check in 11/12


Hi guys!!! Still up 'cuz my butt is burning!!! I did Leaner Meaner Legs about 1hour ago, and whew were my poor legs trembling on that last set of low end plie squats :D I LOVE the CTX DVDs, very much worth the wait! But I don't think I'll do Leaner legs at the end of the day, esp. after a long day, I'll be lucky if I can walk tomorrow. And it's been a long one...a very close family friend who is 97 years old, but looks about 77 if that, fell this morning and pretty much shattered her femur (thigh bone), I was just finishing up at clinic and was called to admit a lady with a broken leg...much to my dismay is was a dear friend. Anyway...even through her pain she was joking that she shouldn't have been giving her milk to the cat when she was little...SO TAKE YOUR CALCIUM!!! She's pretty awesome though, very active and lives at home on her own, she said her "secret" to looking and acting so young was good clean living, healthy food, no tobacco, rarely any alcohol, and LOTS OF EXERCISE!!! During the summer still walks 1 mile per day!
(BTW made it through surgery fine :D)
OK i'll shut up now!
Sunday-cardio kicks and 1st half of yoga sculpt
Mon-CTX chest with the cardio + 30 min elliptical
Tues-yikes :eek: got home late and couldn't tear myself away from the election coverage
Wed-nada-too many meetings
Thurs-CTX biceps and back plus the cardios with them
Fri-CTX triceps and shoulders and their cardios
Sat-leaner meaner legs and 2nd half of yoga sculpt
gonna try to do them in the morning this week and space em out, also add in more yoga and pilates, I feel so much more relaxed afterwards! Think I'll go sledding tomorrow (if I can walk ;-) )
:-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy julie :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-12-00 AT 08:22AM (Est)[/font][p]Great week Julie!! Hope your friend will be ok.
Im looking forward to expanding my tape collection for the winter and I hope I can do them half as well as you and everyone else here does. Im still trying to workout a bit outside as weather cools. Eventually it will be all inside.
Saw some of the pics from the road trip. You all look great and should be very proud of yourselves. What commitment! I would love to do that sometime.....and I think I have a small crush on Cathe!!! lol!! notice i said "small"...dont want to get in trouble with my wife!
I didnt post last week so I will post 2 weeks worth.
Last week --
Mon. -- c.c. trail run at college for 38 min. this trail is tough, very hilly. Daphne, you would love it girl!! :)
Tues. -- back, tris, bis abs at fitness center. 3 sets on weight machines. 200 reps on ab roller. 50 reps on back extension
Wed. -- 35 min. on climber. felt a little sluggish. chest, shoulders, ab roller. again 200 reps on roller and 3 sets on chest machines and shoulder machines
Thurs. -- legs, legs, legs!!!!!!! also alot of butt blasting!! used dumbbells for various lunge routines, leg press, inner and outer thigh machine, leg extensions, leg curls. phew!!! 3 sets on all machines except press.....8 sets!!!!!!! :) ab roller
Fri. -- 4 miles on treadmill in 30 mins. 17 sec. this was hard because "young frankenstein" was playing on fitness center television!! kills me everytime i see it and im lucky i didnt roll right off the treadmill!! :)

This week--
i skipped weights this week.........just not enough time.
Mon. -- 35 min climber
Wed. -- 35 min. indoor bike.....kept it at 100 rpms. pretty intense.
Fri. -- cardio part of bodymax
Sat. -- 30 min. run on stadium steps at the college.
I did do crunches every day this week. Im seeing good results on my abs........can we say six pack????!! not!! lol!!(maybe 2 pack!)
Family is doing great....Michelle had a baby shower where she works.......pregnancy is really going quick. I feel the baby is gonna come early. Our son is getting into it too, which is great!! He'll be a great older brother.
Today -- I am off to Montreal this afternoon for 4 days on business. I better not end up with a one-pedalled antique bike in the hotel fitness center either!! lol!! :)
Take care everyone!!
Trevor :-jumpy
My Check-In!

