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    Hello, I don't have any ideas on your diet. But as for the sweet potatoes - I will bake them in some friut juice from canned fruit in natural juices and maybe a little brown sugar. I will also bake in chicken broth sometimes. Have you considered eating them raw? Tracy
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    DVD Trouble

    Hi everyone, I just bought a new DVD and tried my Cardio kicks disc this morning. In the cool down of the workout the picture froze and then kind of skipped up a bit. Then when I was selecting circuit max from the main menu all the pictures melted together ans then it went to my selection, the...
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    Cathe for Christmas

    RE: Hey Tracy! Thanks for the input. I am really, really excited. I can't wait to get them on the 7th. I will be so buff by summer!!!
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    Cathe for Christmas

    I just purchased the 12 pack DVD, cardio kicks dvd and of course a DVD player for myself for x-mas. Can't help it - Cathe is the best out there and am so glad I stumbled upon her tapes 3 years ago. I think that will have to be my x-mas and b-day presents for myself for a few years. Anyway -...
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    Different than MIS

    Hi Everyone, I am looking to get some feedback from you on purchasing a different strenght training tape other than MIS. I want another one with different moves to work the muscles differently. Which one of Cathe's tapes would you recommend? Which one would compliment with MIS? Thanks for you...
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    High School Reunion

    Yeah!!!! Congratulations!!! I am so glad I decided to read the forum on my lunch break. Reading your post has made me smile... I can't wait to share that kind of story with all of you. Thanks for sharing. Tracy
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    Your recommendation please.

    Hello, For client number #1. I would suggest Cathe's CTX series. You can get detailed information on that series on this web site. They are a series of tapes that have about 35 min of aerobics and 15 minutes of body toning. One body part for each day. They definitly will not bore anyone...
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    Will I ever get it?

    Hello Strong@heart, I have been doing cathe for 1 year or so. I have been catching on pretty quickly to her tapes after I have mastered one. I started with Mega step blast. Two things that worked for me to learn 1. I try to master the feet first and add in the arms when I have it down. 2...
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    Need Help.....

    I have been doing 3-5 days of cardio. Cathe's tapes. I do the whole hour and I am usually really soaked. You would think that something that is so important to me I could get this accomplished but it has been frustrating not being able to figure out what my body wants. One summer a friend...
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    Need Help.....

    Hi everyone. I often come here to get cheered up when feeling down. I was hoping you guys could give me some thoughts on drinking alcohol and if it is my worst enemy while trying to lose weight. I have been doing step tapes 2-5 times a week for 2 months. I have cleaned up my eating a...
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    G & R Video...

    What is G & R video? Do they have a web site? Thanks, Tracy
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    Check-in 11-17-01

    LAST EDITED ON Nov-18-01 AT 00:25AM (Est)[p]Hi Kelly, I can't think of much except for Yoga, pilates, or calisnetics (could be wrong spelling). Do you have any of those tapes. Power walking is probably the best. I have read in several magazines that if you can walk a 12 min mile vrs a 15 min...
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    Cardio Kicks

    Hi All, I am thinking about ordering cardio kicks as a variation to my step workouts. Do you know if this type of workout helps to slim the thighs? Just wondering what kind of results you have noticed with this type of workout. Thanks Tracy
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    Morning workouts

    Hi Lisa, I have been an on and off morning exercisor. When I was on I did lose weight. I really think it is because when you exercise in the morning you are more consistent. If you wait until later in the day a 100 excuses could come up. If you have a library near by you could check out...
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    Need help, it's not working...

    Hi Sue, Don't give up!!! I have been trying to lose weight for a while now. I did the weight watchers point system last fall and didn't lose any. I wasn't terrible strict with it an not exercising consistently. I just started the point system again about a week ago. I have been...
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    Video comments forum

    HI Cathe, I just wanted to know how much you look at and take into consideration the video comments you receive? I have made a few posts on the forum and am curious if you incorporate any ideas. I'll share a quick on with you. Would you ever make a video with 5 or 6 routines from some of your...
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    cardio vrs weight training while losing weight.

    Hi Cathe and everyone else, I am trying to lose about 15-20 lbs. Is it better to stick to cardio while in the process of losing weight. I do plan to strength train to keep the weight off eventually. IF I strength train I usually do MIS. I do have to ctx tapes that I do but not all in one...
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    Sore back when crunching.

    Hi Cathe, When I am doing abdominal exercises "crunches" my back hurts right below the shoulder blades. A tiring sore burn. Could I be lifting to high? Also I try to do the upper and lower, or just lower crunch combinations and I feel as if I am doing the lower part wrong. It is really hard...
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    Shoes other than New Balence for wide feet.

    You could check out the brand Ryka. This brand is made for women only. Tracy
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    help please!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Denice, Can you please tell me where to find this 16 week rotation you are talking about? Is it posted on this site somewhere? How far are you into it. Is it designed to lose a lot of weight. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance, Tracy