Free Speech, I guess

Did you see this comment on the "Suggestions for Cathe's Next Videos" thread?

I love the Xpress tape set, the slow/heavy set, and any aerobic tape. But what I would most like to have in the next tapes is less talk. I don't think you realize how everything you say is going to be heard many, many times. I don't waste my money to do a tape once. Lots of yaking, whooping, etc. is just irritating, I can go to a gym for that. Just say the exercise, count, and maybe a word or two of encouragement. Otherwise shut up. It is really ok to say nothing. Explain form, give tips etc. at the beginning of a tape. Thanks.

Not trying to cause trouble here...just curious about reactions and responses. What do you think of this?

Wow. I guess to each her own, of course, but I think the comment is both rude and unrealistic, and, I might add, a definite minority view (maybe a minority of one!). What makes Cathe's tapes so popular is Cathe. After all, an ab crunch or a bicep curl isn't a tough thing to learn or do. What keeps us coming back to these videos day after day, and what gets us through "SIXTEEN MORE!" reverse crunches every time is Cathe's friendly and vivacious personality, enthusiasm, encouragement and USEFUL reminders of form pointers (very helpful, IMHO, to even a seasoned exerciser who may be getting tired, distracted, bored by a repetitious move or otherwise neglectful of form). And Cathe's video crew display the same smiling and encouraging attitude. It's the secret weapon, I think. When I'm doing a Cathe tape at 5:30 in the morning bleary-eyed, what gets me through it is Cathe and the crew, and the smiles and chatter, and the feeling that I'm a part of the group, too.

The viewer's comments criticize the very attributes that have made Cathe stand out in her field. If the viewer doesn't benefit from, or even enjoy, Cathe's kind of teaching and the camaraderie of Cathe and her crew, maybe she's better off investing her time and money elsewhere.

Just my two cents' worth. :)

Kathy S.
Laura, that is unbelievable and as Kathy said so incredibly rude. I did not see the post, but have not been on the forum as much lately, new job, sick,injuries, etc. Hey, she doesn't have to use the tapes. I'm with Kathy, I have most of Cathe's tapes now and yes, you do hear the same things over and over, but I do think it helps get you through. As you said, free speech, we all have different opinions, but what's that old saying that if you can't say something nice, say nothing at all. I believe that Cathe works very hard for all of us. She even will answer questions on this forum and ask for input on new tapes. She is the best and it's too bad she has to read crap like that. Mary[/img]
Personally, I have always found Cathe's talking to be low-key and motivating, and her woo-wooing to be minimal and genuine. I hope she continues with her down-to-earth, friendly style. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but on a continuum I bet Cathe would come in way over on the side of modesty when it comes to chattering, compared to many instructors. If I don't want any talk when I work out, I just put on a music CD and work independently. However, when I'm not very motivated, I know that as soon as I hear Cathe's voice, I'm going to want to work out. I think an instructor's personality is part of the appeal of her/his tapes. A fun thread would be to match what instructor you crave when you're in a certain mood. For example:

If I'm depressed or lazy, I need Cathe; if I need a laugh, I do the Firm; if I'm mad at the world, Kari and Franny cheer me up, etc.

Well, How insulting.The truth is I too find Cathe very motivating and I always enjoy her comments she knows what to say at exactly the right times I don't care if it is the 100th time I 've heard it, it HELPS like in Imax when you are gasping at that last interval and she says we are going to make it and so are you that always gets me through.I do have to admit that I do talk back it's like having her right in my living room.
Yikes! She's entitled to her opinion, but "shut up" is uncalled for. That's just rude.

I personally love the talk that goes on. Cathe cracks me up which is what I need when I'm grunting through static lunges :)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-19-02 AT 07:01PM (Est)[/font][p]I like Cathe's personality in her videos and her talking does help motivate me and she seems almost like a close friend sometimes.....a very down to earth and likeable lady!! Her videos are excellent in every way just the way they are and I hope she doesn't EVER change.
Sounds like this person wants a robot leading the way. She/he also sounds like an incredibly ignorant ass who is incapable of getting her/his opinion across without being very offensive. I just cannot believe the nerve!
:) :-jumpy
I agree - I can do cathe tapes over and over again. I find her voice very soothing.

Hey guys let's let this just die out - remember folks like this LOVE to get us rilled up - there was one not to long ago - remember this these guys thrive on getting us riled up (kind of pathetic this is how they get their thrills huh!! )
- we know cathe rocks and we feel very loyal to her because she has helped us all make such great fitness improvements - so let's not take the bait!

