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  1. nkhansen1


    I was just going to say the same thing! You would never let this go with your children. I'm so glad you're seeing a specialist. Your little ones need you!
  2. nkhansen1


    Yes. Yes, you do! Right now! Go do it! You deserve it! Everybody else has one! (See? Enabler. :eek:)
  3. nkhansen1


    Shannon, it's funny that you should post this because my 13 year-old daughter has been experiencing the same symptoms. We just went to the cardiologist on Monday. I'm surprised your doctor only did a stress test. When I took my daughter to the pediatrician, she immediately sent us to a...
  4. nkhansen1

    Hello i am new here

    Welcome! This is such a fun and encouraging place to be!
  5. nkhansen1

    Anyone Ever Have a Finger Turn Purple?

    Broken blood vessel. I get those all the time in my fingers and toes. My last ones happened when I jumped a little too high, and my finger hit the ceiling fan; and I took off my shoes after a workout last week and I had one above the fourth toe. Weird!
  6. nkhansen1


    Welcome! Cathe is a rather dangerous discovery for your bank account, and this is the best group of enablers for your new obsession!
  7. nkhansen1

    Folic acid pregnancy prevents from Neural Tube Defects

    I reported this person as well. Their posts need to be removed from the forum.
  8. nkhansen1

    Crossfire slide n glide question

    They are barely used in Crossfire and To The Max. Only in jack pushups and mountain climbers in the premix. If you don't have the discs, no big deal. In the other LIS workouts they are used maybe two to four times in each workout, and the moves are easily modified to do without a disc. The...
  9. nkhansen1

    Wow, Tabata training is amazing!

    I have loved the July rotation! I think I'm going to do it again. The tabata is so fun, and the impact and intensity are just right. I thought I would be tired of Crossfire and To The Max by the end of July, but I'm just crazy about them! So fun!
  10. nkhansen1

    Need suggestions for 18 yr old with severe hormone swings

    Very true. She's at the age where it tends to present itself. I have an extensive family history of it, and watch many family members struggle.
  11. nkhansen1

    Sweaty hands!!!

    Have you tried a Yogitoes mat? They are cotton with rubber grippies on the bottom. I have really sweaty hands as well, and when I'm not wearing my gloves I just grab my Yogitoes mat and do pushups, mountain climbers, downward dog, etc. The natural fibers take care of all that sweat!
  12. nkhansen1

    wide workout shoes

    That's why I like them so much. I can really try shoes out, and their prices are awesome especially if you are a member. It can be a process to choose, I know. I usually buy several pair at a time so I don't have to keep ordering and sending back. I just do one big order and one big return...
  13. nkhansen1

    wide workout shoes

    If you go to Road Runner, you can sort the shoe you want by type of training, size and width. It's my favorite place to get shoes.
  14. nkhansen1

    Need suggestions for 18 yr old with severe hormone swings

    She might be suffering from severe premenstrual dysphoric disorder. In addition to a very clean diet, she should be evaluated by a dr. It can be treated with medication. If it were my daughter, I would be having bloodwork and other evaluations done. Poor girl! I hope she gets it figured out...
  15. nkhansen1

    I'm totally burned out and don't know what to do!

    HOORAY!!! So happy for you, Lourdes!!
  16. nkhansen1

    best rotation for GAINING weight

    Hi there, and welcome! I don't think there is a rotation on here for weight gain, but the question has come up before. Building lovely dense muscle is always wonderful for upping the pounds, but be aware that it won't give you significant weight gain. Do some cardio since your heart needs it...
  17. nkhansen1

    Mint tootsie pops

    I only find those at Halloween time. I love them!! I should stock up this year! Maybe Amazon would have them in stock right now.
  18. nkhansen1

    I'm totally burned out and don't know what to do!

    The whole point of resting is not working on your strength or stamina. It's to REST. You're not slacking. I think the others have a point that you're being much too hard on yourself and expecting too much. Not resting after childbirth?! That's not healthy, my friend! I didn't even think...
  19. nkhansen1

    I'm totally burned out and don't know what to do!

    I am partial to Bryan Kest and Shiva Rea, but they are sometimes hard to find. Rodney Yee is very good, and I see his yoga videos in stores all the time. Barnes and Noble sometimes has a better selection of yoga videos than the sporting goods store.
  20. nkhansen1

    jumping & plyo

    This is so true! I find just as much satisfaction out of doing IMAX 3 or Body Max 2 (or what have you) with one riser or with just the platform. I still get an incredible workout without overdoing it. Some days are strong days, and two risers it is! But we need to let go of our egos and allow...