A question for the educated crowd...


I'm wondering what would happen if I used PS or S&H like CTX - in other words, do a short 30 minute cardio and then one body part each day using the PS or S&H tapes. Would all the cardio cancel out the strength gains? I haven't done a strength rotation for quite a while, I've just been doing PH and CTX and I like my results, but I wonder if I should be alternating with strength rotations more often. I just don't like to cut down on my cardio too much. I would appreciate your opinions!

I've done just that because of time constraints, and my results were just fine. One thing I may change is when Cathe does two sets of any one exercise, I'll add in a third set, especially when working only one body part.
Thanks Honeybunch - I was actually hoping you would answer, I have great respect for your knowledge. I'm going to try this next week, including the third set.

Gee, thanks for the compliment! Since I usually work out at 6:00 am, I'm good at figuring out ways to get my workouts done in less than an hour.

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