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  1. R

    Side kicks make my back hurt...

    Hmm, I'll take a stab at this one. A side kick is dependent on the strength of your abductor muscles. If they are weak and don't have the strength to fully execute the kick, then your stronger low back muscles might be taking over. Weak abdominal stabilizers may also contribute as they really...
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    Not sure I can resist Susan Harris

    RE: sneak peek Yes, this one is fantastic! I did it twice yesterday since I was just learning it. The second time I had the tape nailed. Susan looks great, cues great, and the choreography is superb. This is one I will do a lot! -Roe
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    New Tapes - Backup Exercisers

    Yay Clare! I am so sick of hearing people in all aspects of life exclaim "I am so busy!" It is used as an excuse for everything nowadays... almost as if it should be an exemption for common courtesy. (Sorry I didn't call, write, visit - "I've been so busy!") If someone has too much going on...
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    Anybody else feel more sore with endurance v. strength?

    I find PUB in it's entirety to be a blend of both strength and endurance. To build size, reps of 6-8 or 8-10 with heavier weight is usually recommended, and endurance typically falls within the 12-15 or 15-20 rep scheme, still using weights that challenge the muscle within that range. I don't...
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    Q!uestion for Francine, Roe and the rest of the crowd

    RE: training to failure Failure, or momentary muscle fatigue, can be achieved in many ways, as Francine noted. Varying workouts is important to prevent boredom and keep our bodies challenged, but when a person has a very specific goal, us trainers need to develop a program to follow for a...
  6. R

    Anybody else feel more sore with endurance v. strength?

    Lactic acid is the burn felt in the muscle as fatigue is achieved. It is unrelated to soreness and neutralized pretty quickly once the exercise or set is complete. The soreness we typically feel a day or two afterward actually stems from micro-tears in the muscle fibers, which repair and...
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    Not sure I can resist Susan Harris

    I did From the Ground Up last night and the more I do it the more I love it. I agree that the music is great and I love the way Heidi keeps reminding us about technique. I have a strong tendency to curl my toes in my shoes when working out, which doesn't help much with balance! :7 I just love...
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    FitPrime Fast Cheetah and Strong Bear - Great Workouts!!

    Hi Janice and others, If boredom is what keeps people from doing these workouts then by all means, don't do them. The whole point of working out, after all, is choosing activities we love to do, and finding ways to change up those same activities to challenge ourselves once we plateau...
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    FitPrime Fast Cheetah and Strong Bear - Great Workouts!!

    I love From the Ground Up as well. This one just arrived in the mail last week. I think the reason many people give up on these workouts after one viewing is because they are different and out of their comfort zone. The FitPrimes are doing wonders for my core strength and balance, and even...
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    Need Advice Francine!!!!!

    RE: 3 weeks to go! Hi Lori, Francine shared excellent information about eating as this is where most people fail. Couple that with intensity of workouts and you will most likely get great results. I would place the focus on interval training for cardio, healthy eating, and strength...
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    New Tapes - Backup Exercisers

    Punky, you have a valid point. We are her customers after all and pay her salary, or at least a big part of it. I have been a bit annoyed about her lack of participation on the Ask Cathe forum. Yes, I know she warned us in advance that she would be absent, is giving us another round of super...
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    Pyramid Up or Down to increase muscle mass

    Hi, Increasing muscle size is mostly determined by genetics and muscle fiber type, but the truth is, in order to increase both size and strength, one must apply the principle of overload. That is, doing more work than the body is normally accustomed to doing. You must choose a weight that...
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    pilates, yoga, or other

    The FitPrime videos enable you to use moderate to heavy weight. In some of the sequences you go directly from an exercise that involves a heavier weight, like a one-arm lat row, to one that uses lighter weight, like a concentration curl, with no break in between. Once you get to know the video...
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    Opinions on Lotte Berk workouts?

    Thank you so much! I think I might add this one to my collection. :7 -Roe
  15. R

    Lunges vs. Step-ups

    It's the same joint action for both exercises - hip and knee extension, so both target the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps. The step up allows for a greater range of hip and knee extension, which places more focus on the glutes and quads, but Nancy is right. They do the same things. -Roe
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    pilates, yoga, or other

    Hi Kathy, I am also trying to take a break from Cathe, who I love, mostly because my body needs a change from all the high impact cardio and heavy strength training I have been doing for years. Some of my favorite new workouts are the Method's Target Stability Ball Workout with Katalin...
  17. R

    Question about form on lunges

    RE: knee clicking Hi Iris, Could it be that lateral (side to side) motions are affecting the tracking of your knee? Sometimes it is our own body mechanics, coupled with lack of strength and flexibility, as Francine pointed out, that contribute to knee problems. The biggest issue I see...
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    For Cathe re: your special loss.

    Add me to the list of people expressing her sorrow for your loss, Cathe. Way back in the early 90's, I had a fascination with Ragdoll cats and bought 2 kittens (brothers) from a breeder. At 10 months, I found one of them on the basement floor, paralyzed in the hind legs from a blood clot...
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    Opinions on Lotte Berk workouts?

    Hi Angela, Can you please give a little bit of information on Hip Hugger Abs - types of exercises and perhaps compare it to another video workout that is similar in nature? I have been eyeing this one in stores. Thanks! Roe
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    fitness video critic

    Hi Tracee, Both ACE and AFAA are excellent organizations. My group exercise certification is with AFAA and Personal Training with ACE. I also have Step Reebok but that is no longer available. AFAA offers a Step certification but you don't need it to teach Step. Their Primary certification...