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  1. J

    Had ultrasound today and.......

    RE: Congrats!!! Congrats! I am so excited for you. How many weeks along were you when you found out? I am hoping to find out in 2 weeks when I'm 16 weeks along, but I don't know if that's too early. Jen
  2. J

    She has a name!!

    What a beautiful name! I love it.
  3. J

    Workout Check-In (10/8)

    Hi ladies! Hope I'm not stepping on any toes by posting today's check in but I wanted to see how everyone is doing. I'm now in Week 12 and thrilled about it!! It's very encouraging since now the risk of miscarriage goes down. (Although, statistics mean very little to me since I lost one at 20...
  4. J

    Thank you all

    RE: This is such a great board Just wanted to let you know I used the Clear Plan ovulation predictors twice and got pregnant both times. They really helped me since I have a long cycle. Juju sprout edd 4-28-02
  5. J

    Workout Check-In (10/4)

    Well, I haven't done a workout lately. I did Firm Cardio on Monday night (had lots of energy that day) and I've been recovering ever since. My quads and butt have been KILLING me and I've been limping around. Am I a wimp or what?? {{{hanging head}}}} At least we did get to hear the heartbeat...
  6. J

    Workout Check-In 10/2

    I am SOOO sore today from that Firm tape, so we walked outside at lunchtime. The weather was nice but I was so tired! I can't believe how sore my legs are. Leg presses, lunges, squats, dips....whew! I have my doctor's appointment tomorrow. We're supposed to get to hear the heartbeat. I don't...
  7. J

    Workout Check-In 10/1

    RE: OK, this looks like fun... Good Tuesday everyone! It's looking to be a good week for me--I had SO much energy yesterday. I went home after work and did FIRM Cardio. The whole thing, and it didn't kill me! I was so proud of myself since I haven't done a Firm video since I was about 5 weeks...
  8. J

    Workout Check-In 10/1

    LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-01 AT 03:57PM (Est)[p]Michelle, Super Sculpting?!?!? Good LORD! That one is hard non-pregnancy! You are my hero! :) Just curious, what poundage do you use when pregnant? I think you have motivated me to go home and pull out a FIRM tape (a non-Basics one, even). I have more...
  9. J

    Weekly Check-In (9/28)

    Hey guys! Hope everybody's doing well. To answer your question Michelle, I'd be very interested in doing a weekly (or daily) check-in. I check out some other boards but none of them are pregnancy AND fitness related. I am online enough that I'd like to do it daily, if anyone is interested. Even...
  10. J

    Weekly Check-In (9/28)

    Hey Michelle! Congrats on making it to 26 weeks! You sound so excited and full of energy. I'm at 10 weeks so I am totally exhausted. I also ate 3 doughnuts today, so I'm about to get a major guilt-attack. Ugh! Why do I do that??? I can't wait until I have the energy to work out again. Please...
  11. J

    Has anyone bought anything yet?

    I want to, but I haven't. I have lost 2 babies (one at 20 weeks) so I'm a little nervous about buying anything just yet. However, my mother-in-law is taking me shopping this weekend for some maternity clothes! Yahoo! It's a little early for that (I'm 9 1/2 weeks along) but it's a birthday...
  12. J

    Check in :)

    Thanks Alli.. I don't always feel so tough! :) Yes, the experience of losing a baby mid-term was very hard. She had a chromosomal abnormality that was present from conception, but we didn't know. (Not that I would've WANTED to know...I never would have terminated the pregnancy anyway.) It was so...
  13. J

    Check in :)

    Juju and bean sprout checking in. I am so impressed at all of you. I'm 8 weeks and I am just struggling to make it to work every day. I take naps every afternoon and have to get to bed early every night. I have been so sick with this one. I guess that's a good sign, I shouldn't be complaining...
  14. J

    Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy

    I am 6 weeks pregnant and I just got this book a few days ago--it's hilarious! But I was very disappointed in the chapter on exercise. Vicki Iovine strongly advocates NOT working out through your pregnancy. She says it's God's way of telling you to take a 9-month break. She also disagreed with...
  15. J

    Anyone feel like checking in for Aug. 17th?

    I know how you feel. I'm 5 weeks and have no symptoms yet. I'm tempted to go get another pregnancy test (I took 2 early on) but I'm trying to be patient. I am also VERY anxious because I've had two losses (one in October last year, one in May this year). Can't wait til my doctor's appointment on...
  16. J

    New to Cathe--barbell question

    I'm glad to hear that they use dumbbells in S&H, since I was interested in those. But when I read the video description on this website, it says a barbell is required. I'm confused?!
  17. J

    New to Cathe--barbell question

    I am new to Cathe and just got Power Hour yesterday. I previewed it and loved it. Haven't done it yet, but I am wondering--I don't have a barbell. Will I be able to do the tape with dumbbells or do I absolutely need to get a barbell? Thanks everyone. :) Jen