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  1. F

    The string bracelet Cathe wears in IMAX2

    I believe it is to help you, the viewer, know when she uses her left and right side. When she moves that arm, you move your right arm.
  2. F

    New to Cathe, need input!!!

    A few years ago I started with the PS series. Do not underestimate the PS series. If you want to gain some muscle size use the S&H series. Awesome! I am in LOVE with all of Cathe's cardio and look forward to them every day. Try Step Blast. It is SO much fun! Welcome aboard! :7
  3. F

    Can I lift heavy the day after SJP???

    I just finished 70 minutes of the Step, Jump and Pump workout. That is fun. It hits all the points doesn't it? Anyway, I am wondering if I can lift heavy tomorrow? I know that each muscle group is hit during this workout and I DID lift the heaviest I could but it there was only one...
  4. F

    OK- call me crazy-

    I am with you on getting my eating under control. I would have my "goal" body if I could just STOP EATING CRAP! x( I have been working out like a fiend and hopefully it will pay off once my eating gets back to clean. ( I did really well until mid-June)!
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    lifting heavy

    Amanda; Obviously I am not Cathe and I don't have an answer but I want you to know that you are not alone. Even after 6 months of HEAVY lifting, as heavy as I could with the S&H DVD, I STILL am stuck with the same weights I was using in April. I can only get to 12's with my biceps. I...
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    PMS Cravings....Please Help.

    Brownie Volcano????}( That sounds like something I would really love!!! Yummy! And I was reading these posts for inspiration!:7
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    Most Complex Step Vid from Cathe??????

    You guys forgot Step Blast!!!!!:P I FINALLY got that combo #3. Wooooooohoooooooo!!!!!!!
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    UGH!!! I had the FLU and it was NOT fun!!

    I was having a GREAT week last week, working out and keeping with my schedule. Then one evening, out of the blue, within 5 minutes I was sick as a dog. Stomach pains and nausea, body aches, it came out of nowhere. Well, this was last Thursday. I made it through work on Friday (barely) and...
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    I'm Back from Vacation!

    I feel so much safer now that you are back! (I am being serious). :-)
  10. F

    Favorite Cathe Step Routine

    I LOVE the Step Jump and Pump and the Step Blast workouts. LOVE the music! These have been a challenge to learn the steps, but completely worth it! I look forward to these cardios.:-) The music really kicks it up a couple of notches.
  11. F

    How many hours a week do you workout?

    I completely agree with the fact that "the more fit you become, the more you'll add and try out because all of a sudden its your "Lifestyle" and not just a chore". I think you kind of adopt a routine that feels good and you know by instict that you are getting results. There are weeks that...
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    What Do You Do For A Living?

    Registered Nurse in Labor and Delivery. x( puuuuush!! x(
  13. F

    Step the fast repeater!

    Nope. I am a lefty and I still have a harder time on my left with more intricate moves.
  14. F

    Combo #3: Are you supposed to end up at the neighbors?????

    I did this combo over and over again last night until I had a total of 98 minutes of cardio!! Just kdding, but I really did it over and over for about 50 minutes. JUST when I thought I had the right moves, I ended up on the wrong side of the step again. It's the fast repeater and then right...
  15. F

    Combo #3: Are you supposed to end up at the neighbors?????

    Thanks Diane. Maybe I had the volume up a little high. I had to drown out the sound of the airconditioner and it just startled me. It's good to know that it wasn't only me, I thought maybe I blew a circuit!:7
  16. F

    Combo #3: Are you supposed to end up at the neighbors?????

    Okay. I did my Timesaver workout, #2, which included the "intricate" combo #3 cardio segment. I did this once and ended up in the bathroom. Tried it again and ended up at my neighbors house. I hope this gets easier. Next question....does anyone have the Timesaver DVD? At the end of...
  17. F

    concentrating on fat loss...

    I am also going to be trying this approach, since my upper body has gotten a lot of attention (from my workouts) for the past 5 months. It's time for a fat loss rotation but I don't want to lose my muscle mass in my upper body. I think I am going to concentrate on cardio 6 days, then try and...
  18. F

    Should I be doing seperate forearm work?

    If I had never done the S&H series, I probably wouldn't even be asking this question! But, I am taking a month off from the S&H series and doing some other workouts and I haven't done any workouts yet that incorporate forearm work as a seperate lift. I was wondering if bicep work does...
  19. F

    help for eating disorder recovery

    During my recover, I had to learn to exercise a little LESS. I would not eat and then I would workout TOO much. I think that anyone in this situation needs more guidance than usual, because even when I did get some muscle I didn't like it. It felt "thick" and then I felt fat. That has...
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    Working out in the morning

    I have tried and tried and tried to work out in the a.m. Especially when I was doing the Body for Life. BUT, like you said, it is almost like a waste of time if you are not able to give 100%...EVER! I have never had a good early a.m. workout and I also have two kids, a husband and two jobs...