Band workout for traveling


I know that Cathe prefers to use the band for only certain exercises, but I think it would be great to have a short but intense band workout that could be used whilst traveling. It would also be good for beginners who don't yet have weights etc.
Sharon :)
I think this is a great idea, and I don't believe there is anything out there on DVD that currently fits the bill. I would certainly buy such a workout.
I was just about to post a suggestion for a "travel with bands" workout and at the last minute I decided to check and see if anyone else had.

I am currently planning my summer vacation and it got me to thinking...I will probably be away from home for almost 3 weeks, and while I will be hiking, biking and swimming, I would LOVE to have some upper body band work to keep me going.

Please, Cathe, help all of us out! No matter how much I love doing strength workouts, I am not and cannot bring my weights with me to the beach.

Yes, I would love to see this, too! I am getting ready to go on vacation a little later in the week and am trying to compose my own band workout for the road--but I would rather see Cathe's version :D !

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