For those who *don't* workout first thing in the morning....

I cannot make myself workout in the mornings. It just isn't going to happen. I work every day so I take a shower every morning. I usually come home and workout after I've had something to eat. And then I shower again.
Ok, you guys are going to think I am really nasty, but I work from home two days a week and so have to squeeze my workout in at some logical breaking point during the day... the days I work in the office I get up super-early and work out first thing (but a girl needs SOME rest!). Anyway, so today I also had to take my kids to get their hair cut, so I worked out, then just powdered off, changed my sweaty clothes, put on a do-rag, and took them to the barbershop. It is an all-guys' barbershop, too, so I guess it is a good thing I am not in the market. hehehe

hehe, I am really nasty I guess but I shower once a day, period. And some days I barely have time for that.

I work from home and have 2 kids at home so I too just squeeze in a workout when there is a good break. I shower at the end of my day, sometimes that's at 3:00 or 4:00am. It seems I'm always behind on what I need/want to get done, my list is longer than the hours in a day and putting another shower in day just isn't going to happen. Some of you take 3 to 5 showers a day!! Good grief, I'm a slob I guess but a busy one anyway.
Oh, no, I can't afford the water to shower several times a day!!! Fortuntely, I have to be to work really early (6 a.m.). I usually wait til the end of my day to workout and then shower before turning in. But I shower every single day.

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