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  1. S

    that's great

    i just finished the basic step and the coremax no1 and surprisingly my feet knew how to walk my brain took the day off in the aerobic section in the core max the last part when sha does the overall that was hard and when she says to go back and forth well the was a killer for me but i loved...
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    cant find it

    im trying to find the list of all the shortcuts for the names of the dvd's. i saw it once and its gone can someone help me
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    premixes and chapters the difference

    I GOT IT I GOT IT I GOT IT all the dvd's i confused about the difference between those 2.what the premixes suppose 2 do? second question is what to start (sun-thurs)BS+the upper and lower sculpt 3 times a week and the other 2 days kick max? or to start with low impact combining with...
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    i have orderd 2 weeks ago the kick max,basic step,core max,cardio and weights,low impact and im still waiting for it.those would be my first cathe dvd.can u please arange 4 me a weekly ratate including pilatese. i can spare up to 1.5 hours per day (is it enough?) thank u:-) :D
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    hi everyone. i have denise austin yoga and pilatese dvd.(beside other things)and i really dont want to stop doing that but how could i manage to do cathe workout and denise when i only have 5 days a week to ex. should i blend them togheter one after another? thank you :o
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    Good Pilates DVD's?

    i love denise austin she is good she is tough and very nice i didnt do the pilates many times but i have noticed a change in my body since the 2nd time i did wasnt something big the way i stand was taller my stonach was more tight.if your body respond fast to changes u will see the change...
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    at last harder than to give birth

    thanks for the advise i understand that im talking to a "dead"woman who tried the kick max and...loved every the way i saw your photos u looook great.and so young to be a grandmother.i hope i will look as good as you when i'll be grany.i have 5 kids from 2 to 9 so i have time to...
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    Super advanced Kickboxing anyone???

    hi as a fun of TAEBO 4 many years will i learn new and intresting things or is it the same with a different name??
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    at last harder than to give birth

    hi everybody at last after cheking and watching the clips i orderd the cathe dvd's as u recommended and the imax2 and weights.for several weeks i didnt know what to choose to give birth is much easy than to choose from all those wonderfull dvd's so now im waiting for it to come i'll tell you...
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    www ooo www please please tell me how did u do that i lllooove it
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    Why do people have more than 2 kids??

    hi i have 5 childrem (2of them twin girls)and im planing of having i see it its all in your mind.if you see children as something you have to have because of the prussure around if you see them as a big responsibilty and thats all you missing the whole point. children are part of you...
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    What Did She Say???

    its midnight here in israel and im reading all your misunderstandings and i almost had a heart attack from crying and lughinng. im looking forword to do those workouts. keep the good spirit:+ :-) :7 }(
  13. S

    new to cathe

    hi everybody im new to cathe but the more that i see on the clips she is the right teacher for me. anyway i want to buy 3 or 4 dvd's .im advance exer' but i have never done step/aerobic . so what do u recommand for a beginner in step. from what i saw i liked her AB HITS and CORE MAX which one...