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  1. K

    Personal Goals Check-in - August 17

    Me, too Emily. I've been such a piggie the last few weeks. Last night I decuded I was going to get back on track with Weight Watchers and try doing the Core plan. I packed my lunch and snacks. Well, when I got to work, someone had brought in these brownies called Killer Brownies. Of course, I...
  2. K

    Firefighters and why they are so buff!!!!

    Yep. My last boyfriend was a cop. Too much time hanging out in his patrol car. I think that's what happens to suburban cops. Not much going on. And the longer we dated, the bigger he got. Of course, I didn't care because I loved him. Now I just think he's a fat lump. :7 Christine
  3. K

    What are the movies that really make you think?

    As far as newer movies, it's a rarity that any of them make you think anything more than, "well, that's 2 hours of my life I'll never get back." The exception for me was Crash. What a powerful movie. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. Christine
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    Embarrassing Stretch Marks

    I second what Julie said! When I was 12, I had this freakish growth spurt and I was the only one in my 6th grade class who was 5'9. Well, I got stretch marks along the small of my back from growing so quickly. At 12! My mother had a full head of white hair at 30. Well, guess what? I found...
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    My dead computer

    Thank you both for your advice! Christine
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    My dead computer

    OY VEY! Thanks for all the suggestions. Too bad I couldn't see any of them here at home. I just spent THREE hours on the phone with SBC and then Dell. We just went ahead and reinstalled the operating system. Okay, here's my new question. I want a better (if this is possible) anti-virus...
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    My dead computer

    I was doing the same thing! I just don't get it. People here at work say you have to run Norton and McAfee in addition to these other programs. How frustrating.
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    My dead computer

    Is anyone a computer expert? I have DSL with SBC Yahoo and that is supposed to have a virus protection program but I was opening my Yahoo homepage yesterday and all of a sudden the screen got really "animated looking" with weird outlines and stuff. Then a window popped up asking me to upgrade my...
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    Migraine Headaches

    Does anyone ever get migraines in their eyes, too? I get what starts out as these funky kaleidoscopes of color out of the corner of my eye. Then then they spread in a circular motion getting bigger and bigger. The first time it happened, I thought I was going blind! Then I found out it was a...
  10. K

    Wisconsin Dells vacation pictures!

    Great pictures, Sabrina! Can't believe you have 3 kids. You look gorgeous! Christine
  11. K

    Does Title 9 fit you?

    Curvalicious! I LOVE that! My friends have been trying to set me up on blind dates and when I talk to these guys, they want to know what I look like. "Would people describe you as slender or curvy?" From now on, I'm going to say, "I'm you think you can handle that??"...
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    Migraine Headaches

    I get them, too but not nearly as often as I used to. I only eat fresh now and it's helped tremendously. No processed foods like frozen dinners, or anything. If there are more than 2 or 3 items in the ingredients, I put it back on the shelf. I also stopped drinking alcohol. I don't know if...
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    great online greeting cards

    Hey guys! I forgot about Flavia. Some of them are kind of hokey but I love her artwork. See if this link works. Christine
  14. K

    Natural Cures

    I think the guy's a quack but I'm a big fan of alternative medicine and the use of herbs and vitamins. There's some great info on this site: Christine
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    Your school best friend and where are they at now?

    Thanks, Lori! Tammy, I'm so sorry for your loss. Christine
  16. K

    For those who *don't* workout first thing in the morning....

    Hi Sandra, I get up at 6:15 and workout IMMEDIATELY. Any dawdling and the next thing you know it, I'm watching Good Morning America and then I'm late for work. On nights that I walk/jog, I shower again. I'm very clean on those days... Christine
  17. K

    great online greeting cards

    Hi Lisa, No, no suggestions for other sites but I love Jacquie Lawson, too. Everyone looks forward to seeing Chudleigh in their mail boxes at Christmas! Christine
  18. K

    Your school best friend and where are they at now?

    Hi Kim, I'm blessed to have three best friends that I've known since kindergarten and the first grade. (we're all 39 now) I've made lots of acquaintances over the years but none like them. We've been through happiness and heartache together and I couldn't imagine my life without them...
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    Speaking of coconut oil...

    Well, that explains it. I've only been "lurking" on here again for a few days so I'm a little out of touch... Thanks, Carolyn!
  20. K

    Speaking of coconut oil...

    Okay, I give. What are you taking them in capsule form for? The only thing I use coconut oil for (and LOVE) is my hair. I heat it up and leave it on for a few hours. I have long hair and it makes it incredibly soft and shiny! Christine