Workout Check-In 10/1

Hi Alli and all! Well, here I am! As expected, I had a GREAT workout yesterday~ FIRM Super Sculpting. All I have to say is YOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! :D Baby is fine, heartrate was fine, groin pain non-existent... but MAN oh MAN my thighs, tris, and shoulders are NOT HAPPY today! LOL!

My poundage was good and higher than it has been in a long time. I loved the curtsy dips segment, and all those pushups were nice. Lots of UB in this one, too...

I think I'll do some yoga today, then maybe FIRM Super Cardio tomorrow.... and Cathe Step Works sometime toward the end of the week.

Alli, how've you been doing? Feeling good and staying active? :)

Happy workouts, everyone!

Michelle in So Cal
Ok Ok....I haven't done my workout today. I actually haven't exercised in a couple of weeks. I have to go pick up my son from school in just a few minutes but when we get back I will do SOMETHING...I will I will I will :)

Thanks :)
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby due February 24, 2002​
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-01 AT 03:57PM (Est)[/font][p]Michelle, Super Sculpting?!?!? Good LORD! That one is hard non-pregnancy! You are my hero! :) Just curious, what poundage do you use when pregnant?

I think you have motivated me to go home and pull out a FIRM tape (a non-Basics one, even). I have more energy today than I've had in MONTHS. I am thrilled!

(Geez, I just went back and re-read your post. How in the world can you do Super Cardio when pg??) Feeling *very* intimidated here! :)

edd 4-28-02 (10 1/2 weeks)
RE: Workout Check-In 10/1 to Juju

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-01 AT 04:44PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-01 AT 04:42 PM (Est)[/font]

ROFLOL! Juju! Oh no, no intimaidation here... I've been highly energetic this pregnancy, and it's amazing! I was feeling really weak in the beginning, but as the months progress, I feel better and better. I notice that a lot of step causes my groin discomfort, but as far as my muscles~ hey, they still need the work! LOL!

Note: I am six months now, and you are still in the icky first trimester, during which I maybe worked out 10 times! LOL! So give yourself time until you feel READY and WILLING.

Now, by no means am I reaching for the stars with my poundage OR my heart rate. I've reduced poundage in many ways, although yesterday, a friend came to WO with me, so when I'd rather reach for 10s, for instance, SHE'D grab them, so I'd go for the 12s... and it felt GOOD.

Let's see... I used to use 25-30# barbell for lunges, dips, leg press, yet know I use only a 15# barbell for lunges and dips and NO WEIGHT for leg press (use a dowel instead). If the lunges feel too fast, I make them static lunges (like during Bust & Butt), and I'll grab my dowel and drop my weights if it feels better. For the pushups, I did them all on my knees (was getting to do full-form just before I got preg), and I did all the abs on the incline bench (for lower abs, I sit up, leaning back slightly, and do knee-ups~ VERY effective). My shoulders have always been pretty strong, so I still use 10# for posterior, anterior, and lateral delts, 10-12# for overhead presses and rows, and 12# for biceps (although I'd been using 10s, but like I said, I heavied up yesterday and felt fine, never pushing it or letting my heart rate get too high). For French press and single-arm lat row, I'd normally use a 20#, but I use 15# now, to be safe.

You know, it's all relative, as far as our poundage goes. I've been FIRMing pretty steadily for almost 4 years now! All we can do is work to OUR comfort level while still getting in a great workout, and we've succeeded!

Super Cardio... hey, if it gets to hard, lower the step to 4", march instead of jog, do shallow squats instead of plyos (although plyos feel pretty good to me still, at least in moderation, when I just hold my belly for support). It's all about enjoying it and feeling good!

Please let me know what tape you do and how you feel. Approach it simply as working out because it feels GOOD, not as a measure of how your strength or endurance have diminished. Being preg is a whole new ball of wax, so plan to just do at least 20 min, for instance, and if you feel good, keep going, even if it's without weights.

Have FUN! Think of that little darling plyo-ing or kickboxing right there with you... When I finish a workout, my baby starts kicking and moving all around, so I think she enjoys it! :D

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02
RE: Workout Check-In 10/1 to Alli

Hey Alli! LOL! I was feeling so guilty not working out Saturday, and since I didn't get to post yesterday, I was itching to do so all day! LOL!

Hey, just do it if you feel ready and you WANT to. That's how I measure, and without forcing myself, I think it gives me a much better outlook and attitude.

Let me know if/what you decide to do. :)

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02
OK, this looks like fun...

so I'll join!

I didn't work out yesterday, but this morning I did Mindy Mylrea's Pump Party. It felt pretty good--this was a tape that was *very* easy for me pre-pregnancy. While it still wasn't terribly tough this time, I did notice I felt more worked from it than I did before I was pregnant. :)

I'm not exhausted like I was during the first trimester, but I have noticed a general feeling of fatigue setting in early afternoon. Good thing I am a morning exerciser; don't think I'd stay motivated to do my workouts after work at this rate. All I can think about lately is relaxing on the couch when I come home!
RE: OK, this looks like fun...

Good Tuesday everyone! It's looking to be a good week for me--I had SO much energy yesterday. I went home after work and did FIRM Cardio. The whole thing, and it didn't kill me! I was so proud of myself since I haven't done a Firm video since I was about 5 weeks. The only thing that really got my heart rate up was the tall box presses. Do you do those while pregnant, Michelle? I had to pause the tape and walk around to get my heart rate back down. But other than that, it was ok. My butt, thighs, and arms are sore today and it feels GREAT! Today hubby and I are going walking outside at lunchtime. The weather is gorgeous so I've got to get outside.

One question for you exercisers--what ab exercises do you do, and how do you do pec work when you can't lie on your back? I have a pregnancy fitness book I need to check on the subject, but I thought I'd ask you guys first. Have a great week!

edd 4-28-02 (almost 11 weeks!!!)

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