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  1. R

    Do your calves hurt during PLB stability ball section??

    Calves Hi Rhonda, When the ankles are on the ball in dorsiflexion (toes pointed upward) the calf muscles are on stretch. So, if your calf muscles are tight, it might be difficult to keep the heels balanced on the ball in this position. Taking extra time to stretch the calves after all of...
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    Do your calves hurt during PLB stability ball section??

    When I teach classes with the stability ball, many participants tell me they feel the work in their shins trying to maintain balance. The shin (anterior tibialis muscle) works in ankle dorsiflexion (Flex your ankle so your toes point toward your knee, and you will feel the muscle contract.) So...
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    Curious about your work outside of making videos

    Hi Cathe, and thanks for the tips on teaching a Boot Camp class. I think a stop watch might come in handy. My work is in corporate fitness, and many of the members are postural walking nightmares (from slumping over computers all day). They also have overuse injuries from various activities...
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    Question about Boot Camp

    Hi Cathe, The Intensity DVDs were well worth the wait! As a fellow instructor and personal trainer, they are going to propel me into the next planet of fitness! I think you did a spectacular job in both the design and presentation of this series. Boot Camp is an absolute blast, and I...
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    Does this mean I should do less intensity???

    Christine hit this one on the nose As a PT and Fitness Specialist, I encounter this a alot with clients who do very sport specific training. Runners often do not fare well on the cycling (YMCA) test because cycling is not their sport. Group exercise participants who can do a kick-butt "Cardio...
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    Cathe - References for Strength Training

    Hi Cathe, As an ACE Personal Trainer, I am always looking for great reference books and one of my favorites is Effective Strength Training by Douglas Brooks. He has a very unique way of explaining kinesiology so one can easily apply the theory to the exercise (much like your strong cuing...
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    Cardio before breakfast - new research

    Yes, Patricia! I am NOT a morning person so if this were *the* way to burn fat I'd be in big trouble, no pun (or offense to anyone) intended!! :) If people would just concentrate on *working out more intensly* and stop worrying about the primary substrate used for fuel and how many calories...
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    Cardio before breakfast - new research

    Hi. I am new here, but some of you may remember me from Video Fitness (Roberta). I'd like to hear Maribeth's take on this as well. There is also research that suggests that the fitter one is, the faster they will start utilizing fat for fuel in the early stages of their cardiovascular...