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  1. R

    Higher heart rate in a.m. versus post-lunch workout

    Yes, that's the clarification I was looking for - the gain in HR during exercise, not the baseline rate! :7 I was thinking when I read your original post that it might have more to do with BP than HR, although I know when I used to exercise first thing in the morning I had to push myself harder...
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    Oh no ladies, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT make me whip out my credit card and buy a rebounder and new videos!! :7 Actually, when I first got serious about working out, it was jogging on a mini trampoline... those $20-$30 versions you could buy at a Service Merchandise or other similar dept. store...
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    Higher heart rate in a.m. versus post-lunch workout

    Ginger, Your explanation sparks a question. If heart rate is higher in the morning, why do exercise physiologists tell us to take our resting heart rate first thing in the morning when we wake up for a most accurate reading? This is how the resting heart rate number for the Karvonen formula...
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    Has Anyone Else Experienced This? (kind of long)

    Hi Kelley, I understand about the rotation junkie thing. Even though I train clients who have specific goals, I have never set any real specific ones for myself because there is so much in fitness that I love to do. I pop in whatever workout video or DVD I feel up to doing on a particular...
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    I love Crunch Time. Susan is still an amazing exercise video leader with an equally amazing body. This workout has some great core work and balance challenges along with traditional strength training. I can even do the tall box climb, alternating bicep curl segment with 12-15 lb dumbbells, so...
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    Has Anyone Else Experienced This? (kind of long)

    Hi Kelley, Guess what? You became flabbier because you lost muscle precious tissue during the low carb diet. And when the weight came back, it did so in the form of fat. Now it is up to you to build lean muscle tissue (via strength training) to replace what was lost. Have to meet with a...
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    How do you do it????

    Hi Susan, The stereo systems we use in the studios have what is called a pitch control knob, to speed the tempo both up and down. If pitched too slow or fast it will distort the sound of the tape. Yes, I am familiar with the term pitch as it refers to the music industry, so in essence, we...
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    FRANCINE: Help my legs, please???

    RE: advice Yes, the wall squats might help, good advice! The wall would help with the support of your bodyweight. Sometimes even the slightest shifts in bodyweight in a non-supported squat can aggravate knees. Once stronger, you may want to continue with wall squats and place dumbbells or...
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    How reliable is your BMI?

    Ditto to what Kathryn said. BMI is a formula that only accounts for height and weight. Lean body mass is not a factor, and we all know that a person can be overfat but not necessarily overweight. Muscle is denser than fat so it takes up less space, which is why when we lose fat and gain...
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    ? for Francine!!

    Working abdominals with weights might lead to an increase in width or thickness, but it wouldn't cause fat to accumulate in that area. Even if you are eating clean, any excess clean calories not used for energy will be stored as fat. Are you eating more than you did before starting the...
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    TO ROE

    Hi Punky (Jodi), I did receive your email and wrote back that afternoon. I was wondering if you got it cause my server has been having problems. Looks like it was a computer mishap!! I think I saved the email. I'll go back and check and re-send if it is in my sent folder. If not, I'll...
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    Getting The Most From Your Cardio

    Here's the way I look at it. Losing weight means burning calories. And most people who do their workout in the morning eat more calories throughout the day, so a deficit is never created. The additional evening workout allows for additional calorie expenditure and thus fat loss. But it won't...
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    How do you do it????

    Hi Cheryl, I know the feeling of wanting to WOW your group. Most of the time those WOWS blew up in my face because I was teaching too much too soon. I have learned that the best choregraphy are simple moves combined into what feel like intricate, but very do-able - patterns. If you keep...
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    Bicep shape - what am I doing wrong?

    Truthfully, your genetics determines the amount of definition, and your bodyfat % plays a role with visibility of the definition achieved. If you are an ectomorphic type -tall with long limbs - your biceps will get stronger with training, but the size is going to be dependent on good ol' Mom...
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    My God Cathe is so tiny!!!!

    Rhonda, yes, you hit it! I think the media unfairly criticizes women who are "too thin." Who is saying this stuff that we read and what do THEY look like? I have never thought that Jennifer Aniston is too thin; she just doesn't lose weight as proportionally as some women do. So that means...
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    Intensitylisa's visit with Cathe pictures!!!!

    RE: Cathe is sooo tiny! Hey Lisa, My guess is she wears a size 0 because I am 5'2", 118 lbs, and wear between a 1 and 3. I have to wear junior sizes because I have no hips, but my waist is 27", which maeans anything that sits on the waist is bigger in size and then my little love handles...
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    Intensitylisa's visit with Cathe pictures!!!!

    What beautiful pictures! Thanks so much for sharing. You look like you are having so much fun. Cathe is genetically gifted, that's all there is to it! Her body is amazing and it's nice to know she really does eat to maintain it. :7 -Roe
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    Help...Need Glute Advice

    Can you get full extension through the hip joint to perform these exercises properly? The glutes function is to extend and externally rotate the hip. If your hip flexors and hamstrings are tight, then that will limit the range of extension through the hip joint. To test for shortness in the...
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    How do you do it????

    A-jock gave some great advice which I will add to and hope it helps. In the beginning, it is best to have a plan before each class and choose a mentor, whether it be an instructor on video or a "live" instructor at your health club - to learn from. Choose about 3 to 4 blocks of choeography...
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    Side kicks make my back hurt...

    Gayle, It sounds to me that your deeper abdominal stabilizer muscles (transverse abdominins and internal obliques)could be weak which is forcing your back to take over when you bend sideways into the kick. Espeically when you mentioned you are holding on to the ball for dear life when doing...