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  1. lily64

    Just sayin'

    All-Out Low Impact HIIT this morning & getting ready for BurnSets Chest, Back & Shoulders tonight. It's been a few weeks since I did All-Out & all through the workout I kept thinking about how much I enjoy that workout & what a masterpiece Xtrain is! Cathe - thanks for all your amazing...
  2. lily64

    287 lbs starting weight

    I would suggest Kick/Punch/Crunch as one of your starting DVDs. You don't need equipment, it's lots of fun, and you'll burn a ton of calories! If I'm remembering correctly, you get Legs & Glutes on that DVD as well. That's a goodie too. Congrats on your weight loss so far. You've picked a...
  3. lily64

    Need weight suggestions

    I use the BowFlex Selectechs & have done several STS rotations. I'm currently doing the 90 day undulating Xtrain rotation (love both!) I have individual dumbbells for 5, 8, 10, & 12. The Selectechs are bulky, but I don't find that to be a problem for the exercises that I use them for. The...
  4. lily64

    Afterburn: Two Thumbs Up!

    I loved AfterBurn too! It kept my heart rate at around 160 throughout the workout. I missed a few reps here & there & will have to work up to those crawling, staggered push-ups...but really loved the workout! I think tomorrow will be YogaMax & maybe Tri-Sets. Lily
  5. lily64

    Just Downloaded AfterBurn!

    It looks fantastic! Now, to downloading the other 13 files.
  6. lily64

    Land Connection for New Series Downloads?

    I noticed that today's newsletter noted that we should use a land connection when downloading the new series. I've always downloaded wirelessly. Can you explain why a land connection is necessary? Thanks, Lily
  7. lily64

    Between Rounds

    Thanks for your replies! Lily
  8. lily64

    Between Rounds

    I'm interested to hear how much time people have taken off from STS between rounds, and what programs or activities have you followed during your off times? Lily
  9. lily64

    STS without Tower/Chin ups?

    There's also the Perfect Pull-up bar that hooks over your door. I set my high-step underneath & do little hops to get me to the top of the chin-up and then hold for a couple of seconds and slowly decline. I just finished Meso 1 and can tell that I'm getting better at the chin-ups.
  10. lily64

    Discount Code for High Reps Download

    I'm trying to purchase the High Reps download with the DD30 discount code but it keeps coming up as an invalid discount code. Has anyone else been successful in purchasing this with the code? Thanks, Lily
  11. lily64

    Yoga/Pilates Suggestions

    Try Baron Baptiste - Unlocking Athletic Power. It's around 25 minutes long & it's especially good for hamstrings & glutes. Lily