Wow, Julie, WHAT were you thinking doing Meaner Legs after midnight! Yowza! :-mad I know what you mean about the legs & butt afterwards. Actually, I wasn't thinking too clearly myself last Friday when I decided to do Meaner Legs & Step & Intervals back-to-back! Just ask Honeybunch. I moaned & groaned all through our get together. I do okay as long as I keep moving, but boy, let me sit down for an hour or sooo and those legs are screamin'. Great week for you and I am so sorry about your dear friend. What an inspiration she is. Walking a mile a day at 97, not to mention, she lives alone. Hope her healing is not too painful. She has a great friend at her side. BTW, how much snow do you have in Iowa? Brrr, the last thing I want to think about now is sled riding. Have fun! Oh yes, this is check-in right? I best CHECK-IN!!!

Monday~CircuitMax, including BACK, plank work & ABS in A.M., Taught a Hi/Lo class in the P.M., CTX-BICEPS & CHEST

Tuesday~Taught a Hi/Lo class with toning, Abs in the A.M., CTX-SHOULDERS & TRICEPS

Wednesday~Meaner LEGS w/ABS, 10-10-10 cardio only in the morning, CTX-BICEPS & CHEST in the evening

Thursday~Taught 2 Hi/Lo classes w/toning & ABS, CTX-BACK in the evening

Friday~Meaner LEGS w/ABS, Step & Intervals, cardio & Cool down only in the morning, TRICEPS & SHOULDERS in the evening

Saturday~Went to a friend's Hi/Lo class & then 3 of us headed out to breakfast and then off to to renew our CPR

Shhhhh-I just have to share~My hubby did body parts with me 3 times this week!! Of course his friend and him had to tease me about WHICH body parts we were working on!!! :-gloat!! I am so excited he joined me. He is truly impressed with the intensity of them. He had to even take Friday off as his forearms and elbow area were very sore! I LOVED IT! :D Stay tuned, we'll see if I can keep him motivated. I am loving doing the body parts 2x each per week. I am definitely feeling some progress. You'd think after all the years of experience I have in the fitness industry, I wouldn't notice , but Cathe surely knows how to shake things up. Okay, sorry guys for going on & on. Have a wonderful week and stay healthy. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Hi Trevor!

GREAT WEEK! Whew, your last Thursday's workout hurts thinking about it! I'm with you on "Young Frankenstein". It is too funny. Glad to hear Michelle is doing well. Give her all our best. Good luck with the fitness center in Montreal. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
wow, Debbie!

What a great week!! Ok, here's my question: How how how did you get your sig. other to work out with you? I would LOVE to somehow trick my BF into doing something with me--I love to do videos and walk or hike, he loves to play tennis and ride his bike. (ha--wasn't even TRYING to make that rhyme!) Unfortunately, he never does either, and I won't stop doing my workouts, even though it sometimes interferes with our time together...
Any advice? thanks!!!

PS--if you have a long answer, or if anyone else posts about this, maybe it should be outside of the check-in. I should have posted somewhere else--sorry!
Good Workout Week.

And that's a good thing! :)

Mon: Hi/Lo Heaven (1st section), Leaner Legs, Colleen's step class

Tues: Warm Up from MIC, CTX Upper Body (less half the biceps, I was beat)

Wed: Lower Body Split, Double Bench Class, Spin & Abs class

Thurs: Rest day (cuz we all need 'em)

Fri: Step & Sculpt Class

Sat: Happy Hour

Sun: Great Weighted Workout

I tried to do some different stuff this week! On to next week.....

Have a great week everyone.
checking in

Hey you guys, ALL of your workouts look incredible! Seems like everyone was healthy and hard-working this week :)
Julie--how is doing two cardios from CTX feeling? I tried it a few times, and it was pretty tough. I also did a CTX cardio followed by a segment of Stepworks or Powermax, and that seemed almost easy in comparison--probably because the beats per minute are much less on SW and PM.
Trevor--Yay! on the abs :)
Cleda--wow, did you work! Is a double step class one that uses two steps at a time? I did one a few years ago, and loved it!
Ok, here's my week: (started on my new CTX rotation)
MONDAY: CTX kickbox + biceps+ backs
TUESDAY: Leaner Legs and abs
WEDNESDAY: CTX shoulders and chest, + 30 min walk/jog
THURSDAY: 10-10-blah + triceps (the blah was because I had to leave off the step section due to ankle pain I was feeling from my walk/jog from Wed.)
FRIDAY: rest
SATURDAY: planned MIS, but didn't get to it. This means I have to make adjustments to my rotation for next week :-(
SUNDAY: MIS + 45 minutes cardio (have done the MIS portion, and hope to hike this loverly afternoon :) )
Have a great week, everyone!
RE: I'm SOOOO tired

Hi everyone!! I was up until 3:00 this morning and I had to get back up at 8:00, so I'm really dragging butt. I'm not going to talk much and just tell my week and go to sleep.

