CIA pre-order


I was just on the CIA website and found they are having a pre-sale of six new workouts of DVD. The price seems reasonable ($90)but I have never done any CIA workouts. Soooo, I was wondering what the general feeling was towards the CIA and the instructors. (I am an intermediate exerciser who is huffing and puffing towards being an advanced exerciser. Right now all I do is Cathe because everyone else is so disappointing.). The videos will be:

CIA 2201 Strength Express (Mylrea)
CIA 2202 All-Out Hi/Low & Step (Benedetto)
CIA 2203 Boot Camp Plus Cardio Kick-it (Reeves)
CIA 2204 Step Till You Drop (Downing, Cantillo and Hendricks)
CIA 2205 Two Workouts In One (Burns and Saldi)
CIA 2206 Step 2BFIT (Gray)

Thanks in advance.
Hi Diane,

I can only comment on three of the instructors since they're the only ones I've done. I would highly recommend Franny Benedetto, Mindy Mylrea, and Debbie Burns. If you like Cathe's intense workouts, you need to try Franny. She is arounf the same intensity level with a little more complex choreography, IMO. She is one of my favorite instructors! Mindy Mylrea is very intense also. I am lukewarm about her aerobics/step workouts because they're usually VERY high impact, but I think her new strength one will be good. She's very personable and funny. Debbie Burns is a great boxing instructor, but I don't know of anything else she does. I like the boxing tape by her that I already have. She's got great form and gives a good workout. There was a thread over at at the readers forum where the instructors were discussed. Maybe someone has the link. I hope this will help you! I say buy them!


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