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    problem with squats

    I'd like to know if anyone has the answer to this too. It happens to me too but it's always my right arm. It really hurts!
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    A question for the educated crowd...

    Thanks Honeybunch - I was actually hoping you would answer, I have great respect for your knowledge. I'm going to try this next week, including the third set. Thanks! Lisa
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    A question for the educated crowd...

    I'm wondering what would happen if I used PS or S&H like CTX - in other words, do a short 30 minute cardio and then one body part each day using the PS or S&H tapes. Would all the cardio cancel out the strength gains? I haven't done a strength rotation for quite a while, I've just been doing...
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    Butt Project Update

    Mars, have you been doing any lower body floor work? I never have, I've always just done standing leg work and I was happy with my results except my butt was not as firm as I would like. I just started doing floor work three weeks ago and I really think I'm seeing results. In addition to what...
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    What Are Your Quirks?

    When I go to the movies I always buy a box of Milk Duds and I DON'T TOUCH them until the "feature presentation." I can't open the box during the previews, only when the movie starts and not even during the opening credits, there has to be dialogue. I spend the time during the previews giving...
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    My First Post! Need advise on order

    You have some good cardio choices there. I would agree with Murph about substituting one with BodyMax or maybe MIS for weights. You can also split both of these tapes into different sections if you want to, which is nice. Good luck! It's always so much fun ordering new tapes! Lisa
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    Body Bar workouts

    Thanks very much for your input. I really didn't think 18 pounds could be challenging when I'm used to Cathe. I'm glad I didn't waste the money.
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    Body Bar workouts

    Thanks Donna - that is the kind of thing you don't find out until you have already bought the tape and the body bar. I think I will hold off and try to find out more about them.
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    Body Bar workouts

    Has anyone done any of the Body Bar workouts? I'm looking at the Body Bar Express series and Body Bar Challenge with Keli Roberts. I'm wondering if someone who is used to Cathe's workouts would get anything out of them. Thanks! Lisa
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    Hi - yes it was when I came back from the rest that I went light for a week. I was afraid of getting the tendinitis back if I went too heavy right away. It's true what they say about listening to your body. I've been back to what I was lifting previously for about two weeks now I think and...
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    This message is almost a week old, but I want to reply anyway because I had to take two weeks off upper body a month ago and I was freaking out too, I know how you feel. Anyway, I really didn't notice a difference, and in fact I feel a little stronger now. I took the two weeks off (I had...
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    Cathe's Wedding Tape

    When I first started Jazzercise in 1981 we didn't wear shoes! We did high impact aerobics in stirrup tights with bare feet on a concrete floor. I can't believe it when I think about it. We're so lucky to have so much to choose from now - and Cathe's still the best of all.
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    Can you remember how you "found" Cathe?

    I found Cathe on Collage also. I was doing Bodypump and sometimes I couldn't make it twice a week because of my schedule. I saw MIS in the Collage catalog and thought I could just use it to fill in when I couldn't make Bodypump. When I started doing it I realized it was harder than Bodypump...
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    Cathe--More floor work!

    Another very enthusiastic vote for floor work!
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    did mis but have the blues

    My prayers and good thoughts with you too Reba. Lisa
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    Slow and Heavy

    Thanks Bobbi, that's what I wanted to know! Lisa
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    Slow and Heavy

    Hi - this may have come up before so forgive me if it's a repeat question, but those of you who are doing a rotation with Slow and Heavy, do you do something else that week (strength-wise) like Power Hour or MIS so that each body part is worked out twice, or do you just do the Slow and Heavy for...
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    This list is getting pretty long! If you can fit in another one I'd love to have them too - thanks so much. Lisa ([email protected])
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    Is anyone using or have used Glucosamine Sulfate?

    Hi - I'm a nurse and an orthopedic surgeon I work with takes glucosamine/chondroitin himself and he definitely recommends it. He's very skeptical about things like this and he has to be pretty impressed by something to start recommending it to patients. I don't know where you live, but here...
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    Power Hour Triceps

    I do too - On MIS I can do 12lb on the tricep kickbacks and on PH I can only do 8lb - and that feels very hard. I don't know if the tempo is faster, or if my triceps are already fatigued from the barbell extensions - there are a lot of them. I'm sore the next day, so they must be working.