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  1. S

    early checkin for week ending 6-10-01

    My week Hi everyone, I haven't checked in for probably a year, but ever since I got pregnant and moved to Little Rock, I wasn't on the computer that much. Now, I've had the baby, and I'm home all day holding her in one hand, clicking the mouse with the other. I have been working out since...
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    Top ten non-cathe videos!

    I love Christi Taylor, but her choreography is kind of tough sometimes. I like that because I like to think when I'm working out; I get bored easily. My favorite one of hers is Happy Hour Hi/Lo for floor aerobics, and CIA 9801 has both step and hi/lo. I also like Kari Anderson's tapes, but...
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    Thanks for CTX

    Hi Cathe, I know this thank you is almost a year late, but since I just had my baby a month ago, I'm just fully appreciating the CTX series. I had no idea before I had the baby just how limited my time would be to do anything, much less exercise. I have just started working out again after my...
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    meal replacement bars

    Zone Bars I love the Zone bars. They are 40-30-30 just like the Zone diet. The Apple Cinnamon and Strawberry Yogurt are my favorite flavors. The Target in my area sells them, but lots of places on the internet do. Emily
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    Sleeping Baby?

    Let's hope she keeps it up!!!
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    Sleeping Baby?

    Well, Anna is now three weeks old today, and for the past week almost, she's slept for five hours at a time in her carseat. I feed her at 10:30-11:00 for about 45 minutes. Then, I rock her until she's good and asleep and put her in the carseat where she stays until around 5 a.m. I just hopes...
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    ATTN: SNM & Rotations Recipients

    It didn't work Kathy, I got your email, but the rotations were just jibberish. I'm not sure why. Do you want to try to send them to another email address? Thanks. Emily
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    ATTN: SNM & Rotations Recipients

    Are you still sending out rotations? If so, would you email them to me at [email protected]. Thanks! Emily
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    Another question about breastfeeding

    She's regained her birthweight So, I guess that means she's getting enough. I just tried an electric pump, and it hurts!! Is it supposed to hurt? My nipples are still tender from the baby, so maybe that's why pumping felt so uncomfortable.
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    Another question about breastfeeding

    Yes, I have another question. I posted below that my baby is sleeping for a long period at night. My problem is that when I wake up, my breasts hurt so bad because they are so full. Should I wake the baby to feed her, or should I just suffer until she wakes up? I don't want to interrupt her...
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    Sleeping Baby?

    Hi everyone, I have a question that maybe someone can help me with. Anna is 11 days old now, and she is doing really well. Last night she slept from 11:30 to 5:00, ate until 6:00, then slept again until almost 9:00. I'm pretty impressed and nervous that this sleeping at night won't last...
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    Baby Anna is here!

    RE: Baby's Picture It doesn't pull up her exact picture; you have to choose Web Nursery from the list of links and then select her name.
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    Baby Anna is here!

    Baby's Picture The picture of Anna is up on the web now. I am going to cut and paste this link, but I'm not sure if it will pull up the exact page of her picture, and if not, just scroll down the list of babies to get Anna B. By the way, she's much cuter in person :-) Emily...
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    Baby Anna is here!

    Hi everyone, Just wanted to let you know that we had our baby girl - Anna Laura Boesl - on Sunday, April 8, at 6:47 a.m. She weighed in at 6 pounds, 10 ounces, and she is 18 1/2 inches long. She's beautiful and healthy, and I'm doing well also. We're putting her picture on the web nursery...
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    I'm going CRAZY!!!

    RE: Yoo-Hoo Emily! I'm still here! I worked out, scrubbed the floors, cleaned out my closet, and did the dishes, and still nothing. I've lost all hope. I really don't want the doctor to induce, but I can't take much longer of this. We're going to the doctor this afternoon, so we'll see what...
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    I'm going CRAZY!!!

    Thanks for just being here to listen (or read). I've got some stuff planned for today that will hopefully keep me busy. My dad didn't help me when he called me last night. He said, "We sure would like you to have that baby tomorrow so I can put your mom on the plane on Friday with your sister."...
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    I'm going CRAZY!!!

    Sorry to have to post this message, but I am just going nuts waiting for this baby to get here. The doctor gave me two due dates - March 25 to April 6 - and I think if I had never had March 25 in my head, I wouldn't be so anxious. I've stopped working, my husband is in school all day, my family...
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    New baby and working out?

    Thanks for the encouragement It helps so much to hear other people's experiences. I will definitely take off time after the baby is born so I can recover and so my husband doesn't roll his eyes at me. He's very concerned about me and my healing - in a good way. I know I will have to do some...
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    New baby and working out?

    Hi everyone, As I've said, I'm expecting my first any day now (my due dates ranged from March 25-April 6), and I'm experiencing all those emotions that come from waiting for a new baby. In the past few weeks, I've really gotten back into the exercise mode, anxiously anticipating when I can...
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    Padding for aerobic floor

    Cathe, Thanks for the advice. I'm still here full of baby :-) I did Cardio Kicks this morning until I got a little bit of the way through the intensity drills, and I just can't wait to be unloaded of my extra person so I can really work out again. Thanks again. Emily