(I know easier said than done)!
I couldn't agree more, guys. I think there are enough different instructors out there to satisfy most people's preferences; perhaps the author of this post should try to find somebody with a teaching style she likes better. It's pretty presumptuous to suggest a change that involves a quality so innately personal as communication style. I could go on and on about what all I like about Cathe's teaching--for me, it usually strikes a perfect balance between explanation and encouragement, and I appreciate and enjoy the occasional personal asides.

Ann, I love the idea of polling readers about workout-mood matchups! Let's do it!

Everyone else here summed it up pretty well, so just to add my two cents worth... don't ever change,Cathe!!! If it wasn't for that "stay with me,modify when needed - LAST EIGHT!!" at the end of interval #4 in IMAX, I doubt I would ever have been motivated enough to do all those plyo jacks!!
I feel the same way! I think the things Cathe says, and the timing she has when saying them, make the tapes wear so well so I look forward to doing them again and again!

Sure, anyone can work out on her own, we don't *need* tapes. But those of us who find tapes motivating are the ones who Cathe listens to the most, I hope!

Maybe I am a bit defensive since I just posted in Video Comments that I find the CTX shoulder music "grating and a bit disturbing", and I don't want to be attacked myself!

But I think that Cathe wants to know what people really think. Maybe that is how she has gotten so good at pleasing the masses.

I guess I think that this poster could have put it a little more gently. Like I also mentioned that I really like ALL of Cathe's other music. Don't hate me!


Don't worry--nobody here hates you! I really have no problem with anyone expressing an you, I think Cathe seeks feedback and evaluates her work with her customers in mind, just like any good teacher does. ( I wonder if she's like me?...I cringe and seek a secure hiding place anytime I'm forced to watch myself on videotape...but that's another thread, right?)

Anyway, as far as exercise videos go, I think it's okay (even valuable) to know what customers think about choices of music. I also think teachers should respond to requests for explanation or clarification. I even think customers have the right to ask for justification/rationale for exercises/activities included in a workout (especially strength training), because we have particular goals (as well as strengths/weaknesses and likes/dislikes). We should be able to make informed decisions.

I just think telling a teacher to "shut up" is counterproductive. But that's just my 2 cents worth..."take it or leave it, right?"

Someone started a thread on this subject several days ago at the VideoFitness forum. I was wondering how long it would take before someone over here noticed this person's remark. Maybe she was just having a bad day or just didn't realize how rude her comment sounded.
I also love Cathe's personality. I think her tapes are perfect. She is great and so motivating. She's the BEST!
RE: Cathe ROCKS!!!!!

Whoa! I have a sister who is very high on the "irritability scale". Perhaps the poster is the same and she can't filter out what she doesn't need? I personally adore Cathe's exquisite cuing and form chat. I have been amazed at how often she says exactly the right thing to get me through the last reps or a tough segment! There's no way a taped workout can avoid repeating itself. It's silly to find it irritating. Cathe's the best at what she does because she keeps our form good and our sprits high! The poster needs to get over it! LOL! What a hoot!

Bobbi Chick's Rule!
RE: Cathe ROCKS!!!!!

The reason I love Cathe is that there is not a lot of whooping and nonsense in the background. She is not annoying at all, I don't find her too wordy either. She makes me smile too - and I have done her CTX series several times - and never get tired of her voice.

I quit taking aerobics at the gym for the reason the instructors were so annoying with their yelling and whooping!
RE: Cathe ROCKS!!!!!

The more I think of it the more I realize that the comment was just plain rude and nasty! Anne should really get herself some music and work out on her own. Instructors are people with personalities like anyone else. Cathe's rather lovely personality comes right through. You know how the Firm videos are sometimes accused of being Stepford like? Give me a warm smile and a little conversational, motivational talk any day. Anne certainly is entitled to her opinion but there are nice ways to criticize and there are nasty ways. Her's was nasty. Shame on her! She's a bit presumptious to think she has the right to ask a professional to change her style becasee she can't deal with the pleasantries (I think) make life a little nicer and more enjoyable. When is it ever ok to tell someone to "shut up"! It isn't!

Bobbi Chick's Rule!
RE: Cathe ROCKS!!!!!

Just wanted to second the opinions written here. When I read this comment I was really surprised & wondered if it wasn't some kind of cruel joke. Hopefully Cathe will get a chance to read this thread & see how much her fan base enjoys her personable, encouraging banter.

There are a lot of moments when her talk gets me through the moves or adds a lift to my jump--like in Interval Max when she says, "I should be able to fit a soccer ball under there...okay maybe more like a baseball...a golfball?" Every time I hear it I smile b/c it just adds humor to a really rigorous move & that's always a good thing.

And Jeanne--don't worry about ppl hating you. Everyone's entitled to their own preferences. In fact, I don't really care for the music in Rhythmic Step, but it's enough just to state it that way than to be obnoxious.

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