Cardio before breakfast - new research


In this month's Muscle and Fitness magazine, there's an article on whether doing cardio before breakfast is a good idea or not. They now think (after a lot of controversy on the subject) that this IS the best way to burn fat after all.

People used to think that cardio before breakfast was good for fat burning because a low blood sugar level would force the body to burn fat for energy. Then later, people said that this was not true at all.

Well, now they think that it IS true that the body will burn more fat during cardio before breakfast, but for different reasons. Apparently, when you wake up, the blood sugar level isn't that low after all. Blood sugar is the brain's primary source of energy, so the rest of the body actually turns to fat for energy. So, during the night, low insulin levels prevent fat storage, and high glucagon levels encourage fat to be released and used for energy. This way, blood sugar is saved for the brain. Thus, the body is in fat-burning mode during the night (although I guess calorie requirements are pretty low while you are sleeping, so you won't necessarily wake up leaner!)

According to the new theory, when you first wake up, the body is still in fat-burning mode, with low insulin and high glucoagon levels. So, if you do cardio before breakfast, your body's primary energy source will be fat. They even say that the effect lasts all day. After each meal, you are less likely to store fat if you did cardio before breakfast.

The drawback (there had to be one!) is that whenever the body is in fat-burning mode, it will also burn some muscle as well. So it may not be the best thing for people trying to maximize muscle size, but may be a good thing during a fat-burning rotation. They say that for someone who wants to build muscle, cardio should be done later in the day (ie not on an empty stomach), preferable on a different day to weight lifting.

I would be interested to hear Maribeth's opinion on all this. I guess new theories come out all the time, and they often turn out to be wrong. Anyway, it has got me interesting in trying cardio first thing. I'm terrible at getting up extra early, though, so perhaps I'll give it a try on weekends...

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-08-02 AT 01:22PM (Est)[/font][p]Yep, it works I used to do it. I was also wondering why I couldn't gain any muscle size. Then I read in M&F (it was years ago) that it can eat muscle, like said above. For me it was hard to put muscle on but if your an easy gainer it may work for you.

You can still keep your glycogen low and get the fast fat burning of a.m. cardio by having a zero carb, protein supplement before the cardio. Spares the muscle, burns fat. I've been doing it with great results.Your muscles won't lose their fullness as you get cut.
I like the sound of that. Do you take a protein drink? Does it make your stomach feel a bit too full to do a workout?

I have to get that magazine.i didn't knowit was out yet.
I always did my cardio in the evenings,except, for days when I didn't go to work until 1:00.But for the last couple of monthes I have been trying to do it early in the mornings, when everyone is sleeping. I am absolutly thrilled when I get it done b/c the rest of my day is totally free.I can do whatever I like in the evenings and I don't have to feel as if I am missing something.
Now, the alarm clock in my head goes off every morning at 6:15, even when I don't have to go to work.I haven't noticed any difference in my body but I love the fact of starting my day off this way.

What I do is have the protein about 30- 45 minutes before I start. As soon as I'm up I mix and drink. Currently I'm using a pure whey protein powder just mixed w/water in a shaker. You only have to use about 1/2cup water so it's not really alot of liquid slushing about in your belly. I use whey because it is the most quickly absorbed protein into the digestive system. So, it gets to your muscles fast. I use the protein from Lindberg nutrition at But, I've also used a ready to drink product called Isopure. Yummy, they are fruit flavored. Totally carb free. They are a nice change to the usual milky texture of the protein powders. You can find it all over at GNC and other healthfood places. Whatever you buy just try and get Whey protein with as little carbs as possible.

Hi. I am new here, but some of you may remember me from Video Fitness (Roberta).

I'd like to hear Maribeth's take on this as well. There is also research that suggests that the fitter one is, the faster they will start utilizing fat for fuel in the early stages of their cardiovascular workouts. For me and my clients (I'm an ACE certified trainer and AFAA group fitness instructor), it is more a matter of when I/they can fit the cardio into their day so it gets done, versus what time of day I/they do it.

I just hate buying into the latest research like it is the end all-be all way to train. We are all different.

I agree with Roe. It's whatever hour in the day you can find time to exercise that matters and what's most convenient. I exercise in the morning because I can allott time for it by getting up earlier, and because I get it over with. Pressure-switch off! I can't do it in the afternoon 'cause I'm at work, and if I had to do it at night the job would never get done! Too many good TV shows (love, love, love "The Gilmore Girls" and "West Wing"! OK, off topic) and dinner is my biggest meal.

It wouldn't matter to me if they suddenly came to the conclusion that you should only exercise after 7:00 p.m. It doesn't matter to me when the experts DO say things like "No eating past 7:00 p.m." I can't live my life according to some "experts".

I say keep the research. "Just do it!" when you can.

Oops! Didn't mean to come off sounding so heavy-handed!

Yes, Patricia! I am NOT a morning person so if this were *the* way to burn fat I'd be in big trouble, no pun (or offense to anyone) intended!! :)

If people would just concentrate on *working out more intensly* and stop worrying about the primary substrate used for fuel and how many calories they are burning, we just might see a whole lot more fit people in our health club establishments!

I used to wear a heart rate monitor and chucked it quickly when I realized that I spent more time watching it to see where I was in my training zone than concentrating on the intensity of my workout. Very counterproductive!

To each his/her own.

I think that being from M&F this was for folks who have some pretty high fitness goals and not for your average person who just wants to be fit and lose some weight. It was mostly geared toward someone who's in contest prep.

I think the mass majority knows that cardio anytime of the day will do for weight loss and fitness.

I'm glad you shared it with us, Sharon.

"Erin Gobraugh!"~Ireland Forever

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