Check-in 11-17-01


Hello everyone! I hope everyone has had a wonderful week! Mine was as good as could be expected. I mentioned before that my chiropractor said no impact for now so that really cuts into my "regular" routine. I would describe this week in one word...BORING!!!!!!!! Oh well, I am still exercising and that is the important thing. It really hasn't been THAT bad but has taken some adjusting. I just can't seem to get the intensity without the impact. Any help????

MONDAY: Aerostep and 2-mile walk


WEDNESDAY: 3.5-mile walk

THURSDAY: Unplanned rest. Just absolutely wiped out!

FRIDAY: MIS-legs, chest & back

SATURDAY: MIS-continued from yesterday to the end and also did Step, Rhythm and Moves

Any suggestions for intense, low impact workouts???? Actually I should say NO impact workouts.

Your turn!!!!! :)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-18-01 AT 00:25AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Kelly,
I can't think of much except for Yoga, pilates, or calisnetics (could be wrong spelling). Do you have any of those tapes. Power walking is probably the best. I have read in several magazines that if you can walk a 12 min mile vrs a 15 min mile you will burn twice the calories. Have a portable CD player to take with? Any hills to walk up where you live? Do you have rollerblades? Can you go to any swim aerobic classes?

Hope this can help you a bit.
Good luck and happy thanksgiving!!

Hi Kelly - just read your last post about your back pain. I also had back pain for about three years. I went to several chiropractors, physical therapists, and doctors. I was so discouraged. Nothing made me feel better. Physical therapy would for a few days then back to same old pain every day. Finally I told my chiropractor that he needs to refer me to a surgeon. I had an MRI done and I had a huge bulge on one of my lower disks and needed surgery. If was very painful but it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. I guess the point I wanted to make to you is to never settle with your pain. Mine just came on one day when I was about 24. I had surgery at 27. I went to the chiropractor over 100 times and wasted a lot of money. Hope this isn't the case with you. Get well - back pain is unbearable to live with...
I agree with the hill walking, Kelly. Do you have a treadmill?

Here's my week:

Sun. IMax first 6 intervals only
Mon. PowerBar
Tue. BodyMax cardio, and IMax intervals 7-10
Wed. rest
Thu. Got the routines for my class in the mail, so practiced!
Fri. One hour PS upper body workout and practice!
Sat. PS SLA and practice.


Kelly, I agree with everyone can make walking as easy or as hard as you want, even do "intervals" with it. If not outside, maybe it's time for a treadmill ???

Sunday: MIC (the whole thing! I'm so impressed with myself that at 42 years old, I can still do these types of workouts!)

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: S&H Chest and Back (LOVE these workouts!)

Wednesday: Power Circuit Cardio/Planks/Abs

Thursday: S&H Triceps/S&H Shoulders

Friday: Interval Max and floor leg work of Volume 1 of the Firm

Saturday: Rhythmic Step and Power Hour (only upperbody work)

Sunday: Definite rest day

Honeybunch, I was thinking of checking out those Spri Products (maybe as a Xmas gift from hubby???). I see you use them from other posts. What do you think about them??? My little "saddlebags" are really starting to annoy me, and it's time to do something about them!

Have a great week, everyone!

Hey Everyone!

Kelly~Thanks for getting us started. Good Luck with your back. Sorry, it's still givig you problems. Hope the adjustments work. Do you have any access to a pool, spinning or eliptical machines? Good for you on keeping up with safe workouts despite your problem.

Andrea~Thanks for the birthday wishes. It was a very Happy one. I'm healthy & strong!! Great week for you. Good Luck with all that practicing.

Terri~I can relate with your excitemet on MIC. I just dug it out last weekend for the first time in over a year! Whew-what a workout. Felt sooo good! I'm also with you on the S&H Series. LOVE 'Em!!!:7

My week:

MONDAY~S&H-TRICEPS & BICEPS, taught a hi/lo class

TUESDAY~Taught a hi/lo class, S&H-CHEST & BACK

WEDNESDAY~S&H-LEGS & SHOULDERS, no time for any cardio. I had Bunko at my house and cleaned & cooked all day.

THURSDAY~Taught 2 hi/lo classes

FRIDAY~CicuitMax! Whew-I forgot how intense this workout is!:-tired I have decided to pull out some oldies I haven't done in awhile since I received all my newer Cathes! I was one "Sweaty Betty" when I finished! Met up wth HB for our birthdy celebration. (AFTER I showered of course!;-)) Thanks HB for a fun time. You're lookin' GOOD!

SATURDAY~MIS & IMax! Talk about total body workout! :-wow I THINK I hit EVERY muscle in my body with these two!

SUNDAY~Day of REST! Really feeling Saturday's workout! Need to scoot & get ready for church. Have a great THANKSGIVING everyone. We DO have soooo much here in the USA to be thankful for! A big hug to you all!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hey Everyone!

Debbie: I bow down to you....You did MIS and IMax the day AFTER Circuit Max???? You're incredible...Usually the day after Circuit Max, I always seem to have to take a rest day.

Happy Thanksgiving week, everybody!

Kelly--power walking, cycling, and swimming would be my recommendations. There really isn't that much video-wise, is there? Except for rediscovering the joy of Reebok. ;-)

Terri--I am a very humbled 31-year-old. I aspire to someday be able to do all of MIC. I couldn't even make it all the way through CIA 9806 this week.

Here's my week:
SUNDAY: Reebok Aerostep, PS CST in a.m.; Yoga Zone Evening Stress Relief in p.m.
MONDAY: 30 min. elliptical & Precor, legs with personal trainer in a.m.; Living Arts Back Care Yoga in p.m.
TUESDAY: 10 min. rower, back/bis at gym
THURSDAY: 30 min. walk
FRIDAY: CIA 9806 up to splice (pooped out after 60 min.), Pilates for Dummies
SATURDAY: back/bis at gym, 60 min. rower, Precor, recumbent bike

Started good on my promise to do yoga every night. Didn't make it too far, though ...

I'm having to move more and more of my workouts to the gym because of restrictions on various exercises. After my physical therapist outlawed military presses and quarter deadlifts, I figured I best not be doing those heavy bent over rows. :-rollen Any suggestions for shoulder workouts without those overhead presses?

Glad the forum is working for me this morning. :-cool I was going through withdrawal! Gretchen
Hi, everyone. Kelly, many years ago due to a foot injury, I had to do only low impact for quite some time so I did LOW low impact, that is I really squatted down and the results were wonderful. It kicked my heart rate really high and my legs became the most sculpted and muscular they'd ever been. The trick is to find a workout that lends itself to that sort of modification. Hang in there!

My week looked like this:
Monday 5 mile run
Tuesday cleaning day
Wednesday 5.4 miler and PS CST
Thursday PS Legs/Abs I am still sore!
Friday 6 miler PS BBA
Saturday clean
I am off for a run in a few minutes--a 7 miler. It's cloudy and 52 degrees here in Tucson. That's like Antartica when you've been here for 15 years. Brrrrr!
Hello everyone. I haven't posted in a really long time because of the difficulties I encountered with my move to Florida. Well, I'm happy to report I finally have my own place now and a computer. Working out has been a challenge, but I was able to fit in two or three Cathe tapes throughout the last three months. I am starting to be consistent again and completed the slow and heavy series two weeks in a row! Here was my week:

Mon- Circuitmax
Tue- off
Wed- S+H chest, legs, and shoulders
Thur- off
Fri- Fat Burning Yoga
Sat- S+H back, triceps, and biceps
Sun- getting ready for Powermax

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!


Is Fat Burning Yoga a Suzanne Deason video? I read good reviews w/ the comment that it's misnamed. I'm thinking of asking Santa for the DVD version. Love Deason's balance ball videos.
RE: Brad?

Debra, Fat burning yoga is a Crunch video led by Sara Ivanhoe. It is more intense than her Joy of Yoga video and flows really well. I enjoy it a lot. Check it out.

Out of touch check-in

I really feel out of touch with the forum! For the past month I
ve only been on about twice! :-(
Anyway, I miss everyone, and it looks like everyone is trooping along!
Kelly--walk, USE YOUR ARMS AND ALL YOUR SPACE doing any video modified to low impact, and you really can get a good workout. It will not be as intense, but it will do your body good :) All of Cathe's step tapes lend themselves well to low impact, IMO. I have a hard time making MIC low, because it is SO high impact, but just take the jump out of her step tapes, and modify basics or knee ups for hop takes some time, but it does work...good luck!
Debbie and Honeybunch--HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Here's my week:

MONDAY: 35 min powerwalk + CK and KB arm drills + STRETCHES: KB, LL and CK




FRIDAY: MIC wu, low and med sections + Stepworks II, III, cd and stretch + PH abs + STRETCHES: PH and Stepfit (a Cathe-combo day!)

SATURDAY: rest (meant to do a light cardio...)

SUNDAY: MIS (no abs), all abs from S&H series, MIS stetch

See you!
weekly check-in

Hi ladies...I had an ok week, more rest days than I planned but I think my body needed them. ( I am making my way through first trimester :) Tomorrow we have our first ultrasound so that is exciting!

Monday: hour sculpt class at gym


Wednesday: 45 minute walk


Friday: 45 minute walk and Power Hour

Saturday: hour hike with hubby and son in the woods :)

Sunday: 35 minutes of Cardio Kicks

Now that I look back it wasn't quite as easy of a week as I thought it was. I am trying to listen to my body, it was yelling STOP during Cardio Hopefully I'll get some more energy in another month. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Take a walk after all that turkey! :) Love, Heather

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