For those who *don't* workout first thing in the morning....


....when do you shower? How many times a day do you shower? I workout, usually, within 30 minutes after I wake up, then I eat breakfast and shower. I have the time-flexibility to work out later in the day, but I find it annoying to go unshowered for most of the day, and then to have to shower at some odd hour later on.

What's your routine? Any advice for me?

Sandra, I would much rather workout in the morning, and used to, but for the last 6 months or so, I cant get up earlier enough (5:00) to do it. So I shower 2 times a day. When I wake up and after my workout that usually happens around 6-7pm... My goal is to get my butt out of bed and workout first thing for the reason you are writing about and so that nothing gets in the way or comes up where I cant workout.
I usually workout at 10 am, as that’s the slow time at the gym, and I’m just not good at getting up at 2:30 am and working out. I’m a horrible morning exerciser, though I have to be at work by 4:30 am anyway to set up for my 5 o’clock session. I generally take anywhere from 3 to 5 showers a day. But even on my day off I take 3 hours, I take one when I get up, one after I workout and one before bed. I hate people who don’t shower before they come and workout, but just crawl out of bed, and hadn’t showered the night before. Bed sweat mixed with workout sweat is horrible.

Hi Sandra,

I have been in a summer mode where I stay up late, get up late. My kids usually wake me up, it's off to the kitchen, make breakfast and coffee. I will either work out around 10 or so, after I can sit for an hour or two and chill, or I will work out in the afternoon. Either way, I don't take a shower until after I work out. I am a stay at home mom, so this is possible.

A lot of times I take two showers a day. One in the morning if I am going out an about, and then another after I work out in the afternoon.

My son is starting school next week, so maybe I can become a morning person again.

I work out in the afternoon, and shower after my workout. I only shower once a day (and sometimes not that on weekends, if I don't workout: I just hit the spots that need it with a washcloth).

When I did a "home version" of Cathe's roadtrip, and was doing 3 workouts the first day, I just wiped down with a Purel wipe after the first two workouts, then showered after the last one. I don't know how well this would work if you were going out in public, but it was good enough for me at home.
I have to workout in the afternoon and then I shower immediately. I hate to be sweaty. I just don't feel very strong as soon as I crawl out of bed.

I HAVE to shower first thing in the morning, or I just can't wake up. My head has to get wet too, it can't just be a quick rinse.

I work out in the evening and shower again after I work out.

On weekends, when I get up and run first thing, I shower after my run, and then shower again before I go to bed.

Sometimes I shower three times a day. It's quite possible I could be obsessive about being clean;)
In Fall and Winter, I get up, go about my day and bath after my afternoon workout.

In Summer, however, I hate to feel sticky after a hot, sweaty night spent without a/c. I bath in about 2" water in the morning, then bath again after my workout.

I'm up at 3:50 am, shower and out the door for work by 4:30. I usually get home around 4 pm, do my workout and then shower again. I generaly don't wash my hair the second time around though cause it makes all that hair color come out too quickly :)

Hi Sandra,

I get up at 6:15 and workout IMMEDIATELY. Any dawdling and the next thing you know it, I'm watching Good Morning America and then I'm late for work.

On nights that I walk/jog, I shower again. I'm very clean on those days...

I shower at night before bed. I get up at 5:00 and have work to do before I start work at 6:30, I am fortunate to work at home. I have to feed the horse, then feed myself, so I don't have time for a w/o in the morning and I'm not getting up any earlier than 5.

I shower at night after my day and my w/o in the afternoon/evening.
RE: For those who *don't* workout first thing in the mo...

Being a SAHM with a young infant, it's hard for me to shower on any kind of solid schedule. Then when you add in carving out time to work out first, it gets even more difficult! Basically I wait to shower until I have worked out. My work outs USUALLY get thrown in somewhere between 8am & 2pm and I shower as soon as possible afterwards.

If I have to, I will run errands before I work out and will still wait to shower until after the work out is complete. If I haven't been sweating or gotten dirty some how I see no problem with running out to a store or something before showering. Now if I smelled or was obviously dirty I would, ofcourse, made sure I showered first.:)
Sandra, I usually don't have the tendency to workout in the AM, but occasionally I do. If I do any cardio, no matter what time it is, I follow it with a shower, albeit a quick scrub if it need be.

My typical routine is to workout when I come home after unwinding about an hour. I get really sweaty with a lot of Cathe stuff so, I might unwind after a small meal and then hit the shower. Normally, I wash everything with a good scrub & wash my hair, but leave in my conditioner, since my hair is terribly dry. In the morning, I usually rinse it out then style as usual. If I run in the morning then I shower, shampoo then style as usual. If I showered the night before because I had worked out that same night, and then I go have an early cardio session, I will lightly shampoo my hair roots & condition after that session.

If for some strange reason I split my workouts & I only do my weights later in the day, I may not shower until later that night if I'm not to gritty.

If I work out after work, I'll take a "quick rinse-off" shower, where I wash my body but not my hair. I take a real shower before work in the morning.

Sometimes after working out, I'll take a bubble bath, which feels like a treat! Then I'll rinse the suds off in the shower.
AmyG, you said exactly what I was trying to say in much fewer words!

But I won't take another shower in the AM, I just rinse out my hair in the sink! And I did forget to mention the bubble baths! Yeah!!! What do you mean rinse off the suds? Never heard of that.

I use a LOT of bubbles. Like, half the bottle for one bath. DH takes a shower in the morning before I do. I think it's only considerate that I take a shower after the bath and aim the water at all the leftover suds. }(
I really like the Target/J&J baby bedtime lavendar bubble bath. Sleepy... but I don't like the Avon stuff I just got. I've been using half the bottle just so I can use it up and never get it again!
P.S. Marla is your dog awake in that picture or asleep I can't tell. Either way, very cute!
Thank you everyone for your replies! I'm at the point where I really need to start doing my workouts later in the day because I just need the extra sleep. And once the baby is born, I'll be reduced to working out whenever I get the chance; routine won't exist for quite a while. So, you've given me some good ideas about how to adjust my day to accommodate a later workout. Thanks!

Hey Sandra, unfortunaley I don't have the time to workout in the morning so I have to shower twice a day. I workout as soon as I get home from work.


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