a while that I should do more endurance type workouts rather than strength ones like S&H and the GS. Before Christmas I was doing SS, P&P and BM2 with lighter weights and it seems to me that I was less "bulky"...
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    What's The Difference Btw These Exercises??

    I'm curious to know the answer too! Nathalie
  3. N

    Which Imax 3 interval is your toughest?

    Yes that one is tough. I often do it at the beginning when my legs are not too tired!!! :7 You are good to be able to do the whole 10 intervals. Wow! I still have a way to go before I can do it. Nathalie
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    Confused about endurance workouts

    Hi everyone After doing S&H and the GS for upper body for the last months, I've been looking for endurance workouts for a change. But I'm confused: I did Power Hour the other day which I think is considered an endurance workout but it didn't seem like one to me. I felt that I could use almost...
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    Which Imax 3 interval is your toughest?

    I'm curious: which one of the Imax3 intervals do you find the hardest? Let me first say that I don't the all 10 intervals at once. I don't think I would survive!!! :7 I have them on Hardcore extreme. So I mix & match them with the Low max segments to suit my level of energy. All 10...
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    Lean muscle vs bulky

    Hi Cathe (and everyone who would like to chime in!) Since Christmas, I have been workoing out a lot my upper body with S&H and the GS. Though I have seen great improvment in my strength :-) , it seems to me that I have become bulkier instead of leaner. I don't seem to be able to get...
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    Tell me about Cardio & Weights

    I do agree with Allison about the intensity in C&W. I don't find them intensy enough for me (by the way, I love Step blast and do it often) I have the Terminator dvd which has all the step sections of C&W and also the segments from Imax2 (which has intervals). I often do X-treme (which is a...
  8. N

    Supersets/Push Pull or Muscle Max?

    Hi, I do agree with Allison that SS in not intense enough. I found out that I "outgrew" it quickly. MM seems much better (I just orderd it so I can't comment it yet!) Nathalie
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    A break in my training

    Bonjour Catherine, Il m'est arrivé à plus d'une reprise de prendre jusqu'à 3 semaines de vacances (en France en plus, paradis de la baguette, du bon fromage et des pâtisseries!) et ce, sans conséquences tant sur la forme que sur le poids. C'est comme si le corps apprécie d'une certaine façon...
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    Should I get Muscle max?

    Hi everyone, I'm lookking for a total body workout, espcially for upper body. I was thinking of Muscle Max since I like the GS and MM is in the same series. I was wondering: - Is it as tough as the GS ? (for example, I found P&P too easy) - I already own SS, P&P, CTX, PUB, GS, S&H, BM2...
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    most effective ARM/LEG segment?

    Another vote for GS for upper body. Nathalie
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    Is Bodymax worth getting?

    Hi Yen, I'm glad to know that the weight workout in Bodymax is as challenging as BM2. I'm also tempted by Power hour, which I heard was a good endurance workout. How would you rate the cardio in Bodymax. To which other DVD would you compare it's intensity? Nathalie
  13. N

    What to do after GS and S&H?

    Wow Clare! Thanks for the information. From what I understand from your post, I don't need to stop doing S&H or GS. What is important is that my muscles are always challenged but I could add variation like you sugggested. Am I right? Just a quick question, I'm not very familiar with drop sets...