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  1. S

    It's a boy

    Just wanted to let everyone know that we had our ultrasound today, and I was joking saying, "The baby looks just like Anna (our todder)," and the technician said, "Well, not JUST like Anna." We could see the little boy parts, so it's a boy. My husband is just thrilled. He always wanted a...
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    I'm pregnant!

    Hi everyone, I am almost 8 weeks pregnant, and I thought I'd go ahead and come out of the closet. My husband and I have been waiting to tell our friends until I'm a little farther along, but I thought I could go ahead and post here. I am due on Halloween. I just need a little encouragement...
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    video suggestions please

    I like CIA 2102 (I think that's the number) or Powerbar Training, as it's called, with the Anderson sisters. It's similar in format as Power Hour, although I have to use lighter weights for it. I really feel it the next day, though. You can get it at and maybe Collage, also.
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    How'd you meet your husband?

    I can't believe no one has mentioned church yet. That's where I met my husband. He saw me from the balcony and decided to make a move. It worked, I guess - we have been married for almost three wonderful years.
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    What Are Your Quirks?

    This should be interesting :). 1. I have to set out all my weights exactly the same way every night before I go to bed so I can be ready for the a.m. workout. 2. I ALWAYS drink from a 1.5 liter water bottle. When we have company over for dinner, I serve the guests in glasses and myself in my...
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    An introduction thread !

    1. My name is Emily, 26 years old, and I have been married for almost three years. 2. I live in Little Rock, Arkansas, but I grew up in South Carolina, went to college in Utah, lived in Idaho for a little while, then lived in Buffalo, New York. 3. I have been a Cathe fan since late 1999. I...
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    SAHMs, I need some advice!

    Insurance companies are the evil of the world, IMHO. I don't know any secrets, but I know here in Arkansas, they have very affordable health insurance for children up through the age of 18 (ARKids 1st, it is called). You have to qualify, though, with a low enough income, which we do because my...
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    SAHMs, I need some advice!

    LAST EDITED ON Apr-15-02 AT 10:55AM (Est)[p]Hi Hazel, You're always so good about responding to me on VF, so I thought I'd give you some words of encouragement over here. Staying at home with my girl has been the hardest and the best thing I've ever done. I am a highly motivated person who...
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    SAHMs, I need some advice!

    Hi Hazel, You're always so good about responding to me on VF, so I thought I'd give you some words of encouragement over here. Staying at home with my girl has been the hardest and the best thing I've ever done. I am a highly motivated person who thrives on accomplishing projects, etc. I...
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    Cathe Has Baby!

    Congratulations!! We are all so happy for you. Hope you are feeling well. Emily
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    Idea for future Cathe videos

    I hope no one thought I was meaning I wanted other instructors to replace Cathe!! I only meant that since Cathe produces her own videos as well as owns a gym, maybe she could produce videos for other instructors that teach at her gym. I KNOW that Cathe is one of a kind, and I wasn't saying I...
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    Idea for future Cathe videos

    Every time I do one of Cathe's videos, I wonder if she could use instructors at her gym to produce even more tapes. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want them to take Cathe's place, but I just thought it might be a way to get even more wonderful, varied workout videos. I'm assuming the people...
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    Step Videos for Aerobics Instructors

    Hi Betsy, You should definitely check out Cathe's videos, and you should go over to for other ideas as well. Good luck.
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    Crosstrainer series

    Hi April, It's Emily, Christian's wife! I don't have the DVDs, but I really wish I did. I am currently doing an all CTX rotation using all six videos, and it's been working out pretty well. I have so little time to workout with the baby and everything, so this has been great. I have used...
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    Anyone ACE (or otherwise) certified? Need suggestions!

    I'm wondering who all out there is ACE certified (or certified by another organization). I am thinking of doing the Lifestyle and Weight Management Consultant certification from ACE, and I was wondering if anyone has any comments or suggestions. The Clinical Exercise Specialist also sounds...
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    CIA pre-order

    Hi Diane, I can only comment on three of the instructors since they're the only ones I've done. I would highly recommend Franny Benedetto, Mindy Mylrea, and Debbie Burns. If you like Cathe's intense workouts, you need to try Franny. She is arounf the same intensity level with a little more...
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    Stepping with Cathe as compared to a stair stepper machine...

    I don't know an official answer, but when I was in college living in the dorms, I lived in an eight story building, and I would run those stairs (all the way up, down, back up), etc, for 30-45 minutes at a time. That was about the toughest thing I've done - lots tougher than stepping on a bench...
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    Advanced Firm videos?

    LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-01 AT 11:24PM (Est)[p]I just have to reply here because I was very suspicious of the Firm at first being the Cathe-type cardio junkie that I am. I thought the Firm tapes were not going to challenge me because they are not "real" cardio tapes or "real" weightlifting. I have...
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    What Constitutes A "PIG OUT" For You?

    Here is my list: 1) Chips and Salsa at a Mexican restaurant (basket after basket like Cbelle!) 2) Movie popcorn - no butter though 3) Peanut butter (crunchy) straight from the jar 4) Any kind of nuts, especially peanuts from the shell 5) Candy Corns - I could eat 'em forever, so I never buy...
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    Check in Week ending 10/5

    Good luck, Honeybunch! Can't wait to see your winning :-) recipes! I have been going through sort of a workot slump lately for a variety of reasons, so instead of completing my CTX rotation, I have decided to just do what I feel like each day for a while. It seems to have helped. M: CIA 9802...