MON: BodyMax (have I mentioned I love this tape? he he!)

TUES: StepMax (2nd time, I liked it even better the second time around)

WED: CircutMax and taught my Urban Rebounding and my Body Pump class. What a day!! 3hr is a long time!

THURS: PowerMax (again, even better the 2nd time!)

FRI: MIS (I'm trying to up my weight, I'm getting there)

SAT: IMAX ( what can I say? Killer, but I love it!)

SUN: Today I went shopping with my mom for four hours. I'm going to go take a nap, and then around 7:00, I'm going to do the Hi/Lo portion of MIC.

Have a great week everyone!!!

I'm fairly proud of myself this week....I went to my brother's house last weekend, who ended up getting the flu while I was there, so I was sure I was going to be laid up by the middle of the week with the flu myself...but so far, so good. I've been taking some natural stuff to help boost up the immune system so hopefully it will tide me over...'s my week:

Monday: Power Circuit/Back/Abs
Tuesday: Aaron Lankford Power Kicks/Abs - - I had never done this tape before and really didn't except to sweat like I did! But I certainly did!
Wednesday: CTX Kickbox Biceps/Triceps
Thursday: 41 minutes on stationary bike/heavy lifting for the chest
Friday: Circuit Max
Saturday: Rest day

All in all, I'm pleased....

I'm fairly proud of myself this week....I went to my brother's house last weekend, who ended up getting the flu while I was there, so I was sure I was going to be laid up by the middle of the week with the flu myself...but so far, so good. I've been taking some natural stuff to help boost up the immune system so hopefully it will tide me over...'s my week:

Monday: Power Circuit/Back/Abs
Tuesday: Aaron Lankford Power Kicks/Abs - - I had never done this tape before and really didn't except to sweat like I did! But I certainly did!
Wednesday: CTX Kickbox w/Cardio/ Biceps/Triceps
Thursday: 41 minutes on stationary bike/heavy lifting for the chest
Friday: Circuit Max
Saturday: Rest day
Sunday: CTX Chest w/Cardio & Shoulders/Abs

All in all, I'm pleased....

all i gotta say is...

...OW!!! Putting kickbox together with 10-10-10 wasn't so bad, but Power circuit and the interval one wasn't too smart!!! I think this week, I'm going to do what you were doing by combining with a different tape (step or hilo heaven would be a fun mix-might try that HLH (probably just one stage, I'm not quite that nuts ;-) )+kickbox and maybe SH + power circuits or something, it'd be fun to mix it up :D
Looks like everyone had great weeks!!!
(and btw-did Leaner legs at 11pm-I live in CST :D)
:-jumpy :-jumpy julie :-jumpy :-jumpy
Double Bench.....

Yep :) !!!

It's a step class and we use 2 steps!!!
Of course, it's with my FAVORITEST instructor (NOT on video! ;-)) .... and she's the BEST !!!

The class is not brutal, it's just FUN... I almost feel I shouldn't count it in my exercise tally, but I'm sure if I wore my heart rate monitor, my heart rate would be in the "zone"! :) It's what I like to refer to as my "icing" on my "exercise cake"!!! :)


To be honest with you, I'm not sure what inspired him to do the tapes with me other then I went on & on about them for the 1st. two weeks of my rotation with them. I just kept saying (HINTING) about how awesome they were and how much I could feel the challenge in my muscles. I just asked him one day if he wanted to start doing one or two body parts a night with me and he said YES! We just moved into our new condo and finished off a nice workout area in the basement and I think that might have helped. He is thinking of starting to workout again on our weight machines we have in the room also. I was a little hurt inside thinking he's deserting me already but HEY, as long as he is working out, right? We'll see how it goes. Good luck with your BF. Maybe someday he'll surprise you too. Sorry, everyone, I guess Wendy was right about making this a separate post. :-shy Talk to you soon, Wendy. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Hello everybody, looks like everyone had great weeks so I'll go ahead and post mine:

Mon- Nada

Tue- CTX SNI followed by PS CST and abs from All Step

Wed- MIC(my first time doing the whole thing) followed by CTX back and biceps

Thur-All Step cardio followed by Leaner legs w/ ab work

Fri- Circuit Max

Sat-10-10-10 cardio and CM cardio only(ff through toning intervals) Abs(forget which one from CTX I did)

Sun- MIS legs, back, and biceps followed by PS CST. A great end to my week!!

Have a blast everyone!!

A great week!

For some strange reason, I've been keeping on track with my workouts for the past couple of weeks. I sure hope I can keep it going! :)

Monday - CTX Step & Intervals
Tuesday - CTX Power Circuit (had to stop after the triple rows due to time)
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - CTX All Step
Friday - CTX 10-10-10
Saturday - CTX Leaner Legs
Sunday - Rest
Looks like everyone's week went well. Terri, you deserve to be proud, good week and stay healthy!! My week unfortunantly was nothing to be proud of. Started off on a bad note.

Monday - slept in (jet lag) and didn't get home until 1:00 a.m. No I don't work second shift.

Tuesday - slept in (see above) and got wrapped up in election coverage that night untill 1:30. What a waste that was :-mad !!!!

Wednesday - slept in (see above) and had a night class in the evening.

Thursday - (morning) PS BBA (evening) LA Yoga PM

Friday - (morning) PS CST

Saturday - (morning) IMAX

Sunday - (morning) MIS (evening) Karen V's Pure and simple strecth

Well at least I finished off with a bang and I'm back on track for this week. Managed to get my butt out of bed this morning.

Everybody's lookin' good!

Great weeks everyone. Looks like a lot of you are enjoying CTX rotations...they're awesome, aren't they? :) :) Even though I'm on a different rotation now, parts of the CTX workouts still seemed to find a way into my week.

Here's how it looked:

Sunday - Body Max
Monday - MIC
Tuesday - Circuit Max in AM; CTX Upper Body Split (from DVD) in PM
:)-wow definitely want to eat your Wheaties before attempting this...I was trembling like crazy!); plus plank and abs section from CTX Kickbox
Wednesday - 45 minutes on elliptical machine
Thursday - Cardio Kicks in AM; MIS in PM
Friday - Interval Max
Saturday - Cardio Kicks plus plank and abs section from Power Circuit

That's all folks...have a great week,
RE: Everybody's lookin' good!

Wow Lisa,
You never cease to amaze me. Great week Again!!!!! You don't ever take a break do you???
Awesome weeks everyone!

Julie, I sure hope your friend is doing o.k. - what an inspiration she is at 97!

Trevor - a 2 pk of abs: tee, hee! Have you busted out of any more jeans?

Debbie H - You are bionic! I could never do cardio after Meaner Legs, once I'm done with that tape I am DONE!

My week:

Sun - MIS
Mon - CK
Tues - Bryan Kest Power Yoga vol 2, "Tone"
Wed - MIS UB, All Step
Thurs - Meaner Legs
Fri - Donna Richardson, this tape is so fun, even though the intensity is only intermediate I still get a good sweat and just love the Motown..."I know you want to leave me, but I refuse to let you go, if I have to cry and plead for your sympathy I don't mind cause you mean that much to me..ain't too proud to beg..."
(That was me singing - lucky for you all you can't hear me! :) )

Will work out hard this week and part of next but then will be traveling to in-laws for Thanksgiving so will have about 5 rest days :-( Actually, I need to rest - been going at 6 days per week without any rest for almost a year.

Hope everyone has fun workouts this week!
Thanks Lorrie!

Loved your little song! Lucky for everyone is wasn't ME singing it. A tune, I can not carry! Have fun at the in-laws. You are entitled to a rest. Happy Thanksgiving! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

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