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  1. H

    Tae Bo advice

    Hi Mikie--I've been doing Taebo since Billy Blanks' first infomercial. So I'm familiar with the original Advanced tape. The Get Ripped Advanced 1 tape (w/ the gold cover) is an awesome workout. The original advanced workout, in my opinion, is far less challenging. Get Ripped features new...
  2. H

    Tae Bo~is no joke!

    RE: How is Tae Bo on the knees? I consider Taebo a mid-impact level exercise. Some moves are high impact but can easily be modified to protect fragile knees. So long as you're using proper technique & doing the more rigorous moves at a speed that doesn't overtax your knees you should be fine...
  3. H

    Tae Bo~is no joke!

    Waiting for more Get Ripped series Hi fit4life, I've been doing Taebo since it first came out on video. While Billy Blanks has made a whole library of new videos, the original advanced is a good place to start in terms of learning proper techniques. The original doesn't have the good music...
  4. H

    Joint problems

    Thanks all for your advice & suggestions. I've just started taking Osteobiflex Performance which seems to be working pretty well in conjunction with the calcium. I've also been taking your advice & listening more to my body by doing lower impact aerobics or modifying moves. Actually, though...
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    CTX - 5th week (still weak upper strength)

    Hi Susan-Lynn, I'm not really sure about your rotation question b/c I'm not a big rotation person. However, I wanted to encourage you to try out Power Hour. I recently purchased it & tried it out a few times & it's wonderful! The workout is efficient, fun & best of all, very challenging...
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    Free Speech, I guess

    RE: Cathe ROCKS!!!!! Just wanted to second the opinions written here. When I read this comment I was really surprised & wondered if it wasn't some kind of cruel joke. Hopefully Cathe will get a chance to read this thread & see how much her fan base enjoys her personable, encouraging banter...
  7. H

    Joint problems

    LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-02 AT 00:53AM (Est)[p]Hi all. I'm an avid exerciser--cardio (ie: kickbox, step, hi/lo, or run) 6 days/wk and weight train about 2-3 times a week--but often have to push myself through some workouts despite pain in the joints. I frequently ice painful areas after workouts...