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  1. F

    Check-In for June3rd.!

    Gotta Remember how to do this...... I suppose it HAS been THAT long, that I have to figure out HOW to do this check in. Not to worry! I think I can! ;-) I have been keeping up with the check ins, just not posting! ... I'm an old-timer and I'm sure many remember me. My workouts are of MY OWN...
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    Checkin' in Week ending March 3

    Hey Andrea! I'm still around! ;-) Just reading more than posting....... Still working out! As a matter-of-fact, this week was alot of Cathe. Like going home. Some CTX, some Step Fit.... I was pleasantly sore! Thanx for checkin' on me though. Good luck tomorrow and remember: WALKING IS A...
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    checking in on 1/14/00

    This is the check in for 1/8 through 1/14 and OF COURSE you can join in! The more, the merrier!!! WELCOME ABOARD Cleda
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    checking in on 1/14/00

    Kudos to All! And I'm in awe of all those people who can actually DO Interval Max twice in one week! I am NOT one of those people and probably NEVER will be! :-) Congratulations Trevor! Everyone's weeks look wonderful (as usual)... Here we go ~ as my Tae Bo Rotation continues: Mon...
  5. F

    Check In!

    Onward through the New Year! Ok.. had a good week. With all the new holiday toys (dvd and tapes due to arrive soon), wasn't sure WHAT the new rotation would be. Of course, there's always the "dog-walking" rotation. Which continues! ;-) Monday: Walked the dog, Tae Bo Live Basic & 3/4 of...
  6. F

    Happy New Year's Checkin 12/31/00

    Oh Heck NanC! I thought that was the icon for me NOW !!!! ;-) Ohhhhh that's just how I feel..... And we will be quite the trip in our 90's when doing step aerobics..... so what if we don't use a step???? We'll have fun anyway!!!! ;-) Cleda PS... LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new little birdie...
  7. F

    Happy New Year's Checkin 12/31/00

    GO FOR IT...... I say GO FOR IT NanC..... Do some sort of cardio ..... Yes, I was the lune who did the whole PS Series last year on New Year's Eve, along with some cardio and a nice yoga stretch to finish off the year..... Happy New Year! Cleda
  8. F

    Happy New Year's Checkin 12/31/00

    MAYBE!!! Trevor: I thought also that with you beginning the thread that the baby had arrived. Funny thing, they come when they want to and not a minute sooner!!! ;-) I had a phenominal Christmas and so much to be thankful for! We started Christmas early by adopting a kitten and a puppy! Oh --...
  9. F

    Early Check In W/E 12/9

    A Deal is a Deal..... Here's to ya NanC!:-) Hey Folks... Been awhile. Haven't fallen off the exercise wagon, but eating is another story. We won't go there.... I am trying to NOT be a holiday statistic. :-( Mon: Colleen's Step Class Tues: Firm Volume 6 Wed: Firm: Super Cardio, 5 day...
  10. F

    check in 11/12

    Double Bench..... Yep :-) !!! It's a step class and we use 2 steps!!! Of course, it's with my FAVORITEST instructor (NOT on video! ;-)) .... and she's the BEST !!! The class is not brutal, it's just FUN... I almost feel I shouldn't count it in my exercise tally, but I'm sure if I wore my...
  11. F

    check in 11/12

    Good Workout Week. And that's a good thing! :-) Mon: Hi/Lo Heaven (1st section), Leaner Legs, Colleen's step class Tues: Warm Up from MIC, CTX Upper Body (less half the biceps, I was beat) Wed: Lower Body Split, Double Bench Class, Spin & Abs class Thurs: Rest day (cuz we all need 'em)...
  12. F

    CHECK IN 11/5

    Just like Comin' Home.... With Thanksgiving not too far away... I thought that subject was appropriate..... NanC really summed up the weekend real well. About the only thing she left out was: The nighttime runs to "Friendly's" for the Hot Fudge Sundaes! Oh that's right -- she wasn't with...
  13. F


    Hey NanC! Freudian Slip????? A "slump" party???? ;-) Oh and to make this fit into the topic.... Cathe: You're the BEST (Probably my shortest post EVER) Cleda
  14. F

    Great Weekend !!

    Hey Clarence! Pam is right... YOU ROCK!!! BUT.. your sister says you have a "knickname"!!! }> That "Clarence" is just too formal!!! ;-) Not to worry -- I'll never tell. (That does not mean, however, that any of the other 2,000 VF'ers won't spill the beans)!!!!!!! :-wow Enjoyed meeting...
  15. F

    Thank you for a great roadtrip!

    Quick Correction..... Hey Amy.... I'd LOVE to accept the thanks for "arranging".. but that's not my forte!!! ;-) The thanx go to Clare, Joni, and Sharon!!! I'm just the "old-timer" with the big mouth that tries to make people feel at ease.... Sure hope it works, cuz I have a BLAST doing...
  16. F

    Checking In - My first Time

    Do feel better..... And I saw that you can't make it for the trip :-( Boo-hoo... I was so hoping you'd join us for the "extra" activities..... You will be missed...... Get well soon and feel better! Cleda
  17. F

    Checking In - My first Time

    Good Week.... Mon: Colleen's Step Class Tues: Lower Body Split, Ellipse Wed: BodyMax a.m., Spin & Abs class p.m. Thurs: Rest day (yep! we all need 'em) Friday: Rest day (cuz I like 'em) ;-) Sat: Step Fit Sun: Ellipse, Walked Still don't know where the workouts are going. Sure...
  18. F

    Checking in

    The good thing about checkin' in EARLY You can quickly respond to everyone ... :7 Wendy: No time for guilt. I was headed for a VERY bad exercise week, but thanx to my friend NanC (thanx NanC! ;-)) I realized that I could pull it out before it got TOO far away from me! Your week looked...
  19. F

    Doing the checkin thang!

    EEEkkkkkk before it's NEXT week..... And trust me... next week is gonna look pretty sad! :-( For all those who think they can't slump..... SURPRISE :-wow !!! But we'll save that for NEXT week! So here it is: Mon: Spin & Abs Class Tues: The Firm Strength and then put in Circuit Max and...
  20. F

    Checkin' in early, again!

    RE: Another week in the wacky world of fitness adventures Who Me???? Buggin' ya about a check in??? Go Nancy! Go Nancy! Go Nancy! But 70, fall foliage, and complaining??? ;-) Cleda