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  1. E


    Hi Karen it's Elissa again - I found a website that you may like to refer to. It is -Abena is the company that I once worked for. You will find a section titled 'About Incontinence' and from there you can select a section titled 'Pelvic Floor Exercises'. I hope this will be of some...
  2. E


    Incontinence is the word your looking for! I can certainly help you out there cause lucky me got to hear all about it when I worked for a company that supplied various pads to aged care homes specifically for incontinence. I had no idea what it was really all about before I begun there but now I...
  3. E

    Men in videos?

    Here here NY25! I'm on the same wave length - I actually bought up this idea under "Mixed Gender Workouts" in the suggestions forum for an upcoming video or DVD. My Dad had a shot at Boot Camp as he noticed there were other guys getting into it and although he didn't complete it he was keen to...
  4. E

    Band workout for traveling

    Sounds good Sharon.
  5. E

    Cathe, Low Max is EXCELLENT!!!!!

    I reckon the step sweep can be tricky at first as I am used to returning to behind the board (as done in Step Blast) yet with a bit of practise it comes naturally to return to the side of the board. I love how some of the moves that we've come to know have been given a bit of a twist such as the...
  6. E

    Low Max 2

    Just luvin' Low Max! I just want to keep doing it cause it is so enjoyable. It leaves me feeling energised without that drained feeling that some more high-impact step workouts can leave me feeling. I feel I get more out of it than just a fit body - it really has a great vibe to it and is a lot...
  7. E

    Workout that requires no or very limited equipment

    I'm right behind you on this suggestion! It'd be great to just pop Cathe into my bag to wherever it may be that I'm travelling to without having to research the area for a local gym - let alone a decent one! Also, space can be an issue when staying somewhere so to have workout that utilises a...
  8. E

    Mixed gender workouts

    In reference to the Boot Camp workout, I have found that it is now not just myself who is on the Cathe fitness band wagon in my home but also my Dad! Not one for gym workouts (in fact, I don't think he has even been to a gym in his life!)it wasn't until he had noticed the guys getting physical...