Workout Check-In 10/2

Heeeeeeey gals! How are we doing today?

I just finished FIRM Super Cardio (didn't WO yesterday... SORE SORE SORE). What a killer! Thank GOD you can modify! LOL! And modifying I was!

Renae, WTG on Pump Party! I don't have it, but I have a lot of friends who are Mindy fans and just LOVE that WO. YAYYYYY!

Juju, you did FC! That is GREAT! I really enjoy that workout, along with FS. Yes, I still do the leg press, but without my barbell, and I use a dowel for the added stability. Just feels better! My heart rate gets high enough without any weights on that exercise, hoisting my big body up and down~! LOL!

GO GO GO! Feel those babies squatting and curling and pumping right with us!

Michelle in So Cal
Michelle, I did Super Cardio last week. That one is fun--the time just seems to fly by since you're switching routines and instructors so much. I did have to modify on those plyos, though!

This morning I did Christi Taylor's Happy Hour Hi/Lo with abs at the end. It was a blast! I'm 15 weeks now though, so I guess next week I'll have to start modifying those abs (and any chest work, for that matter) by using my step on an incline....

Keep it up, ladies! It'll keep us sane. :)

I am SOOO sore today from that Firm tape, so we walked outside at lunchtime. The weather was nice but I was so tired! I can't believe how sore my legs are. Leg presses, lunges, squats, dips....whew!

I have my doctor's appointment tomorrow. We're supposed to get to hear the heartbeat. I don't know if we'll be able to though, since my uterus is retroverted. At several of my other appts (other pregnancies) they couldn't find it for that reason, so they always ended up rolling the ultrasound machine in. Doesn't bother me a bit, as long as I leave knowing the sprout's ok.

Have a great afternoon!
Juju edd 4-28-02 (almost 11 weeks yahoo!!!)
Juju! You walked, and that is GREAT! I don't blame you either, after doing FC.... WHOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!

Keep on moving, girl! :D

Can't wait to hear about your appt.... :)

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02
Hi Renae! All right~ Christi's Happy Hour Hi/Lo! I don't have it, but again, many of my pals who love Mindy love Christi, too! :) You're ROCKING, girl!

I think I'll do some yoga today, and I might go with my hub tomorrow for a one-day pass to the Y so I can swim... ahhhh, sounds so good! Then maybe Circuit Max on Friday... YAHOOOO!

Get in all the abs you can right now... sounds crazy, but you WILL be missing them soon! LOL!

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02

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