CTX video series....one per day?


I just received the complete set of the Cross Train Express VIDEOS! I am wondering, with these videos are you supposed to do one per day as your rotation?

Is this mostly a strength program or a cardio program or both?

I have mentioned this before, but I did an intense S&H rotation for about 8 weeks now and need to shed a fat layer to show some of these muscles a bit more (about 8-10 pounds would be fantastic!)

I had been eating really really clean but I know from experience that it is time to UP the cardio. So, what do you think?

Would a good CTX rotation last about 4-8 weeks to show some results?
From what I understand about this series(I am hoping to get it soon myself) is that it can be done all by itself one tape per day or in combination with itself or others. The weight training is endurance in nature but very intense as is the cardio(I do have All Step on Video). In essence it is circuit training or both cardio and weights in the same workout. It is a way to get the most workout in a short period of time all the workouts are right around an hour long.

It should compliment your Slow and Heavy rotation very well. I think you can do the rotation as long as you want to. Listen to your body.

Hope I helped some!!:)
Time is not on my side this month, so I thought that the CTX series would work well. I am planning on putting the S&H to rest for a month or so, just so I don't burn out on that.

I did the Chest CTX with the Step and Intervals this evening. Wow. I could not do all the intervals but I did manage to get the coreography by the end of the workout. Very intense, and it was a little more difficult because I had my left contact lense that would NOT stay centered on my eye, which made me almost miss my step a few times! x( That is another problem in itself.

I also managed to get in the PS Chest,Shoulders and Triceps earlier today but that was a lucky extra hour that I got free.

I am going to see if I can get the CTX video done for the day and if I have time, I might add another weight workout for that specific body part from the PS series. And if not, at least I will get my cardio in with some weights. It will be challenging.

I hope to see some results! I just gotta stay away from the DQ!:9

I didn't have a problem with it last summer. I don't know what has gotten into me now!
Hi Jackie. I'm probably the biggest CTX fan on Earth. I've had the series since it came out back in 2000 and let me tell you that I still use it constantly. You can do a lot of things with it.

About you not getting to do all the intervals on Step & int don't worry you'll get there (trust me you will). I still think that's not the toughest video of the series (wait till you try Power Circuit and 10-10-10 --Oh-my-gosh--)

I read your thread the other day when you said you were short on time at the moment and you wanted to find intense workouts you could do in a shorter amount of time. Definitely CTX is a great choice. I think you should do it like it is for 2 weeks exercising just one body part per day until you get used to the workouts and then try a 2 body part per day rotation for 4 weeks. If you like the results you're seeing do it for 2 more weeks and then go back to a Slow and Heavy rotation for 6-8 weeks, but this time use the CTX cardio portions with S&H (do the cardio before or after the weights --that depends on your preference--). If you're still short on time by then you can do the CTX cardio with just one body part of S&H per day (you'll be done in about an hour or so) if you choose to do two body parts per day then it can get longer probably an hour and half or more, but let me tell you that if you choose to do the longer one you'll be very wiped out and you'll need more rest days and you'll also need increase your caloric intake.

This is the way I do my 2 body part per day CTX rotation

Day 1: KFormat cardio, S & int chest, KFormat (biceps, abs, stretch)

Day 2: 10-10-10 cardio, PCircuit back, 10-10-10 triceps and stretch

Day 3: LL legs, AStep (shoulders), LL abs and stretch

Day 4: Rest or Yoga

Day 5: S & int cardio and chest, KFormat biceps, PCircuit abs and stretch

Day 6: Power Circuit (cardio and back), 10-10-10 triceps and stretch

Day 7: Same as Day 3

(Optional days 8 and 9)

Day 8: Rest or Pilates

Day 9: Additional rest day before starting the rotation all over again

** As you can see you get to workout 2 body parts per day, you never workout two big muscle groups on one same day (you get one big muscle group and a small muscle group i.e. chest with biceps, back with triceps, and legs with shoulders) and you never workout your abs two consecutive days. ** This is how I do it. I thought I'd share. Have fun!

I'm not the original poster, but I'm waiting for the UPS guy to bring me CTX and Slow & heavy as I write ;). Can't wait to try out your rotation, I was just looking for something like that. Thanks for posting it!

Have a great day,

I tried to edit this but it was too late. I made a mistake on day 7 so I'll write it here.

Day 7: LL legs, AStep shoulders, abs and stretch.

Also, even if you don't do the optional days 8 and 9 you should add an additional rest day after day 7 and then start the rotation all over again.

Good luck :)
You're welcome. I'm sure there are tons of CTX rotations out there so when you get bored of this one just do a search and you'll find a couple of additional rotations to add. Enjoy your new workouts.

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