I'm going CRAZY!!!


Sorry to have to post this message, but I am just going nuts waiting for this baby to get here. The doctor gave me two due dates - March 25 to April 6 - and I think if I had never had March 25 in my head, I wouldn't be so anxious. I've stopped working, my husband is in school all day, my family is 1000 miles away, and I'm just about to lose all patience.

I know having a baby will be hard, but at least I'll be busy. Isn't there anything I can do to make this pregnancy progress???? Okay, I know there really isn't, but I just can't take it much longer. My husband called me today, and I just started crying out of frustration. I can't sleep anymore, and I lie in bed thinking if I had the baby at least I could be up feeding her or something. Now, I'm sure that feeling will change once I HAVE to get up every night, but that's what I was thinking anyway.

Okay, that's enough venting. Just thought I'd get it off my chest to someone other than my poor, sweet husband. Thanks :)

Honest to Goodness!

I just popped in here to check to see if you have had your baby yet, Emily!! You poor thing! Hang in there. EASY for me to say, right? Just KNOW it will be worth every tear you cried. Shoot, if I had known, I could have called you in the middle of the night last night! I haven't been sleeping too well myself lately.:-tired Not sure why?? Hang in there just a lil' longer. We'll be anxious to hear about her arrival!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Hang in there!

Oh, Emily, it is so hard waiting through those last days of pregnancy when your due date ( or 1 of them, at least :) ) creeps by! Some things that I did to help pass the time were: 1.) Lots of gentle walks. If my body was trying to get something going, I figured the walking would encourage it. If it wasn't, the walking was good exercise. :) 2.) Shopping for little last-minute baby things. Sure, all of the big stuff is in place by now, but it can be fun to pick up another little sleeper, a figurine for a shelf in the baby's room, things like that. If nothing else, it gets you walking around, which refers back to suggestion 1. :) 3.) NAPS! :) Once the baby comes, when you sleep is no longer under your control. Get all the rest you can now.

Hang in there! You won't be pregnant forever, even though I know it feels like it right now. :)

Scrub the floors!!

My mother-in-law swears by this advice to get labor going.
Seriously, though, my advice is to just relax and enjoy this peaceful time before the baby comes! Maybe you can cook some meals and freeze them so you will have some dinners prepared for after the baby is born?
Hope labor starts soon for you!!
Best wishes!
Thanks for just being here to listen (or read). I've got some stuff planned for today that will hopefully keep me busy. My dad didn't help me when he called me last night. He said, "We sure would like you to have that baby tomorrow so I can put your mom on the plane on Friday with your sister." My sister is going to Utah for spring break to visit my other sister, and my parents have to drive 1 1/2 hours to the airport. My dad figures he can save himself a trip if my mom flies out at the same time as my sister. But that's only if I have the baby today. Isn't that considerate of him :-rollen I told him I'd do my best! Anyway, thanks, and I'll let you know if anything happens.

Yoo-Hoo Emily!

It's the 6th.!!!! Hope to hear something real soon!! :-jumpy

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
RE: Yoo-Hoo Emily!

I'm still here! I worked out, scrubbed the floors, cleaned out my closet, and did the dishes, and still nothing. I've lost all hope. I really don't want the doctor to induce, but I can't take much longer of this. We're going to the doctor this afternoon, so we'll see what he says. He'll probably tell me I'm still at 1 cm, where I've been for the past three weeks :'( I'll let you know what he says this afternoon.

Hang in there Emily!!

Well, that was awfully inconsiderate of your baby not to cooperate with your dad's schedule!!
Good luck at the doctor today!! We're thinking of you!
RE: Yoo-Hoo Emily!

I had to chuckle when I read your post. The day before my son was born I washed all the windows in our sunroom form top to bottom inside and out. There were about 20 of them. Any day now girl if you aren't in the hospital as I type having that precious baby. Paula

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