pilates, yoga, or other



Can anyone recommend a really challenging video for pilates or yoga? I love Cathe's videos, but a glute injury is causing me to look at alternatives. I would love to also find a new form of cardio because unfortunately I am unable to enjoy Cathe's cardio tapes without aggravating my injury. My goal is to do some other workouts until my injury heals and then come back full force to cathe's videos. I have friends that rave about their yoga and pilates classes, but I would like to use a video if possible. Two of my friends also swear that their yoga class gets aerobic. I would love that. Any suggestions would be welcomed.


Hi Kathy,

I am also trying to take a break from Cathe, who I love, mostly because my body needs a change from all the high impact cardio and heavy strength training I have been doing for years.

Some of my favorite new workouts are the Method's Target Stability Ball Workout with Katalin Rodriguez, Balance Ball Abdominals Stability Ball workout with Suzanne Deason, and the Quick Fix Stability Ball workout with Keli Roberts. All three are excellent for working the deep stabilizer muscles of the core and legs.

Other workouts I am absolutely loving are FitPrime's Fast Cheetah, Strong Bear, and From the Ground Up. These are more aerobic, but there is a lot of balance work coupled with moderate strength training and anything high impact can easily be modified. Fast Cheetah is one I could do every day of the week and From the Ground Up is a contender now as well.

I have noticed a huge difference in my posture and core muscles and it hasn't even been an entire month with these vidoes. And you can definitely work up a sweat with Pilates and Yoga based workouts due to all the concentration it takes to engage the core and stay balanced.

If anyone has any other good videos to share, let us know!

Hi Kathy and Roe! Every time someone mentions yoga, I feel like I have to put my .02 in. (For whatever that might be worth!:+) I have never used yoga to take the place of Cathe, but instead as an addition to her workouts. Even though yoga has become so mainstream, I have found that I really LOVE it! I have noticed a huge difference in endurance, toning, and flexibility since I started incorportating Power Yoga. Some of my favorite vids are Bryan Kest's Tone, Bryan Kest's Sweat, Baron Baptistes' Soul of Strength, Kurt's (can't think of his last name.) American Power Yoga, (sounds goofy, but I really like the instructor), and Beryl Bender Birch's Power Yoga.

Karen, of the three stabilty ball workouts, which one do you like the best? I have the quick fix DVD. Do you find Katalin's or Suzanne Deason's more advanced?

Have a safe and fun weekend, guys! :7:D:7:D:7:D

Sherry http://www.gif-seite.de/vorschaubilder/smilies/laola.gif

Thanks ladies,

I really appreciate the suggestions. I had actually seen the pilates tapes with the stability ball workouts and wondered if they were similar and as challenging as what we have been doing with Cathe.

Sherry, I have Bryan's Tone and Energize. I love them both for stretching, toning, and getting the kinks out, but I don't get the aerobic workout some of my friends describe from their power yoga class. I look forward to looking at the other tapes.

Thanks again. I really needed some good suggestions. My body has taken a beating from around 19 years of hard core working out. I started running at 14, which I had to stop 3 years ago. And I started teaching high impact along with running every day at age 16. I am shocked that Cathe and many of her followers aren't feeling the ill effects of years of pounding, but everyone is different.



I have some questions about the Fitprime videos. What makes them different from the Firm videos. Are these first two similar to the hair and tortoise firm videos And sid you mean the Up Down video by JAC?


Sorry to bother you again, but I am trying to decide what to do about the Fitprime tapes. I like that the Firm tapes I use to use are lower in impact, but I didn't get a good cardio workout usually. I also was wondering if the wweight is so light that you can turn around and do a weight workout the next day.

The FitPrime videos enable you to use moderate to heavy weight. In some of the sequences you go directly from an exercise that involves a heavier weight, like a one-arm lat row, to one that uses lighter weight, like a concentration curl, with no break in between. Once you get to know the video you can have the curl weight right on your box to pick up after the lat row reps are complete.

Fast Cheetah is the only FitPrime that doesn't use heavy dummbells but it is more aerobic in nature. Using the Ooof ball for cardio segments is quite challenging because you toss it for agility while moving the legs.

I honestly feel that although the newer Firm tapes are not hard-core cardio, a person can get a great cardio workout from them simply by using full range of motion movements. Squatting lower into step touches and using big arms will increase the aerobic power of these workouts.

FitPrime tapes are reminiscent of the older Firms with more updated moves. I did not buy Up and Down because the reviews on VideoFitness.com weren't good. I love Traci Long and Heidi Tanner's no nonsense and down to business approach in the older Firms, which is why I purchased their FitPrime videos.

Honestly, you will either love or hate them, but I think they are fabulous, innovative workouts.

Oh, and I prefer Katalin's workout over Suzanne's, because she has a style that is more conducive to my body type. Suzanne reminds me of a long, lithe, dancer, but the video is still very good.

Thanks again.

I really like the looks of the stability ball workouts. I know how challenging these type of moves have been for Cathe's videos.

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