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  1. F

    Anyone look better NOW than in High School/College?

    Right now I am working 4 days per week, 8-10 hours and also work on call and per diem, which is usually 12 hour shifts when that happens. I workout out RIGHT when I think about it, otherwise I get too many projects started and then it's time for showers (kids) and bed! Yes, I have noticed...
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    A Beginner's Guide to the Steps and Moves!

    I have been working out for many years, so I have not taken too long to get Cathe's steps down. And as for proper form, I have read and read and done and done, like so many of you, that I have that down too. BUT, for someone just getting started, I think it would be GREAT for a video/DVD...
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    I'm a Cathe Newbie!

    Hey Debbie, Hi Tammy! I love my FIRMS but Cathe is what I do about 6 days per week! I have used the S&H series since March and now am doing a CTX with some of the Intensity Series workouts. Also, I did get the TimeSaver DVD but haven't tried that yet. I just got it a couple of days ago and...
  4. F

    Can I undo this in a week? Squishy feeling question!

    Oh yeah! I decided that for today (Monday) I was really going to UP my water intake. That REALLY helped even though I really needed my Diet Coke this a.m., I did without it. All the water has helped me feel like I at least "flushed" some of the "squooshiness" out. I did workout this...
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    Anyone look better NOW than in High School/College?

    Thanks Barbara! I am still searching for those Triple Delicious Bars. Can't find them in my part of the world yet!
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    Power 90 or P90X?

    Okay, sorry sorry, but another P90X question!;) I see that there are the two different systems. Did you all just start with the P90X series or did anyone do the Power 90 first? Just trying to figure out how you have all been doing this!
  7. F

    Anyone look better NOW than in High School/College?

    I read and hear SO many times people saying, "I don't have the body I had as a teenager", and "You can have that body that you had in college" and "fitting into your wedding dress", etc... Well, I HATED the way my body was in high school. I was heavier, NO muscle, probably 80% bodyfat. I...
  8. F

    Can I undo this in a week? Squishy feeling question!

    Wendy, I know exactly what you mean and I was hoping to hear that reply! I know that most of it is probably mental, but attitude can usually make or break my "having fun" at any event. I just need to get through 24h of clean eating again. AFter doing SO well for SOOOOOO long I don't know...
  9. F

    Can I undo this in a week? Squishy feeling question!

    I am not asking for a miracle....well, maybe I would be but I know better than that. I have been working out for a looooong time and especially have increased my weights in the past 6 months. I have made some MAJOR muscle increase in my upper body. I can't really believe it. BUT, I have...
  10. F

    Switching the concentration of my workouts?

    I have been concentrating lately on building muscle. I was wondering what you suggest as far as the rotation concentration goes. Is it best (better results) to focus on fat burning for a few weeks and not so heavy on the weights and then vice versa? Since March, I would say that 80% of my...
  11. F

    CTX series or TimeSaver DVD??

    I have been using Cathe for about 6 months now and finally have recovered enough (90%) from my Labyrinthitis (like Meniere's disease) that I "got" in March, to be able to do high impact cardio. Before the best I could do was strength training as I barely had the balance to walk. Thanks to...
  12. F

    How to use Slow and Heavy

    I used this series religiously for about 6 weeks and my upper body did things that it never did before! I was SO happy, and didn't want to stop using this series. A lot of the members on this board encouraged me to continue with this if I had the concentration to. It does get a little...
  13. F

    Recurring fever?

    Has anyone ruled out Lyme's disease? Just a thought...
  14. F

    Snickers Marathon Bar

    You can get them at Walgreens by the Luna bars and others. I LOVE the chewy one. And yes, I keep one around for emergency, when I get a low blood sugar attack or a snack attack. I DON'T try and trick myself into thinking that they are a meal replacement. I know it is a LITTLE better...
  15. F

    Prone jack-knife on stability ball.....uhhhhhhhhh

    :o Oh my. I have been doing PUB for a few weeks and I do NOT think that I will EVER be able to do these. I might be calling them by the wrong name, but it is the stability ball work at the end of the workout. How in the world do you get this one done? I look at Cathe, and I think that...
  16. F

    anyone have painful callouses due to exercise?

    Yep! Me too. The skin on my feet REALLY thickens up and then it starts to peel and then I start to "pick"! I have peeled the skin off the bottoms of my feet and always end up having to wrap my feet with Neosporin and gauze and I SWEAR I will NEVER pick again. Then I start all over again ...
  17. F


    Walgreens also has their own brand, I heard about it with great recommendations from the YaYa boards. So, I tried it and it does work great. It costs about the same, $20.00. Since I stopped taking the Pill, I got my oily skin back and no matter what I did, I got my blackheads and acne...
  18. F

    Best Protein Bar I've taste!!

    Did you order this online or find it in a store? I like the Marathon bars from Snickers, not sure of the protein count though. Seems like all the others taste like baby formula. I'm an OB nurse and everytime I try a new protein bar I swear it tastes just like Similac smells!:P
  19. F

    Cathe, I'd love to see a new 16 week fat loss plan!

    I would also love the plan: [email protected] Thanks!
  20. F

    CTX video per day?

    Time is not on my side this month, so I thought that the CTX series would work well. I am planning on putting the S&H to rest for a month or so, just so I don't burn out on that. I did the Chest CTX with the Step and Intervals this evening. Wow. I could not do all the intervals but I did...