

I forget the name of the muscle that helps a woman -- especially one who has had children -- from being inconstant -- hope that's the right word -- it would be nice to have these added to the stretching or something. Just can't recall their name.
i know of the kegel exercises, which are meant to strengthen the muscles that will help you from having weak bladder problems. i recommend using google and doing a search for it if this is the muscle group you were thinking of.

ETA: it would be interesting for these to be added because they are a more 'personal' exercise and it can take some doing to get them done correctly. there are many methods for how to find out if you are doing them correctly.
Incontinence is the word your looking for! I can certainly help you out there cause lucky me got to hear all about it when I worked for a company that supplied various pads to aged care homes specifically for incontinence. I had no idea what it was really all about before I begun there but now I certainly do and by knowing this, it has opened my awareness as to how important it is to carry out some simple exercises to avoid what can be a very embarrassing subject for those who suffer from it. The nurses always had emphasised the importance of abdominal exercises so there's a good place to start!
Hi Karen it's Elissa again - I found a website that you may like to refer to. It is -Abena is the company that I once worked for. You will find a section titled 'About Incontinence' and from there you can select a section titled 'Pelvic Floor Exercises'. I hope this will be of some assistance